Any soda junkies out there?

This thread is so full of win. I thought I was the resident health nut and would have no kind of audience in a place like FABO but I stand very humbly corrected! This thread makes me want to step up my game. I don't do sodas as it is but I, when we go out, I usually order iced tea and all the sugar that goes with it. That's gonna stop.
I swore off Cola 12/31/13, have not had one since. I did some energy drinks instead but quite those 12/31/15, and I even quite drinking everything but water for Lent. Well see.....So far I have given the exception to Coffee (my morning meal) and Beer. I've had 2 this year so Im on track. Water is good for you.....
I swore off Cola 12/31/13, have not had one since. I did some energy drinks instead but quite those 12/31/15, and I even quite drinking everything but water for Lent. Well see.....So far I have given the exception to Coffee (my morning meal) and Beer. I've had 2 this year so Im on track. Water is good for you.....

Now there's a man with determination, resolve and willpower!!! I've heard that one or two cups of coffee each day aren't really that bad for you if you keep the sugar and milk in check!!

Something interesting.......Beer and anything with alcohol will always contain "alcohol sugars". These alcohol sugars are different from other sugars in that of everything that you might drink or eat (carbs or processed sugar) the human body will always burn "use" alcohol sugars first., The body won't store alcohol sugars like regular sugars. So if you drink 100 percent alcohol you really can't get fat because your body will use it as it's first choice for fuel. That's why you see many "alcoholics" who are skinny "emaciated". They drink most of their meals and continue to lose weight because the human body uses the alcohol sugars for energy (food). It destroys your liver but then there's a price for everything???/

Sprite, a root beer or cream soda once in a great while... as in 5 total combined in a year.. other than that, Jack and GingerAle, Captain & Coke.. that's about it. A lot less than I used to. I drink a lot of those flavored waters.. regular water just doesn't cut it for me.
What's the moral of the story??? Well, if it eats metal like "acid" then it must BE ACID!! If it's acid and you put it in your stomach (which is made of soft tissue) what do you think happens in your stomach after years of exposure???


I agree, but be careful about over generalizations. One thing you have to remember is that the stomach was DESIGNED to be a repository for acid. Gastric acid, which is responsible for breaking down the food that we eat is basically hydrochloric acid with a little sodium chloride and potassium chloride thrown in for good measure. It's when we overdo it with excess acid (this is where your point comes into play) that we run into trouble.
First half of life, bad eating no exercise... no quality second half, if you don't eat clean and move/exercise. Body in motion, stays in motion... use it or lose it, not only goes for your muscles..but other things I had to give up soda, junk food, cigars in exchange for clean eating, workout 5 days a week and gum takes the place of cigars.. Tough go but doable. Actually becomes a habit...goodluck
I agree, but be careful about over generalizations. One thing you have to remember is that the stomach was DESIGNED to be a repository for acid. Gastric acid, which is responsible for breaking down the food that we eat is basically hydrochloric acid with a little sodium chloride and potassium chloride thrown in for good measure.

Absolutely! What I was attempting to explain was that Coke and most of the carbonated drinks out there are very acidic. Most people who have Reflux suffer from an excess of acid in their stomach (thus the baking soda). Under normal circumstances stomach acid works to our benefit but when the human body is overwhelmed with acidic products, bad things happen. A "Coke" every now and then is probably harmless but for those who already have some damage in their esophagus additional acid will only exacerbate the problem.
It's even worse when we lay down to sleep. When you lay flat and there's anything in your stomach it can find it's way into you esophagus (gravity). Certain foods and alcohol will cause the muscles in the esophagus to relax. There is a particular muscle at the bottom of the esophagus that keeps the contents of the stomach "in the stomach". That's why we can hang upside down and not lose our lunch!! But alcohol and certain foods will make this muscle relax letting stomach acid into the esophagus. So if you lay down and get heartburn simply raise the head of your bed and the contents of your stomach will stay in you stomach.

"It's when we overdo it with excess acid (this is where your point comes into play) that we run into trouble."

This is very true!! Unfortunately...moderation is something that some people struggle with. I my case I used to drink sodas at every meal because I didn't like the taste of water. I actually had to relearn how to like water. When I was a kid I loved water!!

Great discussion! I must admit I am in the diet dew camp...But that said, I can damn well guarantee you that no matter what you drink, or don't drink in the end the results will be the same. Every one dies of something. In my practice the issue of quality of life verses length of life often led to intense discussions. I do think all things in moderation is the best course for the majority. Thanks for your collective wisdom.
I just quit cokes and sugar drinks i was pounding about 6 a day i told the doctor at my job and she flipped out she could not believe it she begged me to quit drinking soda and swore that if i did the weight would melt off so i gave it a try about 10 days without soda and i am down 10lbs got plenty more to go but she was right im tired of being so fat and wore out! And water actually makes my food taste better
I just quit cokes and sugar drinks i was pounding about 6 a day i told the doctor at my job and she flipped out she could not believe it she begged me to quit drinking soda and swore that if i did the weight would melt off so i gave it a try about 10 days without soda and i am down 10lbs got plenty more to go but she was right im tired of being so fat and wore out! And water actually makes my food taste better

Good for you Moparwilly!!!!!! Your body takes sugar as a sign of "good times" and uses it to store fat. Our bodies did this when we were cave men...when times are good the body stores fat in preparation for the "lean" times (long hard winter). But many of us never see the lean times anymore. Even poor folks (respectfully speaking) who are on welfare get fat on all the high carb, high sugar foods that the government helps them buy. Remember the "free" government cheese back in the 60s?? Too much of that stuff will kill you!!! Anytime your body gets too many carbs or too much sugar it's going to store fat because your body "thinks" that a famine is coming when winter hits. Sugar also causes your body to become "insulin resistant" and eventually can cause diabetes.

