Brother of previous owner wants his car back! What to do...



Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Basically I offered $3,500 cash for his drag racing barracuda and my 1970 duster project which was solid except for the rear quarters and fenders which I paid $750 for

He seen my ad on craigslist to part it out, chewed me out about me saying it's not street legal and saying it just needed blinkers etc, then later offered my duster back completely repaired of rust/damage and a "quick paint job"

I'm not a jerk, and really wouldn't mind trading it back for that offer, but I don't how what kind of quality the work will be, nor if I can get the $4250 plus title fees that I sunk into this vehicle. It's a slant six 1970s.. or 72?........71? Anyways I forget.

If he does quality work and it's done properly, not kitty hair and bondo'd out the arse and the paint job is worth it... it would be a $5k car, the duster, right? I got a guy who wants to buy it for $4,700 but made no promises yet.

I don't know what to do. I'm all for 'returning' cars to their PO since that';s mopar love obviously. But I need money...
Sounds like he is imagining some "understood rules" that benefit him. There is a long tradition of trading, with rules and laws define thru the millenia. Trading cars is no different than trading mules. It sounds like you did not misrepresent anything, plus you traded with his brother anyway, so you have no obligation to reverse the trade at more money for him. He would probably laugh at you behind your back with his dead-beat friends.
If you wanted to very the metal work-can't you go to the autoparts store and get a pen/magnet that would not stick to the bondo?

There are better body verification tools but, I am not sure what all is out there. It sounds like you have a couple of weeks to straighten things out.

I think it would help others if you gave a greater description of each cars before/after condition- and /or pictures if you had them.
Sounds like he is imagining some "understood rules" that benefit him. There is a long tradition of trading, with rules and laws define thru the millenia. Trading cars is no different than trading mules. It sounds like you did not misrepresent anything, plus you traded with his brother anyway, so you have no obligation to reverse the trade at more money for him. He would probably laugh at you behind your back with his dead-beat friends.

Good call. Plus you said he 'chewed you out' which gives me the feeling he doesn't feel kindly towards you and wouldn't do the best job on the bodywork.
If you can't sell that race car and break even what makes you think you can sell 1970 Duster with a quick patch job and paint? Tell him to fix the Duster, sell it himself and bring cash.
$3,500 and that duster for



Bottom line; his brother was desperate and impatient. I jumped the offer and made out like a bandit in terms of value but have yet to have luck. I went through the parts and searched them, the cost of the parts, even when deducted for resale makes far more than I paid.
$3,500 and that duster for



Bottom line; his brother was desperate and impatient. I jumped the offer and made out like a bandit in terms of value but have yet to have luck. I went through the parts and searched them, the cost of the parts, even when deducted for resale makes far more than I paid.

So are you!!!!!

You have been on and off on this race car every since you got it. In my opinion you got a fair deal at best but nothing great. I would have kept the $3500 in my pocket. Big blocks are going away because of what you can make a small block in to. Big blocks are heavy compared to small blocks and that hurts you on the track. A 64 big block is very low on the totem pole as far as any one wanting it. It is time for you to get some cheese to go with your whine. Get up and make it happen!
Are you happy with the trade and cash? If so that is all that counts. Congrats on your Duster.
Are you happy with the trade and cash? If so that is all that counts. Congrats on your Duster.

He no longer has the Duster. It went along with $3500 cash went for the race car that he can't get rid of. Nobody wanted it for the last 2 years it was for sale in that area. If he wants to sell it he needs to broaden the buyer field and put it on eBay.
Lol no no... its not my duster anymore... anyways he wants it, I told him cash cause clearly I'm too retarded to be in this hobby right now. I need money and I don't have garage space or enough tools or money to play around like most of you old farts who long retired and do this in your spare time. I got a ways to go and yes I am impatient and desperate as well, but as I've said before I'm stubborn :D... looks like I held onto it long enough... either this one guy who wants to look at it this evening will buy it, or the PO will buy it. I'm not making the PO counter the offer, im basically saying whoever puts X amount of cash in my hands first gets it. Maybe in 20 more years ill get another project... just not right now. Still gonna haunt these forums though even after my car is long gone :p

