


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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The wife went and had her biopsy done on Friday. We should know by Wednesday what they found. All you guys with wifes, PLEASE remind them to get a yearly mammogram done.
Why does it still take so long to know the results?

I went though the same grief after finding a lump in my groin, turn out just to be an infection that cleared up with meds. Had great insurance at the time 20 years ago so they just cut me open and took bit for a biopsy. I had no idea what a biopsy was and was upset the doc didn't just try the meds first.

Good luck, hope the news is good.
Hope everything turns out ok Doug.My wife never misses her checkup.She has had some questionable results before.
Just got the news we did not want to hear, biopsy came back as cancer....damn, what next??
Oh Man.........Sorry, very sorry to hear that.As you said..its IMPORTANT for check ups related to this. So many to young or wont be me..........Please let us know if theres anything we can do to help anyway.Keep us posted and thoughts are with you all.
Sorry to hear that, what is next is most likely a lumpectmy which is to remove lump, maybe chemo, radiation or a estrogen blocker..... I would think she has to get more tests.
I know a bit about this because my wife had breast cancer 7 years ago. She had a mastectomy and reconstruction.....the cancer cam back in feb....
your wife will be fine just get as much info from your doctor as possible.
Damn it Doug! Man I hate that with a passion! Tell your wife that we are sending up thoughts and prayers for you and her!!

PM me if you want.
I came down for supper the other night and my wife was in tears, same deal with a close family member. She goes in for an operation next week. My mom had it over 20 years ago and they got it all (touch wood). Sounds to me like they caught it in time. I hope everything will be all right, sorry to hear this man.
Sorry to hear that, hopefully they caught it early, seems like everyone is getting cancer these days, my mom had it 2 years ago...
Her mammo from last year was clear, it just showed up on her mammo from a couple of months ago.
Sorry to hear. My wife has her mammogram done regularly. Prayers from our family.
I'm sending prayers for both of you. Stay strong and it's very curable when caught early!! They have made such strides on this type of cancer......
I'm so sorry to hear that Doug stay strong, if there's anything I can do to help please give me a call and tell Ernestina she is in my family's thoughts & prayers.

Prayers for you and your wife Ink, my wife went though this a few years back and they removed it and all has been good now for about 5 years, I posted here while we had a thunder storm and it must have not made it.
It was an emotional time for us, I prayed for the doctors to to use there wisdom that has been given to them and do this right, The same prayers going out for you, your wife and her doctors.