Avoidance Alert

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The install didnt go at all, I dont have the parts to install my booster and new master cyl. Ill pay him half and thats it.
For cryin out loud. Somebody ships you somethin on the front and then HE'S the bad guy? Man, that's just funny right there.
It really does sound like the box opened up during transit and some items fell out. It was an awsome jesture for someone to ship parts without payment. But any one of the parties shouldn't have to bear full burden for the shipping costs when it wasn't any one of their faults.

Regardless of what happened ......it does kind of sound like something happened during shipping and maybe both parties are being straight up about things and no one is at fault .

Dartnut .....sounds like a heck of a guy for being willing to help someone in need out.

Jared, its better to atleast offer to pay dartnut for some of the troubles than nothing at all I suppose.

By the sounds of the PM messages posted earlier....dart nut was talking about taking these parts to the scrap soon if Jared did not want to buy them.

although I think $20.00 would be a better idea of paying dartnut to atleast cover his shipping costs....I guess some is better than nothing.

hopefully you guys can forgive and forget and come to an agreement and you guys can both be happy campers.

Hope to see you guys get something worked out!
Doesnt customs return the package to the sender if theres a problem with it??

Dartnut, I think you should change you're parts policy after this deal, money in hand then ship...

Maybe some parts did fall out of the box, I would atleast sent Dartnut $20.00...

J4R3D, There's no way in hell I'd ever deal with you after reading this thread...
Also you can't always look at thing one sided.....because it takes 2 to tango.

awhile back I bought a brake booster from a new member here on fabo (took a chance with the guy)....he said the booster was in great shape and came off of a running and driving car (by the way I paid close to $100.00 including shipping and that was right here in the US.....so that makes the messily $20.00 dartnut has invested sound like chump change that should be easily paid back to him) ....anyhow, the booster showed up and it was RUSTY and there was brake fluid filled inside the vacuum resivoir and this thing litterally should have went to the scrap yard and not to my front door.

So I contacted the guy and told him what the deal was and that it was not as described.....after a few PM's back and forth I told him I would be willing to take HALF of a refund because I knew he had shipping costs involved and because the core value would atleast be worth a little bit to me.

what am I getting at you ask?........ sure I had all the money invested and was EXPECTING what I was told I would be getting.....but when I got it...it wasnt what I was told/expected.....and although I wanted ALL my money back, I had to think about the fact that this guy spent the money to ship it to me and I couldnt avoid the fact that although it was a rusty piece....it still had a core value to it.

so I decided it was only fair that I let him keep some of the money to make up for his troubles....and I was ok with it because atleast now I had $50.00 and a junk booster rather than just a junk booster LOL.

I learned my lesson and I won't deal with the guy again BUT I am still on good terms with the guy and hold no grudges.

you guys both have to be willing to make things right and move on and forget about it and keep your good name here on FABO.

which is why I say.....if he spent $20.00 to ship it and the core value is about $20.00 why not split the difference and you guys each equally have as much invested into the soured deal as the other does!......just my .02 on the hole thing.
I receieved a VERY expensive touchscreen PC from Canada one time, and the box had been abused and gotten wet The corner of the box tore off, and the touchscreen fell out. They jammed it back in the box, and taped it up and delivered it to me. It had a huge dent in it. It was severe negligence on someone's part, somewhere in the trip to me, but no one would fess up or pretend to care.

So I doubt customs would care about returning it.
I agree, like I said that box looks like its been through heck and back, twice. I just mentioned that from the buyers posts that the shipping was going to be paid the week the parts were shipped, yet was still not paid when they were received??? It takes a MINIMUM of two weeks (usually three) to get stuff across the border.

Pay the $20, chalk it up as a loss and move on.

Blame Canada:?

Hope the guy that I'm shipping the 600 dollar MSD box to doesn't read this thread:scratch:
I too have sent parts to members without asking for payment first, in case they didn't like them. I can't remember anybody complaining about it? Gotta go with Dartnut here regardless of any other circumstances.
if the booster is bad then split the difference and each pay half of the shipping

but if the booster is good then pay for the shipping and keep it for a spare, sell it, trade it, whatever $25 for a working booster is still a deal even if you dont need it
I dont see what dartnut did wrong...it is possible the parts might have come up missing during transit...we will never know...i dont think he was trying to scam you...pay the man 20 bucks and call it good....too easy...
I agree, like I said that box looks like its been through heck and back, twice. I just mentioned that from the buyers posts that the shipping was going to be paid the week the parts were shipped, yet was still not paid when they were received??? It takes a MINIMUM of two weeks (usually three) to get stuff across the border.