Edit: that's if he buys it... If neither do, back to the drawing board... and maybe time to switch brands. ACME doesn't work well. Always breaks!
Lol no no... its not my duster anymore... anyways he wants it, I told him cash cause clearly I'm too retarded to be in this hobby right now. I need money and I don't have garage space or enough tools or money to play around like most of you old farts who long retired and do this in your spare time. I got a ways to go and yes I am impatient and desperate as well, but as I've said before I'm stubborn :D... looks like I held onto it long enough... either this one guy who wants to look at it this evening will buy it, or the PO will buy it. I'm not making the PO counter the offer, im basically saying whoever puts X amount of cash in my hands first gets it. Maybe in 20 more years ill get another project... just not right now. Still gonna haunt these forums though even after my car is long gone :p

Edit: that's if he buys it... If neither do, back to the drawing board... and maybe time to switch brands. ACME doesn't work well. Always breaks!

Hey who says all us old farts have a big shop or all the tools needed? I get what tools I need when I can afford it and I have a one car garage. I am not retired but on disability. If you really have a passion for this hobby you can learn and do this. Like anything else this in this hobby it takes time and I know of one member said he has been working on his car 14 years.

I traded straight across with no money exchanged for my Lucille and it was well worth it.
Lol no no... its not my duster anymore... anyways he wants it, I told him cash cause clearly I'm too retarded to be in this hobby right now. I need money and I don't have garage space or enough tools or money to play around like most of you old farts who long retired and do this in your spare time. I got a ways to go and yes I am impatient and desperate as well, but as I've said before I'm stubborn :D... looks like I held onto it long enough... either this one guy who wants to look at it this evening will buy it, or the PO will buy it. I'm not making the PO counter the offer, im basically saying whoever puts X amount of cash in my hands first gets it. Maybe in 20 more years ill get another project... just not right now. Still gonna haunt these forums though even after my car is long gone :p

Edit: that's if he buys it... If neither do, back to the drawing board... and maybe time to switch brands. ACME doesn't work well. Always breaks!

I am not retired by any means. I am just able to do what I want because of extremely hard work when I was young. It was nothing to work 80 hours a week. I sold my mattress manufacturing company in 1995 and retired at the age of 37. I bought real estate and sit back and let the money come to me. I play cars to have something to do and it makes more money. I am far from rich but I can buy what I want and owe nothing. My car hobby funds itself.
I've worked on plenty of cars, none of them seen the end and I always have issues arise, cranky neighbors complaining about disc grinding, landlords being pissed, friend screwed me out of 2 titles (I was young and stupid... what a "friend") and the biggest issue of all, has always been money.
I've worked on plenty of cars, none of them seen the end and I always have issues arise, cranky neighbors complaining about disc grinding, landlords being pissed, friend screwed me out of 2 titles (I was young and stupid... what a "friend") and the biggest issue of all, has always been money.

Move out to the County.
Maybe its time to sell the race car,find something rustfree(Arizona area)cheap.While useing as a daily driver you can do work on the car(add-ons)as you go.Some of us aren,t retired,just do this as a loved hobbie.Most of the nice cars you see were either bought done or took years and lots of money to complete.I feel your trying to sell in the worst economy ever,people are just not buying instead thinking of the future and the economy.JMO
Move out to the County.

That was my solution. If my neighbors gripe I just remind them that I own the place where they are living. Same neighbors for over 16 years still paying rent so they must not dislike me to much. They know I like my junk but they also know I will make sure they are safe. Druggies get a "Go To Jail" card pretty quick. Nice to heve connections in law enforcement.
Lol no no... its not my duster anymore... anyways he wants it, I told him cash cause clearly I'm too retarded to be in this hobby right now. I need money and I don't have garage space or enough tools or money to play around like most of you old farts who long retired and do this in your spare time. I got a ways to go and yes I am impatient and desperate as well, but as I've said before I'm stubborn :D... looks like I held onto it long enough... either this one guy who wants to look at it this evening will buy it, or the PO will buy it. I'm not making the PO counter the offer, im basically saying whoever puts X amount of cash in my hands first gets it. Maybe in 20 more years ill get another project... just not right now. Still gonna haunt these forums though even after my car is long gone :p

Edit: that's if he buys it... If neither do, back to the drawing board... and maybe time to switch brands. ACME doesn't work well. Always breaks!

