cheap beer

I was reading through the post and was going to help Small Block out with his spelling as well, Dos Equis, but you beat me to it 7DUSTER3. You did a good job of spelling it phonetically (how it sounds) it was close enough that I knew what you were talking about, nice job. I don't know if you people get the Dos Equis' commercials where you are at but they are very funny. Go to YouTube and search "the most interesting man in the world" I would post one of them but, "I'm lazy", "I don't know how to" you choose.

My theory on beer and it needing to be frosted, freezing, or near frozen, is that is just depends on how hot you are. After mowing the lawn in 90+ degree weather the beer doesn't have to be near as cold to taste good. If you're just relaxing in the evening and watching the sunset it has go to be cold, ice cold!

Back to the original topic... Coors Light is about as cheap as I go on beer. I buy the 20 pack of bottles when they go on sale for $13.99 and try and keep them around for surprise guests and spur of the moment gatherings.
I don't drink a lot any more but when I do it is Bud light. But I can and will drink any thing. Beer is beer to me.
I used to drink budweiser then i realised every morning id wake up with a stomach ache. I then started drinking better beers and i dont wake up with a stomach ache. The "cheap beers" i now drink are Killians, yuengling and rolling rock. I am by no means a wealthy man but the extra money spent is well worth it to not wake up with a stomach ache all morning.

also theres nothing like drinking a few cold ones while working on your mopar!
Cheap beer will get ya in trouble eventually. It only happened to me once and never again. You see i went with some buddies one evening to " Have a few" and after having a few i finally made it back to the house. I dont have a clue what time it was but i do know that the next morning after having a few cheap beers i woke up with an incredable foul taste in my mouth so i jumped in the rig and stopped at the first field i came to that was full of goats. I grabbed one and was trying to lick it under the tail so as to get that taste out of my mouth and that's when a farmer shouted and called me a pervert. After explaining to him my situation he went ahead and said go ahead. Never again. The old farmer advised me to stick with MGD and never have i looked for a field of goats again. After all "MGD" stands for
" Mopars Get Down"

Small Block
I have been Corona for years, worst I ever had was Home Beer. It was from a package good store in Morristown (?) NJ. I swore it was the backwash from all the bottles from the bar in front of the place....
I gave up drinking beer years ago, everytime I'd drink slitz malt liquor and bud together I ended up in jail, "everytime"....
Ever since I got fat and cheap I started drinking Miller Light............Its been a while now.
Rain dogs! or pbr if I can't find some vitamin R

I support local brewers so most of the time I drink micro brews but when times are tough (like right now) I still try to support local brewers. lol ( I know rainier is now made in calli but the hops still come from Yakima)

JMO, if you can't afford the good stuff, you're better off not drinking. Of course this comes from someone that only likes dark beer, and most dark beers arent that cheap.
I like all the inexpensive brew, Bud Lite, Busch Lite, Lone Star, etc...but one I won't touch is Iron City........I think it is some sort of by-product of manufacturing of steel!!!=D>
Cheap beer? I used to drink MGD all the time, for years. It was always a buck or two more then the other beers around here but worth it. Not always that easy to find either, surprisingly. I then switched to Coors Light and Miller High Life. A bit cheaper, almost as good. I'll drink any CNF beer (cold and free, like Broadway Bob from Great Lakes Dragway, opposite of smallblock, lol).
Now days I drink Leinenkugels. Not cheap. I like the regular or the Red. I can hardly find either around here, and then only in six or twelve pack bottles. Luckily I have a place in Wis. so I can buy it up there. Regular Leinies, in cans, by the case are around $14 bux. I drink less "good" beer and enjoy it more.
I like all the inexpensive brew, Bud Lite, Busch Lite, Lone Star, etc...but one I won't touch is Iron City........I think it is some sort of by-product of manufacturing of steel!!!=D>

Being from the 'Burg, I'll give you the secret of Iron City.

For Iron City, they take straight unfiltered Monongahela River Water. Now, if you get Iron City Light, the difference is they run it thru a coffee filter first to remove the big chunks.

As fer me, did the cheap beer thing for all too long. Now that I've gotten a little older, I go for quality over quantity.

Newcastle Brown Ale is my fave, also like some of the Sam Adam's seasonal beers/ales, but my favorite lager is Kronenbourg 1664, damned good, but expensive($35/case of 24)

Coors Light(aka rocky mt. moose p_ss) gives me massive migraine headaches.

If I do want to "slum it", I get a case of Stoneys, brewed here in Latrobe, no preservatives, all grain beer, damned good, and thirst quenching.

The problem with too many American beers, they HAVE to be ice cold or they taste like sh_t. But, Newkie Brown is best when your pour it, and let it sit for a few minutes to warm slightly, then the flavor components aren't deadened by the extreme cold. I lived in England for 3 years or so back in the 70's and learned what beer with flavor really was.

Had to chime in again on this thread. I'm in Chicago on vacation and paid almost $7 for a pint of local pale ale at my hotel. We went next door to the pizza joint and they had Bud Light for $9.95 for a pitcher! YES!!