Could use some well wishes or prayers



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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S/w Houston
My daughter Heidi is having a 5 hour corrective jaw surgery this morning. They just took her to the operating room and now dads nervous. Theres a puter here so i can get my fabo fix. i will be here a couple days. So if you have time post a well wish or a little prayer and i will let her know yawl were there when she needed ya. thanks, edit this is my 16 y/o honor student. she,s worried about missing school so we had to do it where it fell on her holiday. Bummer no turkey. lol
Prayers and hopes of getting better soon, being said and sent to Heidi and you.
Hope everything goes as planned, and keep us posted.
hope everything goes as planned, thoughts and prayers to you and yours
In our prayers. Let us know how it turns out.
Heidi, You sound like you have your priorities straight. Everything will be fine and tell your Dad to relax. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family this morning.
Prayers sent out for you, Heidi. Tell pops not to worry. I'm sure you will be a chatty teenager real soon. Wait..... kids today don't talk... they TEXT, so things should really be fine. You sound like a top student :read2: , but just this once milk it for all it's worth and maybe daddy will buy you something very nice! :toothy10:

DD..... Please behave yourself and don't drive the nursing staff crazy. ;)

Heidi will pull thru w/ flying colors. :colors: Prayers are on the way from AZ for her. :angel7:

You say no turkey....I'm thinkin' turkey soup!!
Prayers are sent for a speedy recovery!Did someone say icecream?Wear some sunglasses DD those nurses are cute in uniform.LOL8)
Hey Daredevil, glad to help, prayers being sent! You're honor student will heal quickly and soon this will all be behind you.
Wishing you the best luck Heidi and get outa there without any problems! Looks like your dad might need as much support as you do, maybe more, lol. But wishing you both the best 8)