Alberta Auto Wrecker pics

Did you snag up that dual snorkel hood setting on the Aspen
I can't believe it is still setting there !!
YEAH!!!! how the heck was that not gone, if not you should have taken it(if you didnt already respond with a yes/no)

I love seeing old car pics, its sad but at least knowing the cars that are cut up have been used as parts to fix others, at least they are there and not crushed and in a kia or something
I take it that must be "heavy metal" scrap yard? I have never been there but if it is i should make a trip there. Its not far from me
Wow Mike thanks for the pics! Now that is the kind of place I like to go and Browse, though my wife can't understand why. Just like I do when I view the cars in barns sites...I shake my head until I am dizzy! Good salvageable parts and even some cars there!
I called the wife in and showed here where we were going on vacation. Are you close by? If so i'll give you a shopping list. I need a front grill insert for a 68 GTX and a 150MPH speedo. Tell me what you find or you can PM me a phone #. I love the way he made a retirement home with a view for all of our old buddies. All i saw there was builders. Thanks
Small Block
If you're interested in making some $, I could use one of those clean Demon tail panels...
Is this the one?

Company Name: Heavy Metal Auto Wreckers
Tel: 403-442-2600 Fax: 403-442-3976
Email: info AT
Address: PO Box 473, Trochu, AB T0M2C0
Trochu, AB , Canada

Darn it's almost as long of drive from my house to las vegas, If Tara couldn't stand that..... maybe if I made it into some sort of vacation trip.....
well i now know were over 15% of the mopars in the world ar now lol im gonna take a trip up there one day when im old enough i just hop the cars ar still there not piles o dust lol
Could you put the pics up someplace where the rest of us can have a bandwidth limitation on your account.... :(
How big is this place?

Not too big, a couple acres or so.

Was that heaven?

By the way Mike, do you know of a guy in Alberta who has a big collection of Cudas? I think he has my old 6-pack car.

No I haven't heard of that yet, I've only been in Alberta a couple months.

Did you snag up that dual snorkel hood setting on the Aspen
I can't believe it is still setting there !!

I didn't have the cash at the time, but it mighttt be sitting there still for a reason, maybe he wants $$$ for it..?

f you're interested in making some $, I could use one of those clean Demon tail panels...

I will keep it in mind for the next time I go out there. It's a good 8 hours from me so I don't make it out there all the time.

Ross, that is the one.

Cody, you should take a trip out there. That car in the last pic of a post, the one with the rallies, that was for sale. It has a 4 speed. that a trailer of crushed cars in the background? :O

I forgot all about this thread. Looking through it now really makes me wish I had known then what I know now. Wish I would have grabbed more parts. Well, maybe I'll make another trip out there.
It is a sad sight..........BUT..It does make me feel great knowing my Dart aint there.All of us should be happy on what we are doing. keeping our Abodies from being in the wrecking yard. So i say...A pat on the back to all of us.:cheers:
That’s a long way for me to go to get a 65 A-Body tunnel hump. But thanks for the photos they’re great.:cheers:
I can't decide whether these pictures are **** or pain! Either way thanx for sharing them, I I may have to stop in there on my way by sometime.
I take it that must be "heavy metal" scrap yard? I have never been there but if it is i should make a trip there. Its not far from me

When I saw the Trochu Motors van, I figured it must be Heavy Metal- never been there either (been past several times) but my brother deals with the guy who runs it (Tim) fairly regularly- we also called him about a few things for my Duster this fall.
Wow, a rare site these days. Twenty years ago in Va. there were a few places such as this around. Most are gone now.....