Buying Parts in 2011

Jan 7, 2007
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Vancouver BC
I just gave a cute young lady an education today. She wanted to insist my 273 is a "4.some damn liter". I explained to her in NO uncertain terms that there is NO such thing as a 4 - something - liter engine in a 67 Dart.
I just gave a cute young lady an education today. She wanted to insist my 273 is a "4.some damn liter". I explained to her in NO uncertain terms that there is NO such thing as a 4 - something - liter engine in a 67 Dart.

4.5 liters.
how about the blonde at my local NAPA asking "Can I help you sir?" " I need a carb spacer" "Whats a carb spacer" " the answer to your origional question good bye" now thebiggest parts/speed shop in the area has replaced the guys with grease under their finger nails with little girls with big titties that only know how to work the computer -doh
I walked into O'Reilly's with the wiper blades for my 73 Dart in my hand. I tell the idiot I need wipers for my 73 Dodge Dart, and hand him the wipers. He looks at me and says "we don't carry those". I said yes, you do. He says no, I don't think we do. I say yes, you do. I will bet you my paycheck against yours that these are on your shelf. We walk over to the wipers, I look them up, and there they are on the shelf. A lot of them. I told him consider this a lesson learned. Never say no until you have looked and exhausted all possibilities. Dipshits!
how about the blonde at my local NAPA asking "Can I help you sir?" " I need a carb spacer" "Whats a carb spacer" " the answer to your origional question good bye" now thebiggest parts/speed shop in the area has replaced the guys with grease under their finger nails with little girls with big titties that only know how to work the computer -doh

Were you born knowing what a carb spacer is? You could have taken the 5 seconds to tell her what a carb spacer is, then she would be one step on her way to being a better auto parts person.

A friend of mine started working at NAPA when he was around 18 knowing very little about cars but having always had an interest in them. Within a short time he learned pretty much anything that a parts guy needs to know, and a bit more, because he wasn't afraid to ask questions of customers who asked for something he didn't understand, and in our small town all the customers are friendly and understanding. It's called "OJT". Now whenever I go in there he is telling a customer something they didn't know and usually saving them money in the process.
Schneiderman's right; it's best to forgive a new counter staffer some ignorance and educate him or her about a part almost nobody ever asks for, for a car that was built several decades ago. But Mopar to ya's also right about the wipers. How many of us have had an exchange like this:

You, to the guy behind the counter: "I only see one Anco 12-14 wiper refill on the shelf. Could you please check if you have any more?"

Counter guy sez "What year, make and model are you working on?"

You sez "It doesn't matter, I just gave you the part number. Anco 12-14. It's a 14-inch wiper refill like this what I am holding in my hand."

Counter: "I need a year, make and model."

You: "Fine, whatever. It's a 1972 Dodge Dart."

Counter: "Truck or car?"

You: "Dart. It's a car."

Counter: "What engine?"

You: "It doesn't make any difference! They all used the same wiper! Just pick one!"

Counter: "I need to know what engine. Does it have the one ninety eight three point two, the two twenty five three point seven, the three eighteen five point two or the three fifty five point seven?"

You: "There's no such a thing as a 350 in a Dart."

Counter: "Three fifty. Ummm...sorry, we don't have parts for that car."

You: "No, I said it couldn't have a 350 because they never came that way. A 350 is a Chevrolet engine, and this is a Dodge. It has a 225!"

Counter: "OK a 225...and does it have drum or disc brakes?"

You: "It has 14 inch wiper blades. Anco 12-14s. I can see them on the shelf behind you. Over your left shoulder. Can you please just grab me another one to match this what I have placed on the counter in front of you?"

Counter: "Uhhhh...I have to check with my manager...and he's on lunch...I could take down your, like, name and number...I guess...if you really want me to. That would require paper...and, like, a writing thing...we have these really kewl headlight blackouts, they look phat if you want to impress the chizzicks and, like, stuff. They're on aisle four."

