Best Car Commercial EVER...IMO

Great commercial. Just wish it could have been Mopar based.

Yeah, having a Challenger in there would have been MUCH better, IMHO ;)


No political talk here...


There you guys go again....making me tear up

I'm an old softie.

Great commercial! Thank you Prine

God bless all that have served and those that are serving now.
I agree brings a tear to one's eye, real america baby! Gotta love it!
So touching...I can really relate as my daughter returned safely from Afghanistan in April...thanks so much for posting this and to all you that have served a huge thank you for our freedom!
Yeah, I have to admit, it would have really choked me up if it had been Mopar based, with a Father and his Plum Crazy 1970 Hemi his son a 2009 Black on Black 6 speed SRT8 Challenger, but it still raised the hair on my neck and my eyes started to water up....:cheers:

I remember once upon a time when automotive commercials weren't about "HURRY IN FOR 0 % FINANCING ON OUR NEW 70% PLASTIC FORIEGN ASSEMBLED, GOVERNMENT MANDATED CARS AND TRUCKS!!!!"

Good Commercial indeed, glad no one thought I was switching to the dark side!
Best car commercial i've ever seen.
I hope all of our servicemen from all countries come home safely.
I am a mopar man, but kudos to Ford, excellent and breathtaking to say the least.
There's alot of truth in that.
Most excellent and well done.

Good find Prine!
I can't see the key board :stop: Thank you prine:happy10::happy10::happy10:
It sure would be cool to have had a father in my life.

Going for a blue pill know.........
Yes the best :-D IMO to ta see.
Awsome comercial... definitly turned the water works on... My son leaves again tomorrow, gets deployed next month... Only wish I could afford to have a car in the garage for him when he comes That comercial will stick with me for a good while....