Captainkirk's Duster project

Well, Park on Park was a little Mopar-light, and a bit chilly, but it served to get me sufficiently stoked. Saw a gorgeous total resto T/A Challenger there complete with Six Pak setup. The guy really did a nice job! Also got to meet YoungDart and check out his awesome Swinger with the Leaning Tower of Power under the hood! Nice project car and looks like he's done a lot in the 6 months he's owned it. Was sorta hoping to meet other FABO guys there, but if they were there, we missed 'em. Now, if this goofy spring weather would just break, maybe I could get out and really get started on this thing!

Cool, sometimes a car show,is what is needed to light the fire.
It was too cool for me Wednesday. But I do hope to get there next month.
Yeah, I'm fine, DD. Thanks for asking.
No updates on the thread because....well...
Yeah. Just not a good year for that.
Has it REALLY been that long?
Well, I guess......
I don't anticipate this being a boom year for The Duke, as I am waaaaaay behind on a bunch of home projects. But the early spring is giving me a bit of a jump start, so hopefully I can get a few things done over the summer.
You guys will be the first to know.
Just placed my order for my Speed Pro L2316F piston kit w/ moly rings. I waited too long for the +.020 kits and they're all gone. I talked to Tony at the engine shop and we are going to bore +30. I also spoke with my supervisor and he OK'd doing the engine assembly here at the shop, so it's gonna be under foot and in my face I know it won't get put on 'ignore' this time.
I can't believe how much time has gone by since I started this project 'again'....anyway, hopefully (many) more updates coming soon.
The Duke project is rollin' again!
Nice to hear from you again!!!!! Hope all is going well for you!!!
Wow...reading back through some of my old posts on this thread (yeah...don't remind me HOW old, 'kay?) I see a lot was lost in translation from the old forum to the new. It now reads like a bunch of Arabic gibberish. Guess I'll have to go back through and edit some...(sigh)
On a lighter note, I dragged my rusty K-frame out of the garage last night and brought it to work today for cleaning and painting. Gotta have something to bolt this motor to, right?
Wow...reading back through some of my old posts on this thread (yeah...don't remind me HOW old, 'kay?) I see a lot was lost in translation from the old forum to the new. It now reads like a bunch of Arabic gibberish. Guess I'll have to go back through and edit some...(sigh)
On a lighter note, I dragged my rusty K-frame out of the garage last night and brought it to work today for cleaning and painting. Gotta have something to bolt this motor to, right?
You mean besides 2x4's? LOL
OK...I guess when the fish are bitin'...go fish!
So I dragged this nasty, groaty K frame to work with me today. I have dubbed it "Special K".
I set it over the floor drain and hosed it down with some industrial soap, then went at it with a putty knife and a scrub brush,then hosed 'er down with hot water. Rinse, lather and repeat... After about five rounds of this you could tell there was metal in there somewhere....



After blowing it dry, there was more rust than paint visible. I noticed with no small bit of curiosity a small metal stick poking out below one of the mount ears. I'd seen it before but never investigated. It appears that Henry must have had a bad day on the assembly line back in '72....turns out it was the butt end of a welding rod! It was...well, welded to the K-frame...Really?!!!



Yes, really. Dunno...maybe he got his draft notice that day? Or his girl turned up preggers? Something was on his mind, though. Who knows? We do know, however, that Henry can't weld for squat.

The offending appendage removed:


Now, to see if there's any metal left under the rust!

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There I was, mindin' my own bid'ness. I had finished my work for the week, everyone else had gone home, so I plugged in my grinder to the air hose and began working Special K over with a wire cup. Naturally, with the shrieking of the grinder and the Mickey Mouse ears on, I didn't hear him come in...
"Hello, Cappy!"
"Jehosephat!" I nearly jumped outta my skin!
"Damn it, Duke, don't sneak up on me like that! You nearly gave me a clock-stopper! And don't call me Cappy! I hate that...Besides, you ain't supposed to be here. This is 'work'..."
He gave a little nod to Special K; "And he is?"
Ouch. "OK, ya got me there..."
"You're thinking of mebbe getting some more work done in your lifetime?" He pushed his hat back and his eyes widened as did his grin, and his voice grew soft; "Forty years IS a long time for a man to wait, Pilgrim"...
Ouch again. "Now just a damn minute, Duke! You know all the crap I've gone through, and it ain't been easy with..."
"Cappy, there's those that get it done, those that fail, and those that die trying. Which one are you?"
"Ummm, well...." suddenly struck speechless at the sting and obvious truth of his words, I pointed soundlessly at the now half-naked Special K. He nodded silently, then in that quiet voice added; "Cappy, you and I rode the range together. Those were good years, and I'm looking forward to ridin' with you some more. A LOT more But it's up to YOU to decide if it's gonna be you or someone else sittin' in that saddle."
"Duke, I..." I turned to point at Special K again, trying to form a feeble excuse, and when I turned back, I was alone again. But his words still linger.


photo credit Google Images
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Pistons arrived today! Yay!!!!
Oh, wait....:mad:
Here's what I saw when opening the box.


Hey, fellers...ya see these folded flat things? Yeah, these. You're s'posed to stand them up. They are called 'DIVIDERS'.


Care to guess why?
Because this is what happens.




A phone call and explanation to Birmingham Piston Warehouse squared things away; they are sending another set with a return postage label.

Yep; we needs to raise dat ol' minimum wage, alright.:bs_flag:

Was looking through the box for a sticker saying "Packed with pride by Cletus and Clyde" but it must have fallen out....
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One step forward, two steps back.
But a least I'm movin' in the right direction.
Yup, those pistons sure looked nice for a short time.
A little more wire wheel action today; yes Virginia, there IS metal under the rust of that there "Special K"
The 'new' new pistons are here. Yay!!!
And this time they wrapped each bag with newspaper and actually used the dividers!
I had each and every one out and gave it the once-over...Houston, we are cleared for launch.
Gonna stop by Tony's, hopefully Saturday AM and drop them off so we can get on with the +.030 boring. Kinda sucks; I'm gonna have to shitcan a brand-new set of cam bearings (Tony says they need to hot tank it again after boring, which makes sense) but I guess we can save the new freeze plugs.
Well, that's the price of doing bid'ness.
'Special K' is moving right along, should be ready for treatment and paint next week.
I should buy stock in Rustoleum...

Looking at these babies, I know I made the right decision. And The Duke would be sportin' a big grin.







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Well, I dropped the pistons and rings at Tony's today. Note I said "at Tony's and not "with Tony", because though he told me he would be there (was hoping to discuss the new build direction) he was not. Didn't make me real happy as I've sent several emails with no response as every time I call he's "with a customer". When I asked the gal that worked there about the emails she mentioned that the emails come in to the general server and they rarely check them. Huh? In today's techno-pop world, nobody should EVER say they can't get ahold of somebody; especially somebody spending their money. There is no excuse for 'disconnection' and in my opinion, it is the very cornerstone of customer service; contact!
I'll have to have a discussion regarding this...if I can ever get ahold of him.
Is that Don's there on 39th in ktown?