Camaro Tire Explosion



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA

I found this on youtube tonight. Check out the damage!
He was spinnin' one tire, open rear. When ya do that, the tire spins at double normal speed, so if that thing was doin' say, 70-80 mph, the tire was doin' 140-160
He was spinnin' one tire, open rear. When ya do that, the tire spins at double normal speed, so if that thing was doin' say, 70-80 mph, the tire was doin' 140-160

it's okay, its a chevy. He can get all the parts to rebuild it with parts at Wal-Mart
Stupid does as stupid is. Chocking the wheels? Really? When you add up the cost to repair all the damage, it's totaled, and the driver is damn lucky the explosion didn't take out a spectator. If I was his insurance company, I'd tell him "See Ya"!
Tire speed rating versus cheap GM tin.
I'm gonna get flamed for this, but, here it is anyway....

I've noticed on youtube (especially) that there seems to be some lowbrow reaction to situations were some one gets hurt, or damages their personal property. This is especially true of the skate board videos and car videos. There seems to be a lack of concern for people's well being or personal property. For example, the first reaction is never one of concern for an injured person, but rather on of ridicule.

The mentality of those who applaud and cheer when someone gets injured or breaks something, is rather alarming. I seriously doubt that any of them would be so amused if they were the injured person, or if it was their brother, son, or father, Daughter, etc. or if they were the owner the damaged equipment.
What's next, applauding a thief for getting away with breaking into you house or car?

I'm sorry, fellas, I don't see anything funny in someone's junk being wrecked, no matter what the brand is, or worse, in someone getting injured, or even killed, under any circumstances, including being stupid.
I'm gonna get flamed for this, but, here it is anyway....

I've noticed on youtube (especially) that there seems to be some lowbrow reaction to situations were some one gets hurt, or damages their personal property. This is especially true of the skate board videos and car videos. There seems to be a lack of concern for people's well being or personal property. For example, the first reaction is never one of concern for an injured person, but rather on of ridicule.

The mentality of those who applaud and cheer when someone gets injured or breaks something, is rather alarming. I seriously doubt that any of them would be so amused if they were the injured person, or if it was their brother, son, or father, Daughter, etc. or if they were the owner the damaged equipment.
What's next, applauding a thief for getting away with breaking into you house or car?

I'm sorry, fellas, I don't see anything funny in someone's junk being wrecked, no matter what the brand is, or worse, in someone getting injured, or even killed, under any circumstances, including being stupid.

I can understand that concern. Most of the people that ridicule probably have the same mentality about it that I do. You DON'T know that person... everyday, every hour, every min. someone is doing something stupid that gets them, someone else, or something hurt/damaged. SO, when it's not you, or someone you know/love... it can be pretty funny.
If it's not funny, it's at least interesting to see.
stupid does as stupid is. Chocking the wheels? Really? When you add up the cost to repair all the damage, it's totaled, and the driver is damn lucky the explosion didn't take out a spectator. If i was his insurance company, i'd tell him "see ya"!

Tire speed rating versus cheap GM tin.

Hehehehehe, wheres that thanks button...

Its " GENERAL MOTORS" cause the 329'th reinvention of the
---bowtie--- , is still ... general :finga:.,


Brand "X" and Brand "Y" have snakes, bosses, rats, Z's, R's,
SS's, ...


Rant off.
I'm gonna get flamed for this, but, here it is anyway....

I've noticed on youtube (especially) that there seems to be some lowbrow reaction to situations were some one gets hurt, or damages their personal property. This is especially true of the skate board videos and car videos. There seems to be a lack of concern for people's well being or personal property. For example, the first reaction is never one of concern for an injured person, but rather on of ridicule.

The mentality of those who applaud and cheer when someone gets injured or breaks something, is rather alarming. I seriously doubt that any of them would be so amused if they were the injured person, or if it was their brother, son, or father, Daughter, etc. or if they were the owner the damaged equipment.
What's next, applauding a thief for getting away with breaking into you house or car?

I'm sorry, fellas, I don't see anything funny in someone's junk being wrecked, no matter what the brand is, or worse, in someone getting injured, or even killed, under any circumstances, including being stupid.
If someone is voluntarily doing something stupid (and, yes, I include doing 'burnouts' in that category) then too bad for them if something goes wrong and their instrument of stupidity (in this case the Camaro) gets damaged.
I mean, really, they're doing something that can not possibly have a positive affect.
I really don't see how that is anything like 'applauding a thief'.
The event people & him better hope no one in the crowd got hurt by any of that debris....Nice lawsuit....Yellow "CAUTION" ribbon ain't gonna cut it as a safety measure in Court.
people are responsible for their own actions. if they are going to stand 3 feet from some idiot doing and idiot thing, its their own fault for putting themself in that position in the first place especially when they already know what the idiot is about to do. if someone is drunk enough to intentionally want to blow up their tires, its their tread and if they succeed then i find it entertaining. if someone gets hurt in the process, maybe next time they wont put themself in that position. no body made them stand 3 feet from it. you cant babysit the world. i certianly wouldnt go running into an empty burning building.
not everyone will agree, but this is the way i see it
It'sad to see that happen to anyone. I look at it as a learning experience for us all. How many of us have done a burnout and never expected that something like this could happen.
im not a big fan of burnout contests...yes, a small burnout on a country road is fine...but not things like this. what a dummy.