Animal rights BS

Yep, the old saying holds true- 'follow the money'. Amazing the circus owners held out for 14 years to get to the bottom of it. That's dedication! Glad the truth came out and they got some compensation from those big name 'rights' groups (liars).

Thanks for posting that,
We love animals. Usually end up rescuing a cat every couple of years or so. But when it gets to the point animals have just as much rights as people, that's stupid. It's getting to the point that you almost cannot defend yourself and family from attacking stray dogs without worry of prosecution.
You know what REALLY pissese off??? There was a guy that killed a deer (not sure if he shot it or if it was road kill) that was pretty far along in her pregnancy. When he dressed her he found the fawn and took pictures of it and posted em on social media (not the brightest thing to do these days) well he got attacked as being a heartless monster and all sorts of stuff like that!!! Now what really pisses me off about this is the fact that who many of the same ppl that were attacking him for killing a pregnant deer have had an abortion??!! This country has gone so far down hill that killing a baby (abortion) is widely accepted but kill a baby animal and you can bet there's a good chance you're lookin at jail time!!

Since when is an animals life more important than a humans?? If I had to choose between the lives of my 2 calves, German shepherd and 2 Siamese kittens and the life of a complete stranger, I'm sorry animals, I love y'all but y'all aren't as important as a human...
Happy to see that they won.
These extremists like Greenpeace etc. need to be shaken in their cradle. (so to speak)
To hell with the stupidity........
You know what REALLY pissese off??? There was a guy that killed a deer (not sure if he shot it or if it was road kill) that was pretty far along in her pregnancy. When he dressed her he found the fawn and took pictures of it and posted em on social media (not the brightest thing to do these days) well he got attacked as being a heartless monster and all sorts of stuff like that!!! Now what really pisses me off about this is the fact that who many of the same ppl that were attacking him for killing a pregnant deer have had an abortion??!! This country has gone so far down hill that killing a baby (abortion) is widely accepted but kill a baby animal and you can bet there's a good chance you're lookin at jail time!!

Since when is an animals life more important than a humans?? If I had to choose between the lives of my 2 calves, German shepherd and 2 Siamese kittens and the life of a complete stranger, I'm sorry animals, I love y'all but y'all aren't as important as a human...

Wow, talk about a completely misguided point of view. What reason makes you think a person's life is anymore important than some animals? Why is any one life more important than another?

And as far as your abortion scenario, the "human" mother\parents made that decision. The pregnant "animal" did not decide to off itself and its' unborn child. The hunter or a**hole in the vehicle made it.
Wow, talk about a completely misguided point of view. What reason makes you think a person's life is anymore important than some animals? Why is any one life more important than another?

And as far as your abortion scenario, the "human" mother\parents made that decision. The pregnant "animal" did not decide to off itself and its' unborn child. The hunter or a**hole in the vehicle made it.

With all due Respects Sir...
Would You care to take the discussion to the N&P section of the forum?
With all due respect...

That decision isn't up to me. I was just responding to the post. My opinion, thats all.
Not trying to start anything, just don't understand that way of thinking.
With all due respect...

That decision isn't up to me. I was just responding to the post. My opinion, thats all.
Not trying to start anything, just don't understand that way of thinking.

Again, With Respects, (and Your permission),
May I take Your response...

"Wow, talk about a completely misguided point of view. What reason makes you think a person's life is anymore important than some animals? Why is any one life more important than another?

And as far as your abortion scenario, the "human" mother\parents made that decision. The pregnant "animal" did not decide to off itself and its' unborn child. The hunter or a**hole in the vehicle made it."

And start a new topic in the N&P section of the forum?
I don't have access to that forum, but you are welcome to do so.

As an GOLD MEMBER , You have access to the N&P section...

However You must decide to join.

If You so decide, I would enjoy more debate on Your post.

For reference.

DroVal said:
Wow, talk about a completely misguided point of view. What reason makes you think a person's life is anymore important than some animals? Why is any one life more important than another?

And as far as your abortion scenario, the "human" mother\parents made that decision. The pregnant "animal" did not decide to off itself and its' unborn child. The hunter or a**hole in the vehicle made it.
Unfortunately, I have never been interested in joining that section. I appreciate that you were polite and friendly about it, but I am going to stay out of that section. I would spend way too much time arguing with folks, haha.
Unfortunately, I have never been interested in joining that section. I appreciate that you were polite and friendly about it, but I am going to stay out of that section. I would spend way too much time arguing with folks, haha.

Sir, I humbly disagree with Your reply...

In My Humble Opinion, You Sir have much to lend ...

Not trying to be Parental in My observation,

With Humble Respects ... Please do post in the N&P...

#1 daughter said:
good debate is the essence of the intuitive spirit
Wow, talk about a completely misguided point of view. What reason makes you think a person's life is anymore important than some animals? Why is any one life more important than another?

And as far as your abortion scenario, the "human" mother\parents made that decision. The pregnant "animal" did not decide to off itself and its' unborn child. The hunter or a**hole in the vehicle made it.

That's really simple. Humans are at the top of the food chain. End of story.

Genesis 9:1-5 lays it right on down.

9 And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. 2 The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered. 3 Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. 4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. 5 And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man."
Wow, talk about a completely misguided point of view. What reason makes you think a person's life is anymore important than some animals? Why is any one life more important than another?

And as far as your abortion scenario, the "human" mother\parents made that decision. The pregnant "animal" did not decide to off itself and its' unborn child. The hunter or a**hole in the vehicle made it.

I believe 100% that there is big difference between a human life and the life of a animal. Humans have a conscious, humans have the ability to change the world. Some can argue that animals have feelings and that may be true, I don't know. What I do know is that it is illegal to harvest a human then eat them. Yet I can go out in the fall and harvest a deer and eat that without being viewed as even violating a social norm. That makes me believe that at least a few other billion people agree with me.

That being said, I do have nothing but respect for animals, and life in general. There is no reason for animals to be abused or mistreated. There is also no reason to take the life of a animal unless doing so serves a valuable purpose. After having a very unfortunate brush with death I have a completely new respect for the life of everything on this planet. Does that mean I'm not going to go out and hunt this fall or that I am going to become a
Vegan? Not a chance.

I agree that the life of an animal or a human is a very sacred thing but saying the two are equal is a bit off in my opinion.
That's really simple. Humans are at the top of the food chain. End of story.

Genesis 9:1-5 lays it right on down.

9 And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. 2 The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered. 3 Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. 4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. 5 And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man."

Before the time if the flood didn't good instruct them to live off the plants? I'm in no way disagreeing with your quote I am just trying to figure out why exactly the change occurred after the flood. There was vegetation on the ground after the flood. We know that because the bird brought back the branch. So why get away from being vegetarian?
God breathed into man a living soul.... we are made after his image.... He died on the cross so man-kind could be saved... sorry furry friends, your cute, cuddly, tasty, but you are not our equal.... at the end of the day, a dog is still a dog
About abortion. Call it a baby or call it not. You cannot have it both ways. Mother kills the baby and its abortion. A man kills a pregnant woman and its double murder. Excuse me???????
In the new testament God replaced many old testament laws through his new covenant salvation.... and that included the old testament laws about which animals were clean or unclean to eat... now, all is edible :D
In the new testament God replaced many old testament laws through his new covenant salvation.... and that included the old testament laws about which animals were clean or unclean to eat... now, all is edible :D

He actually changed it in the Genesis verses I posted above. Much earlier than The New Testament. I just picked what I posted out by itself to illustrate my point, but the context that proceeds it explains the whole point.