Any Rush fans??

Johnny Dart, I was at that same concert at the Forum!!! (Used to live in San Bernardino) If I remember right -- yeah, yeah, no comments on my memory loss LOL -- Mr. Big warmed them up and their last song was Addicted to That Rush. By the time the big guys took the stage, it was a frenzy. For all of you seeing them this summer, here -- take my lighter. :hippy2:

I saw Mr. Big open for Rush at Jones Beach Theater back in the mid-90's. THAT was an incredible show too! Billy Sheehan from Mr. Big is an amazing Bassist too! Addicted to that Rush is one of my all-time favorite R & R songs!
Not sure if you caught what I said, but I said the entire first side of the "Album". :) I guess I'm dating myself, lol!

I friend just offered me a ticket for $120. 20th row middle at Red Rocks Ampitheatre. It's an outdoor venue built into the side of a mountain. Here's a link to check it out, it's unbeleivable!

I saw Yes there in '94. I still remember some of it, lol!
Yes. The song "2112" is the first side of the album and "2112 Overture" and "The Temples of Syrinx" are the first two parts of that song. Then there is "Discovery", "Presentation", "Oracle:The Dream", "Soliloquy" and "Grand Finale". That is the whole first side. Yes is another of my most favorite bands (and one of Rush's favorites too). I have seen them about 2 dozen times. They are touring this summer too but Rick's son is on keyboards instead of Rick.
YEA Rush rocks!!

I too have experienced them many times and as long as they keep touring, I will keep going. I dont care if I have to pay $1000.00 a ticket as they are truely worth it and you will soon see.

Richy....7 days baby. 7 days till you are BLOWN AWAY by some true musical genius.

Keep up on the know the drill, one thing a day and you'll be done soon.

I kinda fuzzy from the late night bench racing/brew session but I managed to get the lawn mowed today~


Sorry Richy.

You forgot to log off my box last night and I posted under your name by mistake. Like I said......fuzzy.

Anyway you get it now.

If your not an over-compressed, drum-machine backed, ghetto-dressed wanna be thug, your not a musician. Rush being acknowledged for being musicians? C`mon.... next thing your gonna say is that the Grammy's are a hoax too.

Being a musician for over 35yrs. (yeah, I'm old....) all I can say is if it's commercially "successful" then it must suck, talent-wise. The day Rush get's inducted into the R&R hall of fame is the day they run out of bellybutton screachers and crotch-grabbing primates....

But man-o-man... watching Geddy hammer notes on his Bass with his left hand, use his right hand for keyboards, his feet for Bass pedals, and sing at the same time? Yeah, Madonna does that all the time... :thebirdm:

Getty's a Freak! He's amazing! Ray Manzurek of the Doors played bass with his feet...but he didn't sing. It tough to do!

Modona...she's still a virgin compared to these guy's.. talk about commercial!
When did a pop diva become a rock and roll star?

Thats the problem......they are inducting anything that sold pepsi or cars and leaving out the true musicians.

Its better that RUSH is not sad to have to be compared to the likes of Madoormat.

I can't remember any of her rock songs can you? I remember she did like 100 dudes in 2 hrs and published the pics in a book called "I'm a gutter ho". :sign10:
I still have an eight track of "Farewell to kings",and Triumphs "rock and roll machine". I played these about a million times,... about a million years ago.
been a long time since ive seen any lebanon . great band, acdc was aweshow show also. peter frampton was great also. boston, jethro tull, nowadays its about hiphop rap crap and im not for it at all. im a, so we danced kinda guy.
Saw them here in the 'peg a week ago - 24th. They haven't played here in over two decades. To the point - the show rocked!


If there is a better group of musicians out there they are trapped at the bottom of a deep hole never to get out.

That was so awesome, I can even remember the whole night! Old age has some advantages.

When will they be back? I'm getting in line for the next show already.

Confusedcuda.....sorry I almost ruined the panther party...No way I could let some deadbeat who bought the nose bleed tickets stand in front of me and try ruin some old couples night as well. Dude is lucky I'm a calm guy or he woulda got knocked the F out! :)

Keep on comming back and next time play IN THE END!
Saw them last week in Boise. Heck, I only paid $78 for my middle floor seat back in March or whenever the went on pre-sale.

The show was great, one of the best I've ever seen! I thought they made a turn for the worse in the mid 80's with all the synth. I went out and bought the new album the next day.

I'm still wondering what happened to all the chicken they were cooking on stage. I was about starving by the end.
The show was great, one of the best I've ever seen! I thought they made a turn for the worse in the mid 80's with all the synth. I went out and bought the new album the next day.

Not to mention in the mid '80s they started to look like Duran Duran or the Pet Shop boys, but I can forgive them for that......I think most everything in the '80s was just tacky and in bad taste, clothes, hair,and cars included:bootysha:
How can you say they took a turn for the worse?

Some of their best music and experiments took place in the 80's.

Moving Pictures, Grace under pressure, Signals??????

Are you serious? You must have been smoking some bad stuff or had blinders on during these great releases.

Yea they dressed like a bunch of **** but they still made great music that sounds as good today as it did then.

If all they did was played music like 2112 they would have faded away with the rest of the bands of that era that didn't evolve.

Oh my gosh, don't tempt me to join that expensive hobby again.

I used to be one of the biggest Rush fans ever with my brother and his buddies.
They all looked like the guys with the Rush shirts in the school hallway in the video for 'Subdivisions".

Man, those were the days when Rush was in their young prime pumpin out some cutting edge weirdest, coolest music you ever heard three guys, yeah, only three freaking guys.
Their stuff still puts chills up my spine even though I heard it a million times.

You kinow you're a Rush fan when you have enough talent just to play (air) drums, bass, and guitar along with the music flawlessly. LOL!
RUSH - the good 'ol days. Grew up around the corner from Anthem Records and Lifeson's house - we were all die hard fans - worshipped them - still a huge fan

Loved the Late 70's Early 80's New Year's Eve concerts at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto with Max Webster as the opening band.... Rock On
How can you say they took a turn for the worse?

Some of their best music and experiments took place in the 80's.

Moving Pictures, Grace under pressure, Signals??????

Are you serious? You must have been smoking some bad stuff or had blinders on during these great releases.

Yea they dressed like a bunch of **** but they still made great music that sounds as good today as it did then.

If all they did was played music like 2112 they would have faded away with the rest of the bands of that era that didn't evolve.


Whooh, just read this post, I hope and think this was questioning C130chief, I love some of Rush's work from the 80's! Still disappointed they don't play Time Stand Still anymore. I didn't like much about the 80's but still liked the bands I liked now. Doesn't matter what time period these three Canadian guys rock:cheers:ALWAYS,LOL!!!
RUSH - the good 'ol days. Grew up around the corner from Anthem Records and Lifeson's house - we were all die hard fans - worshipped them - still a huge fan

Loved the Late 70's Early 80's New Year's Eve concerts at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto with Max Webster as the opening band.... Rock On

Max Webster & Kim Mitchell, more great stuff!! Kim Mitchell is still playing, he's out in Vancouver coming up soon!! thanks for the reminder:cheers:In interviews Gedddy speaks of hanging out and playing with Max Webster and also Pat Travers, very cool!!