Anybody had an extended dry, "fake' cough with a chest vibration?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
I am not "sick" but have a frequent urge to cough, I guess the chest feels a little tight or something when I inhale. It's more like what I call a "fake" cough, I can breathe without this dry cough or I can make myself cough, if you know what I mean. In addition to that, sometimes (not every time) I feel an accompanying vibration that coincides at the same time as the cough, like a cell phone went off right in the middle of my chest for half a second. Nothing painful, but after six months this is beginning to get on my nerves. Don't know the medical/technical terms to describe these "symptoms". When I checked with the doctor six months ago, he said my lungs sounded clear, however, this "condition" is not what I would call normal. If you have experienced anything similar please share any hints on how to describe this in more specific detail at my next exam. Thank you very much. (non-smoker, 61 years old with a forever skinny build)
Sounds like you should go back to the Dr. and if he doesn't hear anything again ask for a chest x-ray, not a big deal. NOT normal.........
I son had the same symptoms for months and we took him to the doctor numerous times, they could never find anything. Then we were really frustrated one day to hear him sitting on his computer and every now and then he would clear his throat or mildly cough for no reason. We took him to the doctor again (5th time) and made the doctor understand that it wasn't normal. The doctor (which was a different doctor than all the rest) said that he thought he new exactly want my son had. He had the nurse draw some blood and do some tests.......and "viola"". Turns out my son had a Mycoplasma infection in his lungs. You can look it up on the internet but it's basically an very tough bug that settles into your lungs and even though the previous doctors had given my son antibiotics 2 or 3 times during the previous months the Mycoplasma wouldn't die. But the new doctor knew how to kill it. It took 3 -4 weeks of continuous antibiotics and to kill the bug.
I'm not saying that "Mycoplasma" is what you have but doctors are not all created equal and what one doctor knows another may not know or be familiar with. But, one thing is for sure, your condition is not normal!!

Get an x-ray of your chest . My father had a cough for a long time and doctors said it was because he had smoked when he was younger and now in his 70's . We forced the doctors to x-ray and cat scan and turned out he was stage 4 lung cancer . Go get it checked and be forceful about x-ray or scan . Not trying to scare you
My son had an occasional cough for weeks and weeks, he might only cough once or twice a day but I figured it was a sign of something.
Back & forth to the doctors and I finally shamed them into an x-Ray & some antibiotics.
I finally asked to go to an allergy/sinus Dr. and she said he has had a sinus infection for about six months. Four weeks of antibiotics then another two when it wasn't cleared up.
Now it's almost cleared up after it started in mid-March.
Bottom line is get it checked out & don't take any BS " it's nothing" from your Dr.
My daughter gets one every year lasts 2 months she goes to an allergist for it. It is caused from dust particles in the air. It's just a dry cough she doesn't even know she's doing it after a while they give her an antihistamine nasal spray. The doctors didn't know what it was and tried all kinds of crap so we took her the allergist and he caught it right away.
You won't get a proper medical diagnosis on the internet...but you can get good advice.

Like other's have already said, go see a doctor and get it checked out!