Arkansas jokes go here here!



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
This kid never gets out ! OMG!! Funny chit right here

[ame=""]Sorta True Facts About Arkansas - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks Mike, this guy is just strange. I spent some time when you first posted this watching his YouTube videos but forgot to subscribe to them....
Thanks Mike! Funny kid. I watched another of his videos where he's with his parents, it's nice to see they accept him as he is.

I went to Arkansas years ago. My friend noticed a bumper sticker that said "My daughter is an honor student at _____ High School," I asked what are the standards to be an honor student and he said "not pregnant."
A new law recently passed in Arkansas: When a couple gets
divorced, they're still brother and sister. next one. Two Arkansasians are walking down different ends of a street
toward each other, and one is carrying a sack. When they meet,
one says,
"Hey Tommy Ray, what'cha got in th' bag?"
"Jus' some chickens."
"If I guesses how many they are, can I have one?"
"Shoot, ya guesses right and I'll give you both of them."
"OK. Ummmmm . . . five?"
It's a little known fact that the toothbrush was invented in Arkansas. If it were invented anywhere else, it would have been named the teethbrush.
Good ones :color: never herd the one about the bag of chickens :D
Worked with a guy from West Virginia. Luke was one of those guys you never knew if he was being serious or not. Asked me one day if I knew what the West Virginia definition of a virgin is when a girl could outrun her brother...strangely his wife was from the same small town in West Virginia. When I went to ask her if this was true she just laughed and shrugged her shoulders, turned around and walked away...
why do they only teach drivers ed on Tuesday and Thursdays in Arkansas ..................................because they need the cars for sex ed on the other days .
whats the first thing a 12 year old girl says after losing her virginity in Arkansas ............................................Okay now get off me Daddy your crushing my smokes
whats the first thing a 12 year old girl says after losing her virginity in Arkansas ............................................Okay now get off me Daddy your crushing my smokes

[ame=""]"Daddy says I'm the best!" - YouTube[/ame]
Why are murders never solved in Arkansas? Because all the dna,s the same and identifying the victim is tough with no dental records.
Whys an Arkansas divorce like a hurricane. Cause you know someones fixing to lose a trailer house.
What has 13 teeth, 7 eyes and 7 tits?

Late shift at the Arkansas Waffle House.
There are no jokes about Arkansas. There all true stories. Same with West Virginia.
Must have been an Arkansas architect on the Clinton Library. It looks like a double-wide on stilts.

Why isn't there a single hooker within 30 miles of the Univ. of Arkansas campus?

They're either married to faculty or grad students.

Many think the razorback is the mascot of the Univ. of Arkansas. Actually, it's last year's homecoming queen.

What's the difference between a pig and an Arkansas co-ed? Pigs don't get acne.

Pool full of Arkansas co-eds = Bay of Pigs