Good Luck in your quest to help yourself!!!
I know something like this was posted before....
[ame=""]Remove Rust from Chrome in Seconds with Coke and ...... - YouTube[/ame]
I first read and responded to this tread on Sunday March 13. Since it was on a weekend I hadnt had any soda since Friday the 11th. This thread has helped me go 3 weeks without a soda. I kept coming back and reading all the posts as they were added. I want to give up this habit and so far all the responses have helped. Ive gone to water and sometimes I will buy vitamin water. Thanks for starting this thread and to all that have passed on other information.
I first read and responded to this tread on Sunday March 13. Since it was on a weekend I hadnt had any soda since Friday the 11th. This thread has helped me go 3 weeks without a soda. I kept coming back and reading all the posts as they were added. I want to give up this habit and so far all the responses have helped. Ive gone to water and sometimes I will buy vitamin water. Thanks for starting this thread and to all that have passed on other information.

Wow, that is awesome!!! Good for you! I'm sure your body thanks you! I can't say that I've gone completely off soda yet, but I've been drinking more water than anything else. Sometimes, I'll have some tea but my soda intake has been drastically cut. Where I used to go through two or three 2 liters in one-two days, I had three last for over a week. So I'm doing better. I just haven't gotten "there" yet.

What I would like to know, though, is if I'm drinking more water than anything else, now, why am I still putting on weight? I haven't changed my eating habits any, and if anything I'm more active since we're coming out of winter. I just weighed myself last night, and I've put on 10 pounds since I started drinking water. :banghead: I can't figure it out! Water retention? I need some water pills!
Wow, that is awesome!!! Good for you! I'm sure your body thanks you! I can't say that I've gone completely off soda yet, but I've been drinking more water than anything else. Sometimes, I'll have some tea but my soda intake has been drastically cut. Where I used to go through two or three 2 liters in one-two days, I had three last for over a week. So I'm doing better. I just haven't gotten "there" yet.

What I would like to know, though, is if I'm drinking more water than anything else, now, why am I still putting on weight? I haven't changed my eating habits any, and if anything I'm more active since we're coming out of winter. I just weighed myself last night, and I've put on 10 pounds since I started drinking water. :banghead: I can't figure it out! Water retention? I need some water pills!

congrats on your progress!!!! weight gain? maybe you guys have lead in your water like MI. !!?????? lol

maybe someone else here can tell you want is going on with the weight gain? you are definitely changing your metabolism by cutting out that crab soda pop!
Wow, that is awesome!!! Good for you! I'm sure your body thanks you! I can't say that I've gone completely off soda yet, but I've been drinking more water than anything else. Sometimes, I'll have some tea but my soda intake has been drastically cut. Where I used to go through two or three 2 liters in one-two days, I had three last for over a week. So I'm doing better. I just haven't gotten "there" yet.

What I would like to know, though, is if I'm drinking more water than anything else, now, why am I still putting on weight? I haven't changed my eating habits any, and if anything I'm more active since we're coming out of winter. I just weighed myself last night, and I've put on 10 pounds since I started drinking water. :banghead: I can't figure it out! Water retention? I need some water pills!

Unfortunately the sodas are only part of the problem#-o. Sodas contain sugar and the body turns sugar into body fat (it's more complicated than that but that's what ultimately happens). There is sugar in many things we eat (bread, jelly, fruits, orange juice, grapes, etc, etc) so if you stop drinking sodas you body will still crave sugar forcing you to eat one more piece of cake or one more candy bar OR believe it or not, more CARBS!!! The human body also turns carbs into sugar and then into fat. You may not know it but when you stop eating sugar (completely) your body will crave more carbs to make up the difference. That's why most people have so much trouble losing weight. I've been eating 30 carbs or less (sugar and carbs combined) for almost two year now.
Since I'm not eating enough carbs or sugar for my body to turn into fat it's been using the protein I eat for energy. If I don't eat enough protein I'll lose weight real easy. In fact I had to stop exercising for about 4 months to gain back the weight I accidentally lost. I adjusted my protein intake and now can exercise for an hour each without losing weight. The only fats I consume are in the form of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. EVOO helps your cholesterol and your heart. But if you consume too much EVOO you could gain weight. It's a balancing act.
So to answer your question, it doesn't do a whole lot of good if you stop drinking sodas if you increase your intake of carbs or sugar (in other forms besides sodas). I know it's not easy but your body will thank you!!

Hope this helps.............
I'm Chris and I'm a soda junkie. I've been clean right at a year now.
I haven't had anything carbonated since March of 2015.
I will admit, I'm on lemonade and ice tea. More than I should, but I don't even miss soda anymore.
I worked with a guy years ago who you used to drink Coke all day while we worked. Even after work on a friday we would drink a six pack of beer each and he would match us with Coke. His skin started to get ugly green patches all over it. Doctor told him it was the Coke that was doing it.