Any soda junkies out there?

The only veggie I eat is green beans (very low carb). I cut out 95 of all sugar and just about ZERO carbs. I eat lots of meat, chicken, tuna, ribs, eggs, bacon and all of my intestinal problems have disappeared. My blood sugar is better and my "resting" pulse rate has gone from 99 down to 75. I take supplements to make sure I get plenty of the vitamins/minerals that i lose from not eating fruits and vegetables. It takes a lot of discipline to avoid pasta, cake, candy, ice cream, hot dogs, etc, etc. It's been well over a year now and I feel great and have no problems.

I need the caffeine (I'll get lack of caffeine headaches) , and hate coffee (although I like the smell of ground coffee beans)

Can't stand diet either..

That leaves soda (prefer pepsi & dr pepper)
I've had only 3 soda's in the last year and a half. It's amazing how terrible the stuff tastes when you've been off of them for some time. All I drink is 100% juice, water, and milk....along with protein shakes.

Also, most of the foods and beverages people are taking in these days are very acidic and keep your body in an acidic state....which is not good at all. The body should naturally be in an alkaline state. Cancer also thrives in a body that is acidic....probably the reason why so many people have it these days. To combat this, one must eat veggies of the dark green variety.....broccoli, spinach, cucumbers, green peppers, etc. Many people put cucumbers, etc. in their water as well as it helps the ph level in the water to be more alkaline. I would consume at least 2 salads of these a least 2cups worth each time.
Yes I am also a soda junkie. I'll be 57 this summer, Im at least 50 lbs over weight and I struggle to get any of that weight off. 3 years ago I went on a diet and lost 35 lbs. Took me about 4 months to do that. I went from regular Mountian Dew to Diet dew during that period. But during that time I thought that the diet made me have pain in my back so in the fall I went back to regular dew. Pain seemed to go away but the weight came back. I get up in the morning and I have my first dew by 8 AM. I used to drink 3-4 20oz dews a day. I am now down to 1-1 1/2 per day now. The funny thing is when not working I can go the whole weekend without a soda and dont crave it. I think a lot is becasue of habit but I plan on kicking this habit during the next year. Ive joined a gym for exercise but in the 6 weeks since I Joined I have not gone once. I use the excuse I have to much going on at night but its an excuse.
I wish you the best of luck working your way to getting off this nasty habit. Maybe we should PM back and forth each day and check in to see how we are doing and to support each other in our efforts. Maybe we should start a thread for many members and follow each others progress. Being accountable may help us get off soda!
Best of luck
Every now and again, I'll buy a handle of really cheap whiskey and a 12 pack of RC Cola (everyone should try this). I usually have about 4 cans of RC leftover. Can't bring myself to drink a whole can without whiskey (and I'd never disrespect good whiskey with cola). Once you quit drinking them, they just aren't that good...
Like Rainey I am a diet Mt Dew junkie..We buy it and stock up when it's on sale.I just went into what I call my Mt Dew closet..I have 24 12 packs on hand. I know the asparteme is worse for me than sugar but being diabetic I have to lay off the sugar.The only other liquid I like to drink is cold,cold milk....Just as bad almost. I know it's all in my mind but the idea of drinking water makes me gag unless it is ice cold.No doubt I would feel better and would probably be on my way to losing that extra 50 Lb's I carry around. Quitting my Mt Dew habit is as bad as when I quit smoking 26 years ago.
I didn't drink an abundance of soda, but I drank more than I wanted to. Mainly drank it for the caffeine wake-up.

I couldn't drink hot coffee because it messed up my stomach every time I drank it. day I tried an iced coffee from Starbucks. Got mine with no milk and half the amount of liquid sugar. Fell in love with it. Come to find out that cold brewed coffee doesn't have much acid in it, so it doesn't affect my stomach. And...I get the caffeine walk-up without much sugar.

My wife bought me a cold brew coffee maker for Christmas and I love it. $30.00, and it works like a charm. If you get one, just read through the comments on the website and follow their best practices. Can't wait until tomorrow to have another one!
I always dilute soda with Captain Morgans. It seems to work for me.
I need the caffeine (I'll get lack of caffeine headaches) , and hate coffee (although I like the smell of ground coffee beans)

Start with cream and sugar - you'll learn to drink the coffee - then you'll get lazy about the milk and or the sugar, then you'll find out you don't care anymore - then you'll try good coffee, then you'll start liking coffee, then you'll start to get annoyed when you have to drink crappy coffee (like Starsucks)

At least that's how it worked for me :)

(I've been digging single origin beans made via V60 Pourovers - a coffee kart opened right in front of my office and the coffee is amazing - and they get new beans all the time, so I get to try all kinds of coffee)
I drink one 12 oz can of Coke every single day. But it's gotta be near frozen or with ice; I think I enjoy the cold and ice better than the actual soda, lol. I'm trying to cut out the habit by drinking ice water instead, it helps. I don't drink it for the caffeine either. Energy shots once in awhile do the trick for me! Only 5 calories, and NO sugar compared to an energy drink or soda.
interesting discussion and info passing around. I admit I drink almost zero soda pop, BUT I can drink ALOT of coffee. little sugar and milk in it. so what I get here is, the acid is no good for my stomach, the acidity messes with my body's pH, ( I have very early stage of prostrate cancer), cold coffee is not very a acidic, but I HATE cold coffee! ha
oh well, at least buying pop by the mega case or whisky does NOT impact my car parts budget!!!!
exercise? it is a habit, back years ago ( before that colt piled me into the wall of the barn and fractured some vertebrae, I would get on floor first thing of a morning and do 60-70 sit ups.) I had NO belly. but it was a habit, never had to think about it. going to the gym or any type of forced exercise is something you just have to get in habit or doing and then realize eventually it WILL make you feel better!!!!
I've never been a big pop drinker, but do subscribe to the "everything in moderation" way of life! I have been the same weight since high school 188-195lb, and if I do happen to have a pop because it's the only thing spitting out of the fountain machine, it takes me about 3 days to drink a 16oz cup!! Yes, I'll still drink it after 3 days, cause I'm cheap and it costs me money! I drink Arizona Ice Tea most of the time, and drink about 1/2' of the can and fill it back up with water! That system will also last me about 3 days, I buy one every Wednesday for practice, still have some in the can this morning!!

