Anyone else NOT care about Christams?

JR once you have kids you won't be a grinch anymore. My boys are playing with their new race car track right now.

Nikki and I are too selfish! We would rather buy stuff for our selfs than buy diapers, we like sleeping too much to be woken up at 2am to a crying baby. I have helped raise enough ex girlfriends kids and my nephew and niece and found out early on that I HATE little kids, they bother me and I'm better off without them!
I'm starting to hate Christmas.......

My mom is the hardest person to buy for. Not that she's difficult or anything. I just never know what to get her and she deserves more than just a gift card.

I had in mind two smaller gifts and a gift card (ya, ya, I know I just said....). I e-mailed my dad with what I was going to buy her and to find out if she already has them. I am supposed to go to their place tomorrow for Christmas.

Well doesn't the old phart e-mail me this morning that HE gave my mom the two gifts and they opened them last night and that she really loves the gifts. So thanks you old bastard for ruining Christmas for me. :finga::finga::finga:

I've been so pissed off all day that I was going to throw all their gifts into the parking lot for someone else to have. Then I was going to find and box up all the dog **** around my apartment building for the asshole.

Merry f'ing Christmas!
Bah Humbug

Jr... just remember what happened to the Grinch at the END of the story...


I hope your heart has room to grow, too. Merry Christmas, my friend. Merry Christmas.

Never watched the whole thing, I always though Christmas was weird when I was a little kid. I never bought into the whole "life after death" thing either so to me it is just a weird hallmark holiday that you bring a tree inside your house and loose a day of being productive at work.

Faith Hill is hot but I hate hillbilly music and could only watch the first few seconds before I turned it off, sorry :-D
Well,there is a fun side to christmas!!!! me and neeter bugg ran into the squid's rooms at 5:45 a.m. yelling that the house was on fire Lol,I must say we need to work on the fire drill a bit Lol,they forgot all about christmas for a minute or two........
Christmas really isnt a huge deal to me either. My family really dont have a big get together, We usually buy for ourselfs to make sure we get want we want, Im 21 so presents are really not that big of a deal, dont have anyone other than family to spend it with seems like im allways alone this time of the year.
I don't like or have anything in common with anyone in my family and Nikki is the same so we are just hanging out with Frankenmutt and a bottle of Jack listening to Korn and Faith No More! :snakeman: LOL we are retards!
My kids are 16 and 19 so Christmas is not as fun as it used to be. However, I do enjoy being with my family and eating so much that I'm miserable. Ah..good times.
Nikki is making banana bread, not sure how thats going to work seeing as how we are waisted right now...
Wish I had some money to go out and buy some liquor but im pretty much broke right now. All I have right now is miller lite and im kinda getting tired of drinking beer all the time.
I always look forward to christmas but once its here its kinda depressing, as a kid it was a big family get together, now im a single parent and its just me and my son he gets what he wants and i get what i want which was a fiberglass hood and fiberglass doors and new work boots so im ok but it would be nice to have a girlfriend or even a wife to make the holidays a bit better but the dart comes first right now so i aint spending money to be dating rite now, let it come and go ( x-mas ) and life continues.
Christmas hasn't been anything but a trip for me for a long time. I have no family and the wife and I save our christmas money and take a vacation every year. So I guess I celebrate christmas on a beach somewhere every summer! Enjoying friends and my wife is enough for me.
I don't even celebrate it, so you're not alone. All my friends who aren't even religious ask me "Why not just celebrate it, it's so much fun and you get presents!" and that's precisely the reason I think it's not a good holiday. Way too much stress, overly commercialized/materialistically-oriented, and nobody even cares to think about the fact that Jesus was born in summer... I just spent the day going to Friday prayer at the mosque and LAN gaming at home with my cousin and brother.
Wish I had some money to go out and buy some liquor but im pretty much broke right now. All I have right now is miller lite and im kinda getting tired of drinking beer all the time.
I hear you on that one, i parked the miller lite and got me a bottle of northern light canadian whiskey, its a cheap knock off of crown royal but its ok.
I don't think you're a grinch at all if you don't care about Xmas. Its basically thanksgiving with a bunch of extra components that suck.

Xmas is great for children and i can certainly understand a parents desire to see their kid play with the toys you bought them and all that, but even those people would have to admit that the adult-to-adult gift exchange is a pita for people you don't know extremely well(like a spouse/sibling/parent)

I chose to work today because i didnt care about Xmas. I figured i might as well work since i'm done with any form of celebration and its so slow that i can post on the internet now. Not to mention the extra pay :cheers:
last christmas I spent by my mothers bed at a rehab that she never recovered from, and we buried her this spring,,,,today I spent the day setting by my fathers hospital bed at a V A hospital and all they can say is "time will tell",,,,sooooooooo,,,no, JR, you are not the only grinch and I've already told the wife that next year xmas will be a nonevent for me
I worked on my Coronet today at my dads. He has a shop, I don't. Ate some good food yesterday there. I wanted to buy some gifts, but have no money for them. No woman either. Christmas was fun when I was a kid. Now, just another day off.