Brain Age Test



Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2009
Reaction score

This test, or series of 5 exercises, determines your "Brain Age". If your Brain Age is LESS than your ACTUAL age, then you are in good shape.

They are fun tests - you don't need to be a scientist, or an historian to take this test - BUT - you will need a mouse that's in good working order. In all, it takes about 3-4 minutes to take (longer if you wait between exercises, which you can do)


I scored 28, and I am 20. Theoretically I would have to score 100% on every test to equal my current age, so that test isn't fair unless you are 25 or older. :-D
I scored lower than my age but I already forgot my score!!
I scored 28, and I am 20. Theoretically I would have to score 100% on every test to equal my current age, so that test isn't fair unless you are 25 or older. :-D
No whiners! Mainly because I scored 12 years below my age
Which probably isn't that difficult considering your age isn't even on the chart. :bootysha: :-D
Chart? What chart? I'm ageless and timeless:farao:
I scored a brain age of 35 so not too bad for a 45 year old. Now if i can just figure out why I cannot remember what my wife and kids want by the time i get to Subway to pick it up.:-?
Scored a brain age 19 years younger! Now if I could just get the rest of me to do the same.
My brain is in its retirement age But the rest of me got quite a few years to go, Guess I screwed too!!!