I don't rely on will power, I just don't do it if I don't want to!! The others on my crew will buy a 24oz cup, drink the whole thing and refill it to go!! I simply can't drink that much liquid no matter what it is!! I don't care how good or bad something is for you, if you listen to everything you read or hear, you'll never leave the closet!! You know your body better than anybody, do what's best for you!!!
For me it's as much about the " Fizz" with the pop as it is anything. I tried flavored, carbonated water but it just didn't cut it.
Most men eat the equivalent of a high-sugar diet—even if they've sworn off sweets. Case in point: During digestion, one slice of white bread is converted into the same amount of glucose as 4 tablespoons of sugar.
Carbs = sugar or in this case Glucose

Eating sugar is like flipping a switch that tells your body to store fat. And sugar is everywhere—not just in soda, candy, and desserts. It's disguised in refined carbohydrates like bread, rice, and pasta, and even in beer and milk. Your body can't tell the difference—it quickly digests and absorbs all these sugars into your bloodstream as glucose.
Here's what happens: Every time you eat sugar, your blood-glucose level rises quickly. In turn, this stimulates the release of insulin, a powerful hormone that signals your body to store fat. There's also a dose response: The more sugar you down at any one time—resulting in a greater rise in blood glucose and, consequently, in insulin—the longer you stay in fat-storage mode.

This isn't Rocket science!! The more sugar you eat/drink the more you're telling your body to store FAT!! But carbs are even worse for you when it comes to producing Glucose. It's a lose, lose situation unless you cut out all sugar and the great majority of carbs.
Don't even get me started on what SUGAR does to you with respect to "diabetes"!!!

You may know your own body best but most people have no idea what it is they're putting in themselves. You have to educate yourself and stop assuming that, if it's on the shelf, it must be safe.

As for the acidity of many of you have considered the water you're brewing it with? You know your water can range from very acidic to very alkaline depending on the source. I'm a big coffee consumer and brew my own. Knowing that coffee is acidic, I prefer to brew mine with known, higher PH water to strike a balance. Before that, I was feeling the same symptoms some of you guys described but they vanished when I started using the bottled water I had sitting right in my kitchen vs. the reverse-osmosis stuff from the tap. (almost everyone out here has an R.O. filter system because of the water quality. But it tends to run acidic).
I'm doing my best best to help my fellow MOPAR addicts (and sugar addicts) to live longer.....not sure if anyone is listening???

I'm doing my best best to help my fellow MOPAR addicts (and sugar addicts) to live longer.....not sure if anyone is listening???


I admit to listening. when at the doc's office I understand their time is $$ so they really don't have the time to discuss everything. and the govn't ???? well lets not get into my respect for it! I figure the feds treat what we eat like they do wall st. do they care to inform people of whats really in our food!???? I are not out to protect us, period!!????
at age 68, I know I won't live forever, but if I can help the kids and grandkids make good food/health decisions, that's BIG!

couple years ago, a granddaughter learned a lot about food in school, and helped the family make much better diet decisions. I was prou d she understood that McDonalds is NOT her friend!!!!! ha
I put less into the idea of living longer but I do put a lot of stock in the idea of living better until I do drop dead with the goal of being able to walk to the toilet without help and wipe my own *** right up to the last day.

Treblig, I do hope folks listen but, as you know, its a difficult subject to get people interested in. However, I am pleasantly surprised at how receptive this lot has been. This thread has gone far better than I ever would have expected. Bravo! Maybe we'll all be around long enough and healthy enoug to get to meet at some point!
You know what the problem with living longer is? The years added are the ones you will find yourself in a long term care facility with tubes up your *** while some teenage CNA pretends she gives a crap....Spent 40 years in geriatric medicine. Old age is not for sissies....
yes my goal is like Teeth and Tires said, "I want to be able to walk to the toilet and take a poop by myself till the end!" and have sense enough to find my way there and back, in my HOME!! I know this isn't always possible, but.....

I like the old c owboy that had worked on one of the big Tx. outfits all his life, at bout age 80, he lived in one of their "line shacks", sorta retired if you might. they would check on him every few days. found him one day, lying out in the pasture with his arms folded on his chest. died peacefully. guess he knew his time was up. his horse standing there saddled.....
I figure we would all like to go out with our boots on or a wrench is our hands....doesn't always happen that way...
For me it's as much about the " Fizz" with the pop as it is anything. I tried flavored, carbonated water but it just didn't cut it.

the most awesome thing I like to do is when I have pizza, I MUST have a fizzy soda with it because I dip the crust in the soda and talk about fizz city :farao: