Cluster Truck of Stupidity



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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So I go to the Post Office to mail another ignition kit and park the car in a space and go in to mail my package.
I come out of the PO to find an F250 truck parked crossways right behind my car where I can't get out.
So I'm standing there trying to figure out who this Ahole is and where he went.
A woman texting on her cellphone comes trotting across the parking lot and jumps into a minivan parked right next to me, still texting she throws it into reverse and slams right into the rear corner of the truck, caving in the rear hatch on her van.

She jumps out ALL pissed off yelling "Who's truck is that?" I was laughing and told her it was the same truck that was there when she got in her minivan texting and didn't look when she back out.

Finally some guy walks out and she starts yelling at him that she's going to call the police and report him for pulling in behind her while she was backing out and that he wasn't there when she got in her car to leave.

Now I'm really amused and she asks me what's so damn funny?

I asked the guy to move his truck so I can get out, and he did.
Now the woman is telling me I have to stay there as a witness or she's going to report me for leaving the scene of an accident.:D

I swear people are getting more stupid by the damn day.

I was just glad to get my Dart out of there and let both of the MORONS figure it out for themselves.
LMAO so hard reading this :D sounds like illegal parking and he won't be responsible for ether because he may have been stupid to park there but
not stupid enough to just back in to a car, heck she could have ran over someone :eek:ops: Stupid is what stupid does :D

Glad to hear your ignition system is doing good, thank you for sharing :D

I'm not without story though... and this is a doozy...

The bus comes to pick up Nella every morning and sits out in the road while they deploy the lift, get her on it, lift her into the bus, strap her down and leave, which takes about 5 minutes!! The Mrs. flys out the door, late for work (as usual), gets in the van and backs straight into the bus!!! Like you can't see a BIG yellow cheese wagon sitting in the road behind you???

Well, if you've ever been in an accident with a school bus, you know that you/they aren't allowed to leave until the cops come, the bus mechanic has to come and check out the bus, and everything has been cleared. Guess who was LATE for work?? Little miss "I didn't see the bus"!!!

Sorry for the hijack, but even close to home, there seems to be a lack of common sense!! Beam me up Scotty, before she reads this.....

I'm not without story though... and this is a doozy...

The bus comes to pick up Nella every morning and sits out in the road while they deploy the lift, get her on it, lift her into the bus, strap her down and leave, which takes about 5 minutes!! The Mrs. flys out the door, late for work (as usual), gets in the van and backs straight into the bus!!! Like you can't see a BIG yellow cheese wagon sitting in the road behind you???

Well, if you've ever been in an accident with a school bus, you know that you/they aren't allowed to leave until the cops come, the bus mechanic has to come and check out the bus, and everything has been cleared. Guess who was LATE for work?? Little miss "I didn't see the bus"!!!

Sorry for the hijack, but even close to home, there seems to be a lack of common sense!! Beam me up Scotty, before she reads this.....

I know what you mean.
My wife and I can be driving down the road and I'll say "What the hell are they doing?" or something like that and she say's "what, what?"
I ride motorcycles and have most of my life, and I watch 360 degrees around me even when I drive a car because of that I guess.
She say's "I almost never see people doing stupid things in traffic"
I just tell her that this does not surprise me at all.:D
I was going to Quote ya Geof :D but then I would have to remove mine :D
Omy goodness, I bet she felt terrable, Treva said this... A man in the other car waved me to go so I went :eek:ops: :DYep! She lost a front bumper and this was about 25 years ago in a Gutlus supreme
i know what you mean.
My wife and i can be driving down the road and i'll say "what the hell are they doing?" or something like that and she say's "what, what?"
i ride motorcycles and have most of my life, and i watch 360 degrees around me even when i drive a car because of that i guess.
She say's "i almost never see people doing stupid things in traffic"
i just tell her that this does not surprise me at all.:d

About the same here :D, I road for many years and Treva scares me :D
I swear people are getting more stupid by the damn day.

LMAO!!!!!! I think I met that same lady About 4 or 5 months ago in a local supermarket parking lot!.

I was in the store picking up some essentials, After checking out I was walking out to my truck (parked in a space about 6 cars from the store door).

As I'm approaching I see a lady in an SUV backing out of her space, almost directly across the aisle from mine. As I'm watching her back out, I find myself saying "Stop"! "Stop"! "STOP"! She didn't, and hits the back of my truck.

As I approach her, with 4 bags of groceries in my hand, she turns, and drives right past me. I'm waving at her, she see me and keeps on going. I quickly jotted down her license plate number on my hand. I can see here looking at me in her mirror. She makes a complete circle and comes back up the aisle from the other end of the lot.

She steps out of the SUV, and the first things she says to me is we backed into each other, and each of our insurance companies will cover our own vehicles. By this time I already had the police on the phone.
She said we don't need the police. I disagreed. I told here that she hit me, my truck was legally parked, and I wasn't even in it at the time. I witnessed the accident from the front of the store.

The cop arrives and takes her statement. She tell the cop that we backed into each other, so it's a no fault accident, and our insurance companies will take care of our respective cars.

