Car show question......

As some of you know, I work for a local chain auto parts store. The manager and I have been batting around inviting the big county car club in for a car show since the weather is warming up.

Today, Kitty and I were having lunch at the local pizza place and I happen to see the "main guy" from the car club, so I struck up a conversation. I told him what we were thinking and asked if they'd like to put on a show in the parking lot maybe one weekend.

His response kinda caught me off guard. He said "sure, but we'll need some nice door prizes and everybody in the club loves food, too", so maybe yall could whip up some hamburgers and hot dogs."

I thought to myself, "yeah, ain't happenin", but I smiled and told him I would get with my manager. Course like me, the boss thought the guy was crazy.

What say yall? Is this kinda thing normal? Why the hell should it cost us anything when we're providing the place to have it?
I have done it before, at a NAPA I worked at... Getting a local car club to help promote, and share the bills.. To promote your store, the car club ,and the local community.... Pick some non selling product off the shelves,( with D.M. approved...of course...) be it blemished, off the cuff, or weird... It's amazing, how many people show up, by word of mouth..Rob....your time efforts,& stress..ARE MONEY.....
Deal breaker for me. Just advertise a general car show open to the public. Were the cars going to be judged and awards given? If so, who will do that. You can bet your last dollar if the club does it , who will get all the awards.
What say yall? Is this kinda thing normal? Why the hell should it cost us anything when we're providing the place to have it?

depends if its a "car show" or just a cruise night...

feeding the club is out either way in my opinion...

door prized if its a "car show" not at a cruise night...

a "car show" also needs awards...

is this parts store in a strip mall or anything where there are food places? if so maybe you can get together with them to offer a discount on food if they have a car at the show or cruise night... door prizes are always cool though.. even if something stupid.. especially if the car guys have kids..
hey, why not a "customer appreciation day" - with encouragement to show up in your hot rod.. say a 10% coupon? Put up some flyers, get a local burger place to join in and sell food (takes the ownness off of you) - do it on a Sunday afternoon to avoid or at least alleviate the full parking lot issue. Do it "cars and coffee" style so there is no one club - come one, come all.
Ample facilities are a must whether food is served or not. The monthly cruise-in at a local MacDonald's is always a hit. They'll sometimes run hourly specials like 49 cent hamburgers, 25 cent ice creams, nothing free.
I went to a cruise-in at a Checkers drive thru place only once. Like a quarter mile walk to the restroom in the back of a grocery store. With their shoppers driving all sorts of ways across that parking lot, its a wonder someone wasn't ran over.
When my club had shows at the parts store we promoted the show and got the food vendor, all we asked from the parts store was to sponsor a trophy and kick in a few door prizes. Usually they would give stuff like buckets, sponges, windshield shades and coupons.
Maybe it's only the president of the club and the actual members would be happy to do it.
Next time they are at a show, skip him and go right to the members.
I didn't read all the responses. But, I'd say don't invite ANY car group. Open it up to the public by flyers. I bet you'd have some "weenies on wheels" food stand ask if they could sell there, then your food/pop is taken care of.
Have the store buy three 5.00 dollar tropheys for 1st, 2nd, third by "people's choice" voting. Anyone (everyone) gets a piece of paper and they can choose their top 3. A local town does it that way. The "club" snobs can come.... with their tail between their legs :D
"Shows" around here are more loose. Open to everyone and anyone that want to show up. Some new, some old, some beaters, some frame off jobs. They do well and everyone enjoys. No food or prizes, just car folk meeting and looking. Sometimes they involve a little cruise from here to there and back.
"Shows" around here are more loose. Open to everyone and anyone that want to show up. Some new, some old, some beaters, some frame off jobs. They do well and everyone enjoys. No food or prizes, just car folk meeting and looking. Sometimes they involve a little cruise from here to there and back.

