Back Surgery

Glad it seems to have gone well. Take care of yourself and don't worry about us...we'll be here when you're ready to get back on the computer.
Well I survived, sort of, got home around lunch but way to sore to go on the computer. I don't recall ever being in so much pain in my life :angry7: I'll have further update in a few days, I'm beat.

Rob...just saw this thread!!!!!...sorry i didnt wish you luck earlier!!!!

Sounds like you're coming along good, and you'll be back under a car(s) in no time. We need to get together for another "Monkey Tree" session soon. Haven't heard hide nor hair from JimmyBoy.

Good to hear your back,lol! Anyway pain is temporary and lets you know your still alive.
Hoping for a fast recovery for you. Get plenty of rest and we will be here when you feel better.
Sorry I didn't see this earlier Rob but I'm glad to hear your back home and wish you the best. And as mentioned don't push it. Take your time recuperating. If you don't it won't heal properly.
Missed this one, but glad to hear you're home and on the mend Rob.. Maybe to cure that white *** problem, you gotta move where the sun pokes through occassionally.

My boss man just had is knee surgery and he said that was the most painful thing he has ever felt. They had him on Oxycodone and he was still in pain. He took a few more than he should and saw snakes crawling up the wall! No wonder they are like $30 pill on the street.
Well talk about lousy timing, we had a storm blow through and had no power for 2 days, just what I needed, to wrecked too do anything and not even the TV or computer to help pass the time :cussing:

So for those that may be interested this is how it went. I went into the hospital Tuesday morning and at 12:30 was in OR on my way to lala land. I came to shortly after 3:00 and after a couple hours there got wheeled into my room. Around 6:00 or so they gave me a couple of Tylenol 3's for the pain, for what it's worth T3's are like having a knife in a gun fight, good luck to ya :angry7: Just before 9:00 the nurse comes back so I ask her if we can get all these extra accessories unhooked from me, I'm ready to go for a walk, I'm leaving in the morning so we may as well get the show on the road :-D She agrees and removes the leg things, they puff up with air off and on to prevent clotting. Then she removes the cathetor, for those that haven't had one of those, it feels likie you have to pee the whole time it's in, feels like you are having a pee while they are removing, luckily you're not. The worst part is for the next while when you do go pee it feels like you're passing acid through your willy, that really burns #-o

So after the longest night of my life morning finally comes and I'm set to go, I was originally booked for a 3 day stay but the surgeon and I agreed one night would be fine if I could function. I assume that was why they never gave me morphin or anything good, I had to be able to deal with it with crappy drugs. Unfortunately he had to see me before I could go and he had to go into OR first so my release was delayed by a few hours. I got to leave around lunch time, the drive home nearly killed me, we must have the worst roads in the free world. The pain down my leg was unbearable, this was the pain we were trying to eliminate with the surgery so I hope it's just from inflamation and will go away soon.

The first three days were tough sledding, no improvement at all, the surgery was quite a bit more invasive than I had expected, rolling over, sitting up or then standing up was a killer, felt like I was tearing myself apart. I gave up on those useless T3's after a couple days, sometime on the 3rd day I remembered my Doc had given me some Oxycodone a while back for something else so I tried those, well that was a lot better 8) I ran out of those after a day so I'm pretty much back to nothing. On the upside I made pretty good progress on day 4, all that rolling, sitting, standing stuff is pretty good now :cheers:

Here's a pic, I'm told it's about 3 1/2" long

I don't know what I woud have done without my wife pretty much babying me the whole time, cooking, putting my socks on, making a fire in the wood insert when the power was out, get me this, get me that, won't wipe my bum though, what's up with that? :evil4:

Glad to hear your doing O.K :cheers:I,m waiting to go for another MRI,it,s been 3 yrs since my last one.Back then it was showing 4 herniated discs and a pinched nerve.It seems to be getting worse.The Comp Dr. told me that my disc,s are tesinigrating(crumbling at the sides)which apparently can,t be fixed with surgey?We,ll see.Follow Dr.s orders!
Rob I agree on the T3's.Thier useless. You need oxycodone for that kind of pain.Go to your Doc and see if he will give you a scrip for a weeks worth.Should be enough to get you over the hump.
Glad to hear your doing O.K :cheers:I,m waiting to go for another MRI,it,s been 3 yrs since my last one.Back then it was showing 4 herniated discs and a pinched nerve.It seems to be getting worse.The Comp Dr. told me that my disc,s are tesinigrating(crumbling at the sides)which apparently can,t be fixed with surgey?We,ll see.Follow Dr.s orders!

I would assume they will recommend fusion should you get to the point of total disc degeneration. He said I will most likely need that later but some people self fuse so told him I would work on that :-D

Rob I agree on the T3's.Thier useless. You need oxycodone for that kind of pain.Go to your Doc and see if he will give you a scrip for a weeks worth.Should be enough to get you over the hump.