Pay the $20, chalk it up as a loss and move on.


Yeah, that box looks pretty crappy. It's possible that something fell out during the shipping process. Jared, how did the box look when you received it, i.e. before opening? Was it all dinged up, loose tape, re-tape, etc.?
it was banged up, but I guess you guys are right, I mean I can always use a spare, Im just bummed out that I dont have what I need to mount it. Does anyone here know how bad it sucks not having a car? Me!!! I do.
Im waiting for him to send me some info to pay via paypal, today is not my day. :(
I agree, like I said that box looks like its been through heck and back, twice. I just mentioned that from the buyers posts that the shipping was going to be paid the week the parts were shipped, yet was still not paid when they were received??? It takes a MINIMUM of two weeks (usually three) to get stuff across the border.

Pay the $20, chalk it up as a loss and move on.


I agree with that quote. But as for dealing with anyone from Canada in the future, you have posted that you will never deal with anyone from Canada. That's kind of a rude statement if you ask me due to the fact that there are several members on these forums from Canada and to have to say something like that out here will not make you many friends. Think before you say and please make an informed decision before posting statements such as these.
Well I am glad you are willing to make it right and pay him for shipping atleast.

And just so you know....YES I think almost all of us know what itsl ike not having a car LOL the majority of us have our cars in the garage in the middle of a restoration or with broken parts or whatever the case.

My duster has been parked for a year so far while I restore it and I still have atleast another year before I can start considering it "done"......but there never "done" lol
Mine has been sitting for three years, suppose to be a father son project that turned into a son foots the bill and son does all the work. As for the statement. Its freedom of speech, and I know my rights, sorry if its rude, but I wont put up with not getting what I am looking for then having to pay for it again. Not dealing accross the border will fix that problem for me, thats all I meant, so sorry if that is offensive.
I know I don't like shipping to Canada. It's expensive and slow.

I know for a fact that I will never use FedEx to ship there again. I shipped two items there the same day, and when the delivery guys made no attempt to collect their duties, FedEx back charged my credit card for $70. That was an expensive lesson. Post office shipments only.
This is such shyte the post office would not accept a box mangled like that in the first place so it had to happen in transit , Canada post will not pick anything up at your door not even a post card you have to go to them to send anything so there is no possible way that box started it's journey like that. As others have stated you agreed to send the money for shipping the same week the parts were sent not 3 weeks later a week after they arrived-what happened ? can't scratch 20 bucks together before you order parts from someone ? this whole thread has been smoke up everyones butts by a punk who abused the good nature and name of someone who was willing to send him free parts for part of the shipping cost -your US peso has been trading at or near even all year so 20 bucks US is 20-21 bucks Can on any given day ,and now that he is exposed he is trying to cover his tracks ,tell you what I will pay Dartnut all his money and this kid can keep whatever came in the box if he is banned and will go away from FABO forever we have had enough of his kind around here already.
Most of us have sent hundreds of dollars at a time across the border both ways on faith without ever seeing the parts we were buying until they arrived , did we get all that we expected for our money , mostly, but not always and we worked it out accepted our share of the responsibility like men and moved on for this guy to start a shyte storm like this over chump change exposes him for to see -Goodbye go buy a chevy
Retired (retarded?) disgruntled Postal Employee here. It is ENTIRELY possible that the box was trashed by the Postal Service. FYI, the Postal Service reserves the right to open and inspect packages, I used to do it all the time. Somebody ships a box that says media on it, it has to be all books/cd's etc. Pick up a media box and it only weighs 4 or 5 pounds, I will be cutting it open. Also, the PO uses a machine called the APPS machine to sort all regularly sized packages, it is entirely possible that the box got ripped open while running down a belt and spilled it's contents and person picking it up did not see everything on the floor.
WOW man the language isnt needed, lets keep it PG-13.

you actually just said yourself that you would send back what you did not need......which would cost you the $20.00 to ship it back to him so just send him $20.00 and call it a day and let the thread drop before someone says something stupid and gets in trouble
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