Cool Snow Thrower Pheomenina



The parts you don't add don't cause you no trouble
FABO Gold Member
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Colorado
It's a tool! And you use it to get to your shop!

My snow thrower has been on its last legs for a while so I have had the covers off to be able to work on it as needed.

The engine reving is I believe due to an incorrectly adjusted governor and about everything else.

But this i believe is Static from the moving snow. (Could be a high voltage leak from the magnito spark plug lead but. It only happens when the snow is moving.)
I would say snow static.

Decades ago I had a gigantic "homebrew" amateur radio mobile antenna system. This consisted of a home-built receiver hitch, attached to which was an insulator and scrap of about ? 4' of 1/2 water pipe, and on top of that I screwed home brew loading coils for the various bands (frequencies) that I operated. These generally were various sizes PVC fittings, with pipe bushings adapting to the water pipe, and hond-wound inductors for the various bands. At the very top was a scrap of broken CB whip about ?6'? ft long. The thing from ground to top on 75 meter band was around 13ft tall.

So, one afternoon in thunder storms I was going down to see a friend and it was hailing and raining. The radio, a "Tempo 2020" was going nuts, screaming wailing making all sorts of noise

I was driving 30-40 on country roads, reached behind the radio to disconnect the coax, and intending to toss the conntector over into the right side foot well. As I pulled the connector off the radio and picked it up, I got the zap of my life. I threw it down, and it sat there arcing and sparking great large blue sparks between the center conductor and the outer shell

I was "impressed!!"

The Tempo 2020 was bought cheap at a yard sale and needed "work." I had a lot of fun with that monster for a couple years. I worked all over the world with that thing-from the car.

Snow static. Some of the hardest static electricity shocks I’ve had have been while shoveling snow.
As I pulled the connector off the radio and picked it up, I got the zap of my life
I feel ya.

My mother is from NJ, she talked about antennas on roof tops glowing from the electricity in the air.

Some number of years ago I and a friend were standing near a 200 foot long chain link fence. There was some lightning going on and then on of the flash/bangs that make your skin crawl cause you know that was close. A second later we heard a buzzing sound coming up the fence line from the direction the flash/bang happened. It traveled all along the fence line. The pitch changed like a train whistle tone changes when it comes toward you then passes. That was near the ocean in CA.

After we moved to CO my daughter and I were looking out the second story window at an impressive lightning show. Flash/bang "whoop that was close" then I noticed some sparkling lights as i looked out the window. I turned around to see a birthday card on my daughter's wall that had lights that light up when you push a switch and the LEDs were twinkling.

Same strike took out the video capture card (chip on card had a burnt / blown out spot) I had hooked up to web cam on my roof and the sender in our weather station anemometer. A few minutes later we hear the fire Dept comming and they stopped at a house on the other side of the green belt. The strike hit the side of their house.
LOLOL IN my "really broke" days I had a second, part time job maintaining coin op laundry equipment. There is a family here at the time owned 4 laundries, one of the brothers was "quite an operation." Small laundry, video rental, car wash, convenience store and state liquor store and gas station, plus LPG bottle fill.

Anyhow one of the laundries had the central vac fail. This is built sorta like a shop vac, had two motors on the bottom. They were POS. He also had a big stack of the GIGANTIC motors used in the big car wash vacs. HUGE. I reworked the can on the central vac, put a piece of plywood on the bottom, and adapted two of those frickin gigantic car wash vacs. I later disconnected on motor and just used one, with a considerable amount of "bleed air" going through the unpowered motor. LOLOL!!! YOU COULD NOT USE THE THING!!! It generated so much static in the hose that it HURT to use it. You'd fire it up, go to work on the carpet and in about 10 second, WHAM. And 3 or 4 seconds later, KA-WHAM!!! The girls were PISSED!!!--and rightly so, LOL
A not so funny story about that family. The old man patriarch was so damn tight he could squeeze blood out of a nickle. One of the places was in a smaller customer area, and the old man started having the girls close up somewhat early if business was slow. The lighted sign was switched by a time switch, in the back room. This was mounted up high, and required getting up on a kitchen step stool to operate it. The old man dictated that the girls, when closing up early, switch off the lights at the time switch to save money. There's only one problem.........the cardboard protector keeping someone away from the terminals was GONE. I knew nothing about this.

One night I was out there, and somehow, someone mentioned that "so and so got the **** shocked out of her by that switch." and "could I take a look at it."

First, the poor girl was pregnant, second, she had to get up on the stool to operate the switch, and fourth, there was a conduit "right there" METAL to hang on to. She had evidently reached in and brushed against one terminal and got knocked on her ***

I had a VERY aggressive conversation with that f*cking old man. I made it INCREDIBLY clear to him that this kind of crap does not fly.
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Do you want to borrow my snowthrowers?

Your governor is most likely junk.
The old 2 stroke Tecumseh Snow King engine used an air vane governor system that used air flow off the flywheel to regulate speed, not very adjustable. Its probably wore out. No new parts available any more.
My Craftsman has some sort of governor on it that kicks in then the drive is engaged. Itll idle at a lower speed than when its in gear.
Static off a helicopter blade is gnarly when looked at through NVG's. you can see the rotor tips making a circle above the helicopter. And when the 53's come in to refuel on land (at a makeshift LZ) there is a guy that has a grounded insulated wand that he touches a hanging cable to discharge the helo's collected static to ground. Looks like a 2-3 foot lightning bolt to that wand. If he doesn't do that, it can arc at an uncontrolled time and possibly ignite fuel.
Is that a Lincoln Idealarc in the background?

Why yes it is.
With a pedal operated TIG torch and built in high frequency unit to make it all work well.

Pretty observant. Used the TIG welder for welding Semi-Tractor Aluminum Bodies and various aluminum parts repairs as needed.

Why yes it is.
With a pedal operated TIG torch and built in high frequency unit to make it all work well.

Pretty observant. Used the TIG welder for welding Semi-Tractor Aluminum Bodies and various aluminum parts repairs as needed.

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That is a great well built excellent machine. We had some of those Lincolns at the power house and one similar to that in the shop were we could do aluminium TIG
Ive seen a few for sale and they are good bargains. Id take one anyway over the newer machines.
Quick story, we had a IdealArc at what we called the "oil farm". It was a small masonry building and outside area that housed oil heaters and pumps that took #6 Bunker C from a million gallon storage tank and pumped into the power house for fuel for boilers
There was old Lincoln, outdoors, beat to ****, covered in #6. It was the type of machine that had a big crank handle that you raised and lowered amps. A rising core transformer type I think it was called
The machine welded excellent, being that it was mostly pipe work, this rusted out old welder ran 7018 great..... Nothing could kill this machine until one day there was a North easter that rose the river water over the dock (salt water ) and flooded the oil farm in a few feet of water
We gave the Lincoln a proper burial after that day LOL
Checkout the snow based triboelectric
Nanogenerator (, TENG), where snow falls on a silicon wafer to produce electricity, amazing, electricity from ice