I would do that if the office was open which it won't be until Tuesday, by then I'll be good enough without it, I'm hanging in there pretty good as it is, the worst is certainly over :cheers:

that looks like whoever stitched you up did a good job of it.

Yes, very nice job indeed, looks like a stuffed turkey :toothy7:
I have had 4 back surgeries the first one when i was 21 in 1969
i have rods and fusion. None were as painful as the knee surgery i just had. Back surgery isn't so bad because they let you heal. They do make you get up the first day but with a knee they make work it hard for at least 6 weeks.
If the drs offered to let me stay in the hospital 3 days i would try for 4. What happens the next few days can effect the rest of your life.
They are a lot better at back surgery than they were a few years
ago. You will be ok. I will be praying for you.
I have had 4 back surgeries the first one when i was 21 in 1969
i have rods and fusion. None were as painful as the knee surgery i just had. Back surgery isn't so bad because they let you heal. They do make you get up the first day but with a knee they make work it hard for at least 6 weeks.
If the drs offered to let me stay in the hospital 3 days i would try for 4. What happens the next few days can effect the rest of your life.
They are a lot better at back surgery than they were a few years
ago. You will be ok. I will be praying for you.

Sorry to hear you knee surgery is so painful, hope you get better quickly, I know many people that have had it with varying success, I sure hope yours does the trick. They may not make you work your back as much as the knee but to say they let you heal sounds like they just let you lay in bed, they had me doing laps around the hospital floor while my back was still spasming half the time. They told me not to lie around when I get home either, get up and walk regularly so you do have to work it to some degree.

I don't know why anybody would want to stay in the hospital. The bed is uncomfortable, mine was broken to boot, could only adjust it by getting out of it and pushing the buttons on the end. It's too noisy to sleep, alarms going off, nurses scurrying around in your room all night, everybody snoring. You can't even recognize the food let alone eat it, boredom beyond belief. There is nothing whatsoever that is better there than home, I'm doing all the same things here that I would be doing there only in comfort. I'm being very careful, not doing anything stupid :-D
Man Rob that sucks. Having the surgery is bad enough but to only give you T3's (useless in my opinion too) is brutal. I can only imagine how much pain you were in. I have 2 badly bulging discs that are pinching nerves (C6 and L5/S1) so I have an idea of your problem. Been seeing a surgeon and he would have already operated but the stinkin insurance won't let him until I get a series of epidurals first. I had them 2 yrs. ago and they only lasted for a very short time but since I switched doctors and insurance I have to jump through all the hoops again. Been basically living on 2-3 Vicodin a day to function for nearly 3 yrs. I hate the side effects of them but I'm at the point that if I don't take them I don't move.
Man Rob that sucks. Having the surgery is bad enough but to only give you T3's (useless in my opinion too) is brutal. I can only imagine how much pain you were in. I have 2 badly bulging discs that are pinching nerves (C6 and L5/S1) so I have an idea of your problem. Been seeing a surgeon and he would have already operated but the stinkin insurance won't let him until I get a series of epidurals first. I had them 2 yrs. ago and they only lasted for a very short time but since I switched doctors and insurance I have to jump through all the hoops again. Been basically living on 2-3 Vicodin a day to function for nearly 3 yrs. I hate the side effects of them but I'm at the point that if I don't take them I don't move.

Sorry to hear that Fishy, I know how you feel, I've had the disc problem for about 15 years. It would get better to some degree so the surgeon would talk me out of surgery. When it would blow out again I would be a mess for 3 - 9 months. The vertebrae problem was a new one and never changed, I just couldn't stay on my feet for any length of time. I saw a different surgeon and he was all for it and said he'd do what he could with the disc while he was in there. :thumbup:

I've had a number of those shots, I can't believe they believe that's a viable solution. I had zero to minimal relief when I got them, when they worked it would only give me a bit of extra time before the pain would set in, I could stand or walk for 15 minutes instead of 5. That's nice but a long way from great and would only last a couple weeks. I hope you can get in there soon and they fix you properly, it was almost a year wait for me and I got fast tracked, Canadian health care eh :angry7:
Sorry to hear that Fishy, I know how you feel, I've had the disc problem for about 15 years. It would get better to some degree so the surgeon would talk me out of surgery. When it would blow out again I would be a mess for 3 - 9 months. The vertebrae problem was a new one and never changed, I just couldn't stay on my feet for any length of time. I saw a different surgeon and he was all for it and said he'd do what he could with the disc while he was in there. :thumbup:

I've had a number of those shots, I can't believe they believe that's a viable solution. I had zero to minimal relief when I got them, when they worked it would only give me a bit of extra time before the pain would set in, I could stand or walk for 15 minutes instead of 5. That's nice but a long way from great and would only last a couple weeks. I hope you can get in there soon and they fix you properly, it was almost a year wait for me and I got fast tracked, Canadian health care eh :angry7:

Thanks Rob. Wow 15 yrs. sure is a long time to go like that.

