Bashing our own members

I try very hard to ignore people that I dont agree with. Sometimes you just cant help but get a jab in there though, LOL.

Lots of bickering on Moparts but still lots of good info. Theres a few guys that really know these cars.

Then theres the "other" sites. To me there like train wrecks, I cant keep myself from looking even though I know Im not gonna like what I see. :toothy10:

Oh and John, :thebirdm:
I don't go on Moparts anymore, so I don't know what it is like now. The key word in my post was "Canada". As in mapleleafs..... A member there can't believe a site has 6000 members, just goes to show you.....
Adam Adam Adam....We need to teach you to use Google young feller.

Nah, that's just for those easteners, we out west go with the flow and the flow is going straight into this site.

Oh and John, you can kiss my :bootysha: in the county square.:-D

just that i have not had positive experience with that site or some of its members.


This has become my fav place due to it's mello minded clan hanging out feeling and general helping hands for one another. Everyone is very open and easy going and willing to share life and there MoPars without draw back.

East Coasters fancies themselves more hip than anyone else. (At least in the big citys they do. Oh, and as far as East coast being more hip, well, maybe in someone elses eyes, but it is all really state of mind more than cloths, music and art halls. :-D )
West Coasters are laid back. (OMG! No doubt, quick, check a for a pluse!)
Letterman as opposed to Leno sort of illustrates it. (He he he he I see it, I see it! :heart: )
And, of course, we Southerners are all a bunch of uneducated hicks.

LOL, Maybe so, but I have noticed the southern boys and girls do things I can't seem to slow down for unless I'm on vaction and enjoying time with a few of you all. I think you guys got it, well, more right than anything. :toothy10:
Sometimes, the big apple makes me feel like.... :banghead:
[from Rumblefish] This has become my fav place due to it's mello minded clan hanging out feeling and general helping hands for one another. Everyone is very open and easy going and willing to share life and there MoPars without draw back.

Rumblefish: That is exactly what I was thinking.=D>

One thing that stands out for me is that even though there are some very knowledgeable members here on FABO, I never feel threatened to ask about something. Newbies are welcomed with open arms, veterans don't flame to be self-important and this site is an excellent knowledge repository for doing it the Mopar way.

I think this may be because our rides aren't so as formulaic as some of the other brands. Even though my build is similar to others, I still feel like I'm pioneering something on my build. We often are last on the product development list for aftermarket (especially early As) but every day there is more and more available. It feels cutting edge...instead of formulaic. I'm inspired by what FABO members are doing not what the magazines are telling me I should be doing. It isn't about how big my bank account is as it is my desire to enjoy my vehicle as I want to.

It sure is great to know that if I get stuck, I can post a question here and I'm likely to get a thoughtful answer with real-world advice. And if it's a new topic, people are interested in finding out what I learned.

FABO isn't about self-proclaimed experts showing-off on how much more "right" they are than the next guy.

One of the other sites that share this same camaraderie is Several prominent FABO members are also members there (as I am also). The slant six guys are often forging an even more obscure hot-rodding path where they have to figure it out themselves. They have to rely on each other.

I think FABO epitomizes this same spirit and is the gold standard for web-based automotive community. I feel very fortunate in being a part of this. Thanks everyone!

Welcome aboard Doug. We try not to be jerks here. We all share the same interest: and that's spending waaaaay too much time and money on our cars.

It's all about finding your niche in life. I know I'll never be that monster, household-name professional musician with endless cash (and groupies...) that I dreamed about in high school. But here I am, starting that walk downhill in life, and I figured if I can give someone help with their old Mopar, I'm content. It's my nature to try and be accommodating, and it seems it's the same with so many of our members. Everyone here is nice, plus we're corralling our numbers so we can go kick *** somewhere else....

Now if there were only car groupies.... :cheers:
The worst of the Mopar sites is nothing compared to the mild self righteous know it alls on the Mercedes forums.

New guys are treated like frat boy pledges, and veteran techs thumb their noses at their own reflections.
I appreciate the way the mod's run this board too. I got on another Mopar board when I first started out and it was a flame fest. Everybody had to prove they were smarter than everybody else. Needless to say I don't even bother posting there anymore. I never posted on Moparts because I heard about all the hoopla in advance but I do read through their tech archives as they are pretty handy.

Their are a few other good boards out there but FABO is definitely #1:cheers:
ted_sweet posted; just that i have not had positive experience with that site or some of its members.
WOW! Sorry to hear that. That, is just an outright bummer. Glad you find this place good.

socal_65dartgt Quote:
Rumblefish: That is exactly what I was thinking. =D>

I'm glad you share this with me and others. Thanks!

MtNemoMopar Hey moneybags. You were on a Mercedes site because.....?
Ha ha ha he he :tongue3: :laughing: :rolleyes: :poke:
OUch that was funny. Actually, there lower class cars are affordable. At least with Cudaspaz' heads up, I'll know what not to do if I ever get a german car.

Amen fishy, amen!
A few 4x4 boards I've been on are absolutely merciless and a very thick skin is mandatory. I don't hang out on those very much but there is a good Ramcharger/Dodge truck board here if anyone is interested: Still not as nice as this this one here and the mechanical knowledge of most members regarding any engine tech is very limited, but some members abilities in regards to part numbers and suspension/driveline tech is excellent.

This is a great board and I do my best to try and help anyone regardless of their level of knowledge and in return, I have received a tremendous amount of help from members here more knowledgeable than I. Just because I was professional mechanic doesn't mean I know everything and I try to keep an open mind.

Thanks everyone for a great board and tolerating my occasional smart *** remark. Keep in mind it's meant in jest. :jocolor:
Hey rumble youll see me over there sometimes. I live cloce to all the knuckleheads . They are sharp on builds and know tech. Fugly was a comp cams engineer. He,s a good guy always willing to help out.