Advise on adding a sump to stock tank



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
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I want to add a sump to my stock tank in the 66 Dart.Once I have it out and drained of gas,whats the best fluid to use to wash it out to get all the gas and fumes out before welding?Anybodyelse done this?Any advise/help would be appreaciated as I don,t want to blow/burn myself up.LOL Thanks.

I could always take it to a chassis shop,but trying to save $$ before Christmas.
Read somewhere about running car exhaust thru it will prevent the big bang theory....
The sump goes on the bottom :bootysha:

Actually Scott, lots say that there are safe ways to do it, but we had a guy here in Burlington, who ran inert fumes into a tank...he blew up!

Don't want to lose you buddy, take it to a pro.(don't be so damn cheap) :toothy10:
drop it out of the car, drain and wash with water

then hook up a shop air with nozzle and just stick it in there for an hr or so with low pressure(so not to drain the compressor to fast/repeatedly) and then just let it sit for a couple of days...
I,ll try washing it out at the Pay and spray,then reverse the shopvac on it and let it sit.Any other ideas?
When I welded mine I placed a steam line in it for the day, no kaboom.
Then I worked in a Harley shop they use to wash out the gas tank with water put it on the floor put there foot on it place the touch at the opening and it would make a whoush with a little flame coming out and then good to weld on. ( I **** my pants the first time I saw this)
It's a long winter, don't get in a hurry keep it open to the air for a few weeks.

Truthfully, I think you should not cut the corner with a DIY program. Take it to rad shop, spend the bucks, and get it professionally steam cleaned. Christmas will be soooo much better with all your extremities intact........
I can spend $5 in loonies at the pay and spray,couple sprays of soup,then a couple with hot water.I,ll let it air for a couple weeks then toss a match at it from a distance LOL.:toothy10:
When they did my 54's gas tank they washed it out with water and gravel to knock out the rust. Then dried it using alcohol. Then they did the torch trick. After it went whoosh they welded the top back on.
Want to whoosh it from a distance... get a BBQ igniter and some wire.

You can also run exhaust from a diesel through it while cutting/welding.
Wash it out with muratic (sp) acid and then neutralize with baking soda. It will clean the tank. Seen this done and the tank came out clean as a whistle.
There was a good article in "Mopar Action", or one of those, about two years ago. They installed a sump. Have you considered using a brand new tank, or a good used fuel cell? I'd be worried about leaks, when welding an old tank.
Im not gonna be greedy here like Nemo and Roid, but can I come watch you do this?? 8) Worst case, no more $$ on haircuts and razors!!
Im not gonna be greedy here like Nemo and Roid, but can I come watch you do this?? 8) Worst case, no more $$ on haircuts and razors!!

Hey Steve!!
You bring the beer, Roid can bring the chips, and I'll get some wings. We better check with Scott, we may have to bring our own lawn chairs.

Wally!!! You can run the pool.
We can flip the tailgate down on Scotts truck and on mine...oh while Im thinkin bout it, I'll call dibs on the car trailer! Ya know what It would be sad to see him go but there has to be a silver lining in every cloud right??
Sorry guys but if I go,I,ll be sure to rain on the party and put the fire out LOL:snakeman:.I talked with my friend that narrowed my 8 3/4 and he,s gonna tig up the crack in my hedder and also do the tank sump.(owns a chassis shop)Bill,if my tank had the slightest bit of rust,do you actually think I,d be doing this?The tank is in great shape and original to the car,which has 90,000 miles on it when I bought it.Anyhow,time to go pull the tank and bring it to the pay and spray to wash it out with some dishsoap.Thanks for ideas guys.:cheers:
This seems to work out just fine...... LOL

[ame=""]YouTube - how to clean a gas tank[/ame]
Now that,s some funny **** right there!LOL.I got the tank out and rinsed it real good with soap and water.It,s getting hot air from my woodstove blown in from a heater motor/fan hooked to a tube straight into the tank.All should be good tomorrow.I,ll post pics once I get it back.Here,s pics of the tank now and the sender.
View attachment 66 Dart project Nov2010 075.jpg

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