Cleaning aluminum?



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnnati, Ohio
What is the best product for cleaning aluminum? Specifically the edelbrock performer intake on my duster. I have used "409" and "eagle one aluminum cleaner" but niether seem to help much. It looked great the day it was installed. Some of these cars I see at shows have intakes that look brand new. Mine isn't the endura-shine or polished, just plain aluminum. Any help is appreciated

I've used lacquer thinners on a clean rag and a small paint brush, cleans right into the pores and makes it look new again.
I use a mag wheel cleaner for non coated wheels. It works great for al the aluminum underhood ie; alternator,intake etc.
Metal prep, you get it from an auto body supply shop. Works great.
It may have to media blasted. Someone once told me oven cleaner but I never tried that.
I think if you have the time, take it off and spend a few bucks on powered coating it. Looks good forever....
The car show manifolds look great because they're new and never driven. Don't be one of those guys, lol! Rob's right, media blast it and have it coated clear or in the color of your choice. Leanna does great work @ PSC.

You CAN clean it but if you drive it, it'll just get trashed. If it's powdercoated, it'll be easy to clean with just the degreaser of your choice.
I took my old Holley strip dominator w2 intake that had not been used since 1998, sprayed it with simple green...could not believe how clean it looks.

this manifold is over 20 yrs old...
I took my old Holley strip dominator w2 intake that had not been used since 1998, sprayed it with simple green...could not believe how clean it looks.

this manifold is over 20 yrs old...

I was going to say Simple Green, but beat to it.

I used it on the front end of my prowler on the rough cast parts and it cleaned them quite well

Powdercoating is the only way to go if you want to keep it clean and pretty.

My 1st Air Gap got clear sprayed on it. but once gas leaked and that took care of that.

The endura shine intake I have now looks great but might be a cleaning nightmare in the future, time will tell.
I think phosphoric acid is the active ingredient in aluminum wheel cleaner. You may be able to find a stronger solution at a restaurant supply or online somewhere.
Thanks for the props Ramcharger! :love7:

7Duster4, I'm happy to help you out with your Performer and get it looking as good -- or better! -- than those guys' intakes at the car show for a reasonable price. I wouldn't really recommend a clear coating on a used intake for a number of reasons, but there are literally thousands of other choices for an OEM-type finish or something a little more personalized that will make it an eye-catching feature of your engine compartment. Give me a call if I can help. :-D