With that attitude you might as well sell it and find a new hobby, when I bought the barracuda I didnt have ANY house I was stuck in the middle of the sandbox, had a friend park it outside for me. I had next to no tools left because I got cleaned out by a "wicked witch of the west" my truck was down and the only "reliable" transportation I had was my bike which was running like crap. I slowly acquired tools, figuring out a project on the car, than scouring craigslist for tools I needed to do it. Hell i've barely touched the surface of the car, my housing situation is up in the air, and my car currently has parts in every corner of the property.

The bottom line is, restoring a car is thankless money pit of a job and a pain in the ***, it's not glamorous like you see on TV, but we do it anyway because we love our cars.

The only way your going to get a car done is if you stop whining about what you don't have, and figure out how to get what you have to have. If you don't know something, sit down figure it out, than figure out a way for YOU to get it done. No one is going to get it done for you, no one is going to hold your hand through it, we'll help point you in the right direction but at some point your gonna have to figure out how to use your brain for what it was designed for.
Maybe its time to sell the race car,find something rustfree(Arizona area)cheap.While useing as a daily driver you can do work on the car(add-ons)as you go.Some of us aren,t retired,just do this as a loved hobbie.Most of the nice cars you see were either bought done or took years and lots of money to complete.I feel your trying to sell in the worst economy ever,people are just not buying instead thinking of the future and the economy.JMO

Very accurate. People are worried about family and jobs so that means that there just isn't the exspendable cash floating around there was a few years ago. My net income is way off of what it used to be 5 years ago. The economy slumped and my expenses rose.
With that attitude you might as well sell it and find a new hobby, when I bought the barracuda I didnt have ANY house I was stuck in the middle of the sandbox, had a friend park it outside for me. I had next to no tools left because I got cleaned out by a "wicked witch of the west" my truck was down and the only "reliable" transportation I had was my bike which was running like crap. I slowly acquired tools, figuring out a project on the car, than scouring craigslist for tools I needed to do it. Hell i've barely touched the surface of the car, my housing situation is up in the air, and my car currently has parts in every corner of the property.

The bottom line is, restoring a car is thankless money pit of a job and a pain in the ***, it's not glamorous like you see on TV, but we do it anyway because we love our cars.

The only way your going to get a car done is if you stop whining about what you don't have, and figure out how to get what you have to have. If you don't know something, sit down figure it out, than figure out a way for YOU to get it done. No one is going to get it done for you, no one is going to hold your hand through it, we'll help point you in the right direction but at some point your gonna have to figure out how to use your brain for what it was designed for.

Yea, Ho ray, Clap, Jump, and do it over again and again. Score one for xlexl!!!!!! We all started at the bottom unless mommy and daddy fed us with a gold spoon. No gold spoon here and I have bought most of my tools used.
Everything being said is true Asktoro, Look around at all the different threads especially the resto threads and read. You really want to save your Cuda? It can be done.
Everything being said is true Asktoro, Look around at all the different threads especially the resto threads and read. You really want to save your Cuda? It can be done.

He never wanted the car... He thought it would be a cash cow. He is learning the hard way but I don't think it has sunk in yet.
I'll leave you one last little nugget before I climb off my soap box, one of my favorite quotes.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” Calvin Coolidge (1872 - 1933)
I'll leave you one last little nugget before I climb off my soap box, one of my favorite quotes.

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.” Calvin Coolidge (1872 - 1933)

Nicely said. I bet your young, but very wise for your age. It takes a very special person to own, care for, and restore these awesome cars. Lately I am laid up with a bum knee (ladder injury) and I have been frequenting these forums more for entertainment. I have heard quite a few stories just like this one. Bottom line is not everyone is cut out to run in this hobby. Persistance is a requirement for sure. I had a friend in high school who traded car for car and never really got too far into it. Now he is pushing 40 and is strung out on drugs and living at home with his dad and has absolutely nothing to show for it.
He never wanted the car... He thought it would be a cash cow. He is learning the hard way but I don't think it has sunk in yet.
Aint that the truth. There are very few, if any "cash cows" left as far as these cars go.