You: "<unprintable>"

Counter: ""
When I accidentally fried the alternator on our Cadillac,hooked up the battery up backwards really stupid beginner mistake on my part, we went to Autozone 3 times. They never had the correct alternator. We eventually went to OReilly's and they didn't have it in the computer. But one of the guys there worked in garage and and checked in the book. They had it under a different part number. So the older guy working there learned something that day, and I learned to always go to O'Reilly's if Autozone doesn't have it and talk to Kevin.
Schneiderman's right; it's best to forgive a new counter staffer some ignorance and educate him or her about a part almost nobody ever asks for, for a car that was built several decades ago. But Mopar to ya's also right about the wipers. How many of us have had an exchange like this:

You, to the guy behind the counter: "I only see one Anco 12-14 wiper refill on the shelf. Could you please check if you have any more?"

Counter guy sez "What year, make and model are you working on?"

You sez "It doesn't matter, I just gave you the part number. Anco 12-14. It's a 14-inch wiper refill like this what I am holding in my hand."

Counter: "I need a year, make and model."

You: "Fine, whatever. It's a 1972 Dodge Dart."

Counter: "Truck or car?"

You: "Dart. It's a car."

Counter: "What engine?"

You: "It doesn't make any difference! They all used the same wiper! Just pick one!"

Counter: "I need to know what engine. Does it have the one ninety eight three point two, the two twenty five three point seven, the three eighteen five point two or the three fifty five point seven?"

You: "There's no such a thing as a 350 in a Dart."

Counter: "Three fifty. Ummm...sorry, we don't have parts for that car."

You: "No, I said it couldn't have a 350 because they never came that way. A 350 is a Chevrolet engine, and this is a Dodge. It has a 225!"

Counter: "OK a 225...and does it have drum or disc brakes?"

You: "It has 14 inch wiper blades. Anco 12-14s. I can see them on the shelf behind you. Over your left shoulder. Can you please just grab me another one to match this what I have placed on the counter in front of you?"

Counter: "Uhhhh...I have to check with my manager...and he's on lunch...I could take down your, like, name and number...I guess...if you really want me to. That would require paper...and, like, a writing thing...we have these really kewl headlight blackouts, they look phat if you want to impress the chizzicks and, like, stuff. They're on aisle four."

You: "<unprintable>"

Counter: ""
well geez Dan maybe you should have been more understanding and shown a little more compassion towards his feelings - OR stores that sell expensive things that go on expensive things should maybe hire people who have some basic knowledge of those things and them train them to deal with people in a professional manner , had said large breasted blonde bimbo who was hired for her big blue eyes and much bigger tits said to me I'm not sure let me look it up and then looked up the words Carb and Spacer she would have maybe made a sale , or at least kept a customer remember I didn't ask for a sonic transducer for a flux warp capacitor for a 32 Vauxhall ,tho had I the same principle of a confident response then a little hooked on phonics would have led to a professional result . The unfortunate fact here in Victoria is that all the parts places followed the leader in hiring little hotties for delivery persons and have since decided if it works on the service center guy's it will work on the public and all the good parts counter guys are going the way of the dodo in favor of persons who can't sell you the part on the wall without looking it up in the system first ,but damn they are smokin if you know what I mean -oh wait I forgot who I was responding too -never mind

PS Schneiderman while I certainly wasn't born knowing those 2 words , I have since the age of 5 been able to read and sound out those 2 words and as such she certainly should be able to do the same at her tender age of 18+ , I have neither the years left or the desire to teach basic reading skills to every person on this planet who is lacking those skills.

Way to ruin what started out as a pretty funny little cartoon guys
well geez Dan maybe you should have been more understanding and shown a little more compassion towards his feelings - OR stores that sell expensive things that go on expensive things should maybe hire people who have some basic knowledge of those things and them train them to deal with people in a professional manner , had said large breasted blonde bimbo who was hired for her big blue eyes and much bigger tits said to me I'm not sure let me look it up and then looked up the words Carb and Spacer she would have maybe made a sale , or at least kept a customer remember I didn't ask for a sonic transducer for a flux warp capacitor for a 32 Vauxhall ,tho had I the same principle of a confident response then a little hooked on phonics would have led to a professional result . The unfortunate fact here in Victoria is that all the parts places followed the leader in hiring little hotties for delivery persons and have since decided if it works on the service center guy's it will work on the public and all the good parts counter guys are going the way of the dodo in favor of persons who can't sell you the part on the wall without looking it up in the system first ,but damn they are smokin if you know what I mean -oh wait I forgot who I was responding too -never mind

PS Schneiderman while I certainly wasn't born knowing those 2 words , I have since the age of 5 been able to read and sound out those 2 words and as such she certainly should be able to do the same at her tender age of 18+ , I have neither the years left or the desire to teach basic reading skills to every person on this planet who is lacking those skills.

