Avoidance Alert

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Scott, Kansas
About three weeks ago I started talking to a member on the site from Canada. Dartnut, He claimed to have the parts I needed, Brake booster brackets and the linkage from the pedal up. So I tell him to sent the parts and I will pay him for what I use and send the rest back.
Well after a few weeks of waiting on snail mail, I get a box with a rusted up brake booster in it, which I had mentioned to him before shipping that I had spent 185.00 on a new booster so I didnt need it. He claims to have sent more parts, I waited for more parts to show up, yet nothing else has come. He is trying to get me to pay for a part that I do not need, or return the rusted up booster in which I didnt even ask for. For this reason I do not feel obligated to pay anything.
This feels like a scam.
I did get a little pissed off, and yes I cursed and said a few things, but hands down I will not be scammed.

If you think this is going the other way, you can ask the people that I have for references. I have delt with them in the past.


and a few more, I know hands down mopargod and chucksterr recall doing business because it has happened in the past week, I bought a grille and dash as well as a woodgrain dash piece from the other two members.
So he sent you a part or parts that you didn't already pay for?

He fronted the shipping and you didn't get what you wanted?

Got any pics of the box when it arrived? Opened by customs?

How much $ are we talking here?

Just reading between the lines here.
Yeah, how about some pics bigshot?
I did send you everything i said, and no, you didn't tell me you bought a new booster 2 weeks before.
The linkage and everything was sent in one box,
Are your pics going to match my pics?
Are you really trying to scam me?
Man up you welcher.
Oh, by the way people, he would not send me pics to resolve this before he went public.
He would not even send me his e-mail to send him pics.
This is all over $20 U.S. that i asked for btw, and i paid $24.72 Canadian to ship it.
A scammer doesn't:
Send free parts on his own dime
Send his e-mail address to the reciever
Trust the other person on their word
Offer to take the parts back if they are not satisfied
Offers no excuses
Does not change his story
Acts professionally

A scammer does:
Expect something for nothing
Refuse to send his e-mail address to the sender
Never trusts anyone
Will not send the parts back
Excuse after excuse
Changes their story
Acts and talks unprofessionaly

Let's let the FABO court decide Jared.

I'm through, Keep your $20
The roasting you get here is well worth it.
We're on.
Was there one or two (or more) boxes sent? Are there postal receipts with dates, amounts and the shipper's and receiver's addresses? Is there any way to track them? Pics would be good all the way around. Hopefully, this will be resolved soon - one way or another.
Sounds like one box per Dartnut and the OP acknowledges receipt of a box. So that rules out a lost box.

Why would someone/scammer send you a box with a junky booster, on his dime, only to piss you off and scam you. Doesn't make sense.

Let the fun begin!
Without even reading Dartnut's post, and only yours, right away it sounded like a good deal for you J4R3D.
He is willing to send somebody, who he has never met before, and knows absolutely no history on, parts from his own collection. Then!, when you decide on which parts you like, you will send him money. You could send him nothing, you could send him very little, or you could send him his asking price. He is only asking $20, and he paid for shipping to get those parts to you. He sends you the booster, and you freak out because you didn't have to pay for it, but somehow he is generous enough to send it without you asking, in case you may need one, since you ARE asking for the brackets?

You need to rethink your priorities here, and rethink your argument. Sounds like a pretty damn good deal to me.

I vote good on you Dartnut.
I don't want to start an argument or anything but awhile back He contacted me about buying my brake booster brackets and linkages and what not from me that I had for sale and something seemed kind of fishy how he was going about it and he kept telling me to wait until he got his paycheck and for me to hold them for him but I ended up selling the parts to another member who had cash on the spot.

I am not pointing fingers or anything don't get me wrong.

Hard to say until there are pictures and shipping confirmations shown to everyone.

but I don't see how dart nut did any wrong? he sent you parts for free...thats a pretty good deal, you could always send him the $20.00 back he has invested into shipping and then resell some of the parts he sent you that you do not need and make that back easy enough.....at the very least you guys could settle on atleast paying for half of the shipping costs for the misunderstanding?

good luck guys....hope it does not turn into a big fight or anything....fabo is a good place with alot of great people and with alot of people willing to help but more and more threads like this are popping up which makes it hard for the guys who are straight shooters to catch good deals on parts because people are shying away from dealing on fabo from getting scammed by people that take advantage of kind folks looking to help one another .