Again I wish you the best and hope you heal fast and proper.
Thanks Rob. Wow 15 yrs. sure is a long time to go like that.

Again I wish you the best and hope you heal fast and proper.

Thanks again for the good wishes. It sounds to me like your problem is more like my vertebrae one in that there isn't any relief for you. My disc problem would always get better to at least a tolerable degree before I'd wreck it again. It always happened early in the morning, just a little move the wrong way and back to agony for 3 - 9 months. After that I'd be good for a while so the 15 years was a long time but it was a combination of tolerable discomfort and agony not pure agony like I've had with the vertebrae problem and what you're having.

I feel really bad for you being jerked around by the insrance company, that's inexcuseable. I hope you get in soon and get on the road to recovery.

Hang in there
No kidding.Insurance in the states for your health id expensive enough without them jerking your chain.Thank God our system still works!

Rob,it sounds like your on the road to recovery. Now if I was up to driving a long trip we could catch a hockey game,lol!!

Canucks just clinched thier division banner!!
No kidding.Insurance in the states for your health id expensive enough without them jerking your chain.Thank God our system still works!

Rob,it sounds like your on the road to recovery. Now if I was up to driving a long trip we could catch a hockey game,lol!!

Canucks just clinched thier division banner!!

Yup, I'm on the road, still have a ways to go though, I can only sit or stand for so long before it gets too uncomfortable but each day is better :cheers:

I wish we could catch a game together, that would be awesome. I hope your health is hanging in there, I keep hearing a breakthrough is just around the corner. I really hope that does happen soon, it's long overdue.

We will catch a game together one day :toothy7:
Thanks again for the good wishes. It sounds to me like your problem is more like my vertebrae one in that there isn't any relief for you. My disc problem would always get better to at least a tolerable degree before I'd wreck it again. It always happened early in the morning, just a little move the wrong way and back to agony for 3 - 9 months. After that I'd be good for a while so the 15 years was a long time but it was a combination of tolerable discomfort and agony not pure agony like I've had with the vertebrae problem and what you're having.

I feel really bad for you being jerked around by the insrance company, that's inexcuseable. I hope you get in soon and get on the road to recovery.

Hang in there

Thanks Rob. Actually mine used to be bad then get better for awhile then bad again and so on. Did that on and off for about 3-4 yrs. Now it's just been bad for the last 3-4 yrs. I had an MRI and nerve test and they say it is 2 discs bulging bad that are pinching nerves. I guess they know what their talking about. You know how that is.

Yeah wouldn't you know it I had a real good insurance company about 5 yrs. ago right when my back eased up and right after I got switched to another insurance company is when it got really bad. As the old saying goes "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all" LOL
Having an insurance company standing in your way must be incredibly frustrating. Have you met with a surgeon recently? I would like to think all you would need is that a surgeon says you need to have it done and away you go. Most of my American friends always told me that if you needed surgery you got in right away, I know one of my friends there needed wrist surgery and was in within a week. Mind you he was off work being paid my workers comp so I'm sure that speeds things up, even in Canada that moves you up the line quickly. I think you need to become a squeeky wheel and just keep chirping until somebody takes notice. Bloody insurance companies, happy to take your money but when you need them they turn their back on you.

I know all about bad luck, I hope you have some good luck heading your way

Having an insurance company standing in your way must be incredibly frustrating. Have you met with a surgeon recently? I would like to think all you would need is that a surgeon says you need to have it done and away you go. Most of my American friends always told me that if you needed surgery you got in right away, I know one of my friends there needed wrist surgery and was in within a week. Mind you he was off work being paid my workers comp so I'm sure that speeds things up, even in Canada that moves you up the line quickly. I think you need to become a squeeky wheel and just keep chirping until somebody takes notice. Bloody insurance companies, happy to take your money but when you need them they turn their back on you.

I know all about bad luck, I hope you have some good luck heading your way


Yeah I saw the surgeon in feb. That's when he sent me to get the injections. All I know is what he said that the insurance wouldn't allow surgery until I had injections first and then if they didn't work or last long they'd ok surgery. I don't think it'll take long to get in (maybe a few weeks) once we get past that point. It's just getting to that point. I wasn't proactive enough with the last surgeon. I should have called and told him the injections didn't last any time. I got disgusted and didn't so I'm partly to blame. This time I am going to be a squeaky wheel until they do something.

Your exactly right about the ins. companies. Most are crooks. I've noticed with the one I have now every time I have to go the the doctor for something major they send me a questionnaire to make sure it wasn't something that happened in an auto wreck or a workman's comp claim. Last sept I had to have a simple surgery on my left shoulder to clean out Bursitis build up. They sent the questionnaire and I wrote in big letters "it was Bursitis". How can that possibly happen in a wreck or at work? Are you people stupid or what? Never heard back. Hope they liked my sarcasm, LOL