Way to ruin what started out as a pretty funny little cartoon guys
well said
All I can say it was a lot simpler when they looked up the part in the parts book got the part number and check to see if they had it on the shelf.
Here we go again!! Another lets bash the parts counter person thread!! The way you guys talk 90% of all counter people are morons. If you would have just bought your parts at a local independent parts store where the experienced counter people worked you wouldn't be in the mess you are in. But no!! You all wanted your $.99 motor oil and spark plugs. You were all drawn in by their big show rooms with 200 different air fresheners and neon shift knobs! Now most of the independents are all gone leaving lots of big box chain stores scattered across town for all of you to gripe about!! You get what you pay for people!! The chains have to keep their payroll low so that you can stare at a 30 foot long display of car wax for half an hour trying to figure out which one to get! If you want good service you need to pay more for it. And by good service I don't mean just getting the right part the first time, I mean getting some real good advice sometimes. Just like the old days when a good counter person knew that chevy points fit a harley, there are a lot of little bits of wisdom that only an experienced counterperson has stuck in his or her brain. I've been doing this for thirty years, I'm paid extremely well for what's in my head and my customers, which spread out to 7 cities in 3 counties get their moneys worth!
That is a funny cartoon by the way Dan! We used to have cartoons in our trade magazines too poking fun of the people that come in our doors. I wish I saved them
When I accidentally fried the alternator on our Cadillac,hooked up the battery up backwards really stupid beginner mistake on my part, we went to Autozone 3 times. They never had the correct alternator. We eventually went to OReilly's and they didn't have it in the computer. But one of the guys there worked in garage and and checked in the book. They had it under a different part number. So the older guy working there learned something that day, and I learned to always go to O'Reilly's if Autozone doesn't have it and talk to Kevin.
So you will ONLY go to Kevin at O'reilly's when Autozone doesn't have it!!! So you found some one who knows his stuff and helped you out of a jam and you reward him how?? By making him your LAST stop??!!! There's customer loyalty for you!! And you guys call us counter people idiots!!!
All I can say it was a lot simpler when they looked up the part in the parts book got the part number and check to see if they had it on the shelf.
Amen to that brother!!! Electronic cataloging is a joke! There are no pages to write notes in. I've got a log book with my notes under the counter for quick referance.
Here we go again!! Another lets bash the parts counter person thread!! The way you guys talk 90% of all counter people are morons. If you would have just bought your parts at a local independent parts store where the experienced counter people worked you wouldn't be in the mess you are in. But no!! You all wanted your $.99 motor oil and spark plugs. You were all drawn in by their big show rooms with 200 different air fresheners and neon shift knobs! Now most of the independents are all gone leaving lots of big box chain stores scattered across town for all of you to gripe about!! You get what you pay for people!! The chains have to keep their payroll low so that you can stare at a 30 foot long display of car wax for half an hour trying to figure out which one to get! If you want good service you need to pay more for it. And by good service I don't mean just getting the right part the first time, I mean getting some real good advice sometimes. Just like the old days when a good counter person knew that chevy points fit a harley, there are a lot of little bits of wisdom that only an experienced counterperson has stuck in his or her brain. I've been doing this for thirty years, I'm paid extremely well for what's in my head and my customers, which spread out to 7 cities in 3 counties get their moneys worth!