thats a cruise in not a "show"..
I'm in different clubs-Ford-Chevy-studebaker-rod and custom, but I wouldn't be so quick to degrade other people. I have yet to see a more obnoxious big headed sob than a Chrysler numbers guy. Any shows that we have at auto part stores or any other charities is always just that. When you get into trophys/prizes that's when you loose the most entries
yea those guys are annoying.. as bad as the vette guys for sure.
I`m a little off topic to rustys post, but I was a judge in a car show a few yrs back. Funny, I was always more go than show. Anyway, I wouldn`t do it again unless they paid me. And sure won`t go to another for nothing.
Depending on the space, get local food vendors to come to SELL their food to all. Get DJ to show,promotion only,
WIN, Win, for all but no free food, thats ridiculous by me, anyway.
One of our popular watering holes has an annual show & shine. I have gone as a spectator but never take my cars there. They advertise word of mouth and get about 50/60 local cars there. they have the burger grille going and of course it is a tavern. It is a fun show to attend, may drop in with my BC this year.
I`m a little off topic to rustys post, but I was a judge in a car show a few yrs back. Funny, I was always more go than show. Anyway, I wouldn`t do it again unless they paid me. And sure won`t go to another for nothing.

i prefer the cruise nights... i like to pull in, socialize, eat and leave... screw sitting around all day practicing professional parking..:)
Weekly cruise nights have changed the last 15 years, in my area.
Used to be cars at least 20 or more years
Old. No contest. Just walk around and enjoy
Comrodore and talk cars.
Now, most do a 1st,2nd best of show.
With sponsors picking the mostly newer
Modded cars to hand out a $3 trophy to
A car that I would race title for title any day of the week.

I don't even waste my 110 octane anymore.

Most people have no idea or care of how much work and desire goes into an actual
Classic or rare car by any car standards.
Stock or modified.

Charity show I went to today did top 25, supers choice and best of show. All proceeds to charity. Nice trophys all donated with donated door prizes. Food supplied for pay to the charity. About 10 modern cars, none of which were awarded. 50/50 raffle with one half to charity. Roughly 100 cars showed.

These are the only type cruise/shows I attend.
i prefer the cruise nights... i like to pull in, socialize, eat and leave... screw sitting around all day practicing professional parking..:)
Yep-that's what I like! Going to one tomorrow, haven't taken my brown cuda in five years maybe the number guys and their kids stay at home!
The dealership I used to work at had an annual Mopar show.
What we did was......
A. Food, this was always farmed out to either the American Legion or K of C up the street. We did this for 2 reasons, 1 it gave the group an opportunity to make some money and the spectators was cool with buying from them (They also didn't seem to need a permit from the health dept). and 2 we were usually to busy to fool with it.
B. Door prizes. We did the show annually and it wasn't a cruise in thing. We gave away oil changes, swag, all kinds of stuff. I don't know what chain you work for, but it seems like every big parts chain has a ton of promo crap to give away. Or at least the sales reps sure seemed too!
We were able to get stuff from Chrysler. I would think you guys could get promo items from the vendors you deal with.
C. We did have trophy's, but again, we did this once a year so we were able to throw the cost of this to advertising.
I'm not a huge fan of the trophy's though. I rather give everyone a goody bag and maybe a dash plaque. More of a thank you for coming instead of a glorified popularity contest.
D. We never charged anything as a entry fee. We saw the whole event as an advertising and good will event. Also, a large corporation charging an entry fee just looks greedy!
You can also pretty much count on the day you hold the show as being a crappy sales day. At least during the show hours.
I would send an invite to the local club, but I would just advertise with flyers. When your drivers are out to customers, have them ask to post at their shops also. If you have a show-n-shine calendar in your area, thats a good place to get the word out. Visit the local shows or cruise ins and place flyers in the cars too.
But you really need to get your higher mgmt involved. I think you'll be amazed with the SWAG they can come up with.
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I did a couple cruise in's this weekend. Both had a DJ and door prizes. Just pull up and park and grab a ticket. Leave when you want that is how I like it. When our local O'Reilly's does a show there is free food. Also American Motorsports in Orlando has trophies, food, DJ, door prizes all free once a year.
All good advice above!! I for one would not like a trophy, have no use for them! I've seen too many whiny people think they deserve more than they got when it comes to judged events! We go to cruise ins here, and only to shows that promote to charity! We gladly pay at those shows, but do not enter any catagories! We were scolded at the Pumpkin show last year because Nella didn't enter her car in the teen catagory, despite her favorite thing to put on her entry..."I'm 17, I'm a girl, and I have a convertible Cuda"!!

I say keep it simple, give away door prizes and goody bags of donated items, have food done by civic groups, offer discounts if your store will ok it, and just let the show be fun and easy!! Most people are tired of the "car show" mentality!!
Just put out a flier and offer a cruise in day set for the same day every week and you dont need to offer anything or give anything away. They do it around here all the time and some club members hang together but anyone can show off a car.