good luck guys! keep it civil8)
Sounds like both parties share a little communication breakdown blame but I think I'd have to lean toward Dartnut. I mean, what is his motivation? To work a scam for $20.00? What leverage does he have to get it? Sounds like he's the one out money, not J4R3D. If the package arrived damaged/incomplete, file a claim with the shipper. A few questions remain....why were there no photos exchanged and a clear description of what was needed before ANYTHING was shipped? Shipping uneeded parts back and forth just makes money for the shipper. Why weren't the brackets and linkage bolted to the booster so they wouldn't get away? Now if you two can shake tires and play nice you may be able to work together to figure out what happened to the missing parts! :)
Dartnut should have the shipping weight from when It left Canada, J4R3D has the box and parts that were in it...
J4R3D stick everything back in the box, weight it on a digital scale and post us a pic what it weighs.. Then Dartnut can post a pic of what it weighed when he mailed it...
Send me the parts and I'll pay for what I want...I like that deal anyone want to send me a 65 Dart vert and if I like it I'll pay for it...
Thanks for everyone's concern. I'll clear up a few questions.
I sent it all in one box. I do have the reciept. He wouldn't give me his e-mail address to send pics, but i sent him mine, and i tried to resolve this matter through p.m.'s first.
The weight of the package is 4.28 kg, the tracking number is CX 184 522 219 CA if any one would like to check the CanadaPost.ca website. He also said he recieved the package on july 12, but the tracking says it got to his post office on july 14. I asked him if maybe he got something from someone else sent earlier and is confusing it with my package, he should check with his post office again, and recieved no response to that comment from him.
I will post pics and a copy of my reciept on monday when i get back from work if anyone is interested.
I don't hate the guy or anything, i just don't know where he is coming from.
Yep do think $20 is more than fair, since the core for the booster is almost or more than that.
While the agreements made are somewhat unconventional. I am having a very hard time understanding calling someone a scammer in this case. Especially as has been said over $20. Which in reality isnt going to make or break anyone. I do understand the frustration though. To be honest this is exactly why I dont like shipping across boarders. You never know who elses hands might be digging through your box... and yes... it does happen. I also dont feel that calling someone out on the forum is justified here. Nothing that I can see here couldnt have been resolved in a few simple private messages. I know frustrations arise when things dont go right, but quite simply were not talking huge dollars - were not talking deliberate scamming - were not talking someone taking advantage. So there is the confusion. I hope you can settle this in a fair manner for both. This sites too good for name calling. I think its purley a case of some communication issues or someone helped themselves to some parts on the boarder.

Good luck to both.

I don't send anything out without payment in hand... I've been burned acouple of times by guys I've known for years.... Not on this site, but on another site... Rite now this is a he said he said deal.. I don't know either of you guys, but from what I've read on this thread, Dartnut seems like a straight up kinda guy... I would'nt want my name and rep drug through the mud either..
A posting in this thread is just funny. Glass house/stones, pot/kettle.

It's just too much sometimes.

Back to my cave.
jared also asked me to hold some brake parts for a few weeks and he would pay that never happened parts still for sale!!!!
He's posted another want list in the classified area so he evidently didn't get what he wanted. Not sure I'd want to get in the middle of this mess though......
He's posted another want list in the classified area so he evidently didn't get what he wanted. Not sure I'd want to get in the middle of this mess though......

Or providing a cover for his story? He didn't get the parts mid month, only had tracking for one box and waits until now to post the want ad, conveniently, same time as this thread.

Just looking at it from a nefarious viewpoint.

I'd have an ad up right after the box arrived if I still needed the stuff and it didn't show up in said box.

I have one of those brackets and a brake pedal assembly... $75 + shipping
I got curious, the tracking# says: quote "Item has been received at the delivery office in the destination country" does this mean that the package hasn´t been picked up yet by J4R3D?
You make alot of comments on threads such as this one please clarify this post thanks superdart340

Are you sure you want clarification? Clarification can sometimes be a fickle byatch.

Best regards

All I have is the rusted booster hands down, I am buying a set of brackets from MoparGod this weekend, How hard would it be for you to call Customs or Who ever it is to find out if they took something out of the box? and that just doesnt make sence to me, why would they take something out of a box? I call bullshit, I doubt you ever sent it, If you want the booster back you can pay for the shipping if not dont worry about it, cuz I dont have any other parts and my car is still sitting.
Another thing, I could take pictures of the box and what came in it, then all you will do is claim I took the other parts out.
Everyone else I deal with gets money asap and I get the parts that I request. the only reason why you dont have money is because I dont have parts, hands down.
thats all

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