Being a counter guy for the first 5 years of my working life in both a store and a dealership I know exactly what you mean and agree with you 100%.
Now that I am a body man I found me a counterperson that is incredibly competent and I don't have any of the problems that other people gripe about.
Here we go again!! Another lets bash the parts counter person thread!! The way you guys talk 90% of all counter people are morons. If you would have just bought your parts at a local independent parts store where the experienced counter people worked you wouldn't be in the mess you are in. But no!! You all wanted your $.99 motor oil and spark plugs. You were all drawn in by their big show rooms with 200 different air fresheners and neon shift knobs! Now most of the independents are all gone leaving lots of big box chain stores scattered across town for all of you to gripe about!! You get what you pay for people!! The chains have to keep their payroll low so that you can stare at a 30 foot long display of car wax for half an hour trying to figure out which one to get! If you want good service you need to pay more for it. And by good service I don't mean just getting the right part the first time, I mean getting some real good advice sometimes. Just like the old days when a good counter person knew that chevy points fit a harley, there are a lot of little bits of wisdom that only an experienced counterperson has stuck in his or her brain. I've been doing this for thirty years, I'm paid extremely well for what's in my head and my customers, which spread out to 7 cities in 3 counties get their moneys worth!

All we have here is the chain stores.
No more local owned stores. They were great. I miss them.
The counter guys had been there for years and would recognize you if you were a regular customer.
Here we go again!! Another lets bash the parts counter person thread!! The way you guys talk 90% of all counter people are morons. If you would have just bought your parts at a local independent parts store where the experienced counter people worked you wouldn't be in the mess you are in. But no!! You all wanted your $.99 motor oil and spark plugs. You were all drawn in by their big show rooms with 200 different air fresheners and neon shift knobs! Now most of the independents are all gone leaving lots of big box chain stores scattered across town for all of you to gripe about!! You get what you pay for people!! The chains have to keep their payroll low so that you can stare at a 30 foot long display of car wax for half an hour trying to figure out which one to get! If you want good service you need to pay more for it. And by good service I don't mean just getting the right part the first time, I mean getting some real good advice sometimes. Just like the old days when a good counter person knew that chevy points fit a harley, there are a lot of little bits of wisdom that only an experienced counterperson has stuck in his or her brain. I've been doing this for thirty years, I'm paid extremely well for what's in my head and my customers, which spread out to 7 cities in 3 counties get their moneys worth!

thank u
That is a funny cartoon by the way Dan! We used to have cartoons in our trade magazines too poking fun of the people that come in our doors. I wish I saved them

i saved a bunch i will post them lol
So you will ONLY go to Kevin at O'reilly's when Autozone doesn't have it!!! So you found some one who knows his stuff and helped you out of a jam and you reward him how?? By making him your LAST stop??!!! There's customer loyalty for you!! And you guys call us counter people idiots!!!

nail on the head
Here we go again!! Another lets bash the parts counter person thread!

Oh, I don't think that's quite what this is. It might be a "bash stupid people who are working as counter staff" thread. All of us have probably had experiences with excellent, knowledgeable counter staffers who've pulled rabbits out of hats to come up with parts everyone else has said are unavailable, or who have solved longstanding problems with other-than-specified parts that fit and work better, etc. Such a counter staffer is worth his or her weight in gold (i.e., it's worth shopping at their store even if the prices are a little higher because you are getting your extra money's worth).

But in this thread we're mocking the useless chain stores and the Taco-Bell-reject incompetent counterstaff. Not the new ones who aren't ripe yet -- scroll up and see how a potshot at a newbie counterwoman was scotched -- but the dumb ones who don't know or care a thing about auto parts. I think it's possible to have a thread like this without it being a slam on all counterstaff.

If you would have just bought your parts at a local independent parts store where the experienced counter people worked you wouldn't be in the mess you are in

AMEN to that. For years I have been preaching the importance of buying parts from stores where they sell actual parts, not the part-shaped garbage they sell at places like Autozone.

I've been doing this for thirty years, I'm paid extremely well for what's in my head

GOOD. Everyone should be so lucky.
Thanks Dan, I think your awesome! Your insight on lighting is incredible and I have got lots of notes stashed away to help my customers. Keep up the great work.
cannucky said:
thebiggest parts/speed shop in the area has replaced the guys with grease under their finger nails with little girls with big titties that only know how to work the computer

I'm having a hard time understanding the problem...