The cop then asked for my statement, and told him that I wasn't even in the truck when the accident happened. She argued that point again and again... I asked the cop if we could see if the store manager had access to the camera recorders in the parking lot. He did, and the manager was able to pull the footage up on his computer. The video shows my truck, parked, her SUV backing into me, me approaching the scene with bags of groceries in my hands, my waving at her as she passed me, and her driving around the lot and returning.
I told the officer that I'd let the video be my statement.

2 days later I heard form her insurance company telling me that she claimed it was a mutual accident. I contacted the store manager, and although he would not email the video to me, he did email it to my insurance agent, and to her insurance agent.
The damages to my truck totaled $3800.00, and I have no clue what her damages were.
I receive a check from here insurance company 3 days later.
I have no tolerance for people with cell phones. I have had two confirmed near misses (so close I could see the phone in the driver's hand) with morons on the phone. One guy actually had the balls to wave to me after almost hitting me broadside (oh,sorry).

When driving down the e-way to work I regularly see driving behavior that would get you pulled over for suspected DUI were it 10 at night (speeding up, slowing down, all over their lane). I will get around them and it's almost always someone on a phone. The e-way can be a real free-for-all, have to be extra vigilant for all the a-holes that are doing anything but paying attention to driving.
So I go to the Post Office to mail another ignition kit and park the car in a space and go in to mail my package.
I come out of the PO to find an F250 truck parked crossways right behind my car where I can't get out.
So I'm standing there trying to figure out who this Ahole is and where he went.
A woman texting on her cellphone comes trotting across the parking lot and jumps into a minivan parked right next to me, still texting she throws it into reverse and slams right into the rear corner of the truck, caving in the rear hatch on her van.

She jumps out ALL pissed off yelling "Who's truck is that?" I was laughing and told her it was the same truck that was there when she got in her minivan texting and didn't look when she back out.

Finally some guy walks out and she starts yelling at him that she's going to call the police and report him for pulling in behind her while she was backing out and that he wasn't there when she got in her car to leave.

Now I'm really amused and she asks me what's so damn funny?

I asked the guy to move his truck so I can get out, and he did.
Now the woman is telling me I have to stay there as a witness or she's going to report me for leaving the scene of an accident.:D

I swear people are getting more stupid by the damn day.

I was just glad to get my Dart out of there and let both of the MORONS figure it out for themselves.

good for u lol
I have to admit I get pretty God Dammed pissed at people who park me in.
LMAO!!!!!! I think I met that same lady About 4 or 5 months ago in a local supermarket parking lot!.

I was in the store picking up some essentials, After checking out I was walking out to my truck (parked in a space about 6 cars from the store door).

As I'm approaching I see a lady in an SUV backing out of her space, almost directly across the aisle from mine. As I'm watching her back out, I find myself saying "Stop"! "Stop"! "STOP"! She didn't, and hits the back of my truck.

As I approach her, with 4 bags of groceries in my hand, she turns, and drives right past me. I'm waving at her, she see me and keeps on going. I quickly jotted down her license plate number on my hand. I can see here looking at me in her mirror. She makes a complete circle and comes back up the aisle from the other end of the lot.

She steps out of the SUV, and the first things she says to me is we backed into each other, and each of our insurance companies will cover our own vehicles. By this time I already had the police on the phone.
She said we don't need the police. I disagreed. I told here that she hit me, my truck was legally parked, and I wasn't even in it at the time. I witnessed the accident from the front of the store.

The cop arrives and takes her statement. She tell the cop that we backed into each other, so it's a no fault accident, and our insurance companies will take care of our respective cars.

The cop then asked for my statement, and told him that I wasn't even in the truck when the accident happened. She argued that point again and again... I asked the cop if we could see if the store manager had access to the camera recorders in the parking lot. He did, and the manager was able to pull the footage up on his computer. The video shows my truck, parked, her SUV backing into me, me approaching the scene with bags of groceries in my hands, my waving at her as she passed me, and her driving around the lot and returning.
I told the officer that I'd let the video be my statement.

2 days later I heard form her insurance company telling me that she claimed it was a mutual accident. I contacted the store manager, and although he would not email the video to me, he did email it to my insurance agent, and to her insurance agent.
The damages to my truck totaled $3800.00, and I have no clue what her damages were.
I receive a check from here insurance company 3 days later.

Ummm..... Speechless again!!
I was once hit in a parking lot at a resturant. They left a note, and even said they couldn't come in to eat, that is how upset THEY were. didn't have my truck even 2 weeks off the lot.
This is why I park as far away from the "general population" as I can get whenever I have to park in a parking lot. I'd rather walk an extra 30 seconds so someone doesn't cave the whole side of my car in because they can't park their car properly.
Typical careless idiot. Was trying to back out of a parking spot,at the 7-11. This beat up honda haul ***,blocks me out. Then she crawls,6" off the back ,of a new BMW X5.Someone wants in,so she tries to back up. Over the hood ,of the crappy Honda.First thing I see,the idiot staring at me,in my rearview. First thing she does,runs out.Proclaims " He saw it" .My response,"No,I didn't". Hate people,wanting a handout.