Any one speaks french on this board ?



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Nova Scotia

I am giving a young fella an award this year and his first language is french so i thought I would put it in his native language. I have taken the phrase and put it into a bunch of english to french translators and have rec;'ed a bunch of different phrases. I know enough french not to translate literally. Can anyone help ?

The phrase is: Good Samaritan Award. What I have rec'ed so far has been..

La bonne Récompense Samaritaine
Prix de Bon Samaritain
Bon Samaritain Award
Amortissement de goodwill
Good Samaritan Award

Which is correct or is there a better one ?

Not the french you're lookin for.

Just thought I'd be the 1st one to tell that joke, But I know what you mean, there are different ways to say it depending upon what part of the country and how it's being said like if you're angry, or like a question, or statement etc...
The little fella lives in New Brunswick.

Should I just keep to english because it is easier ?

Je ne parle pas le francais bien. I can't help on the translation, but french was one of my better subjects in school. Of course, that was a "few" years ago now! Bon Chance!
..gave up...too many possibilities...went with English..

Thanks all
Sorry guys, I have seen the thread too late.

Just in case, the good translation is : Prix du bon samaritain
This little program is extremely handy when dealing with foreign language translations:

Special thanks to BrianT for providing that link by the way. He's made it a lot easier for me to talk with my pal Uli in Germany. :-D
Actually, the speech was 20 minutes long. I would say a bit in English and my daughter would say a lot in french. We told the crowd that the past year was our last and to give a little fella a good Samaritan award because he helped me when I was essentially passed out , face down in the muck. The spectators around me thought I was drunk..haven't had a drop in 2+ years because of my meds. One of my daughters friends, who lived in Quebec most her life, translated my speech for us. Apparently, it was good and from what I found out, the Mom cried the whole way through..I also found out that she had printed what I had to say about her son on a bulletin board just after the event. I was very impressed with this little fella.

A pic :) I'm the big one <Grin>