Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver BC
[ame=""]Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen. - YouTube[/ame]
good on him eh ,wouldn't be me I learn from my mistakes because I was not spoiled as a child , as Eddie Griffiths said "my family beat me outta the penitentiary system" if I even spoke something like that never mind printed it in a public place I would have been sleeping under the stars in the back yard on the ground naked till I bought some clothes ,a tent and a bed with my own money that I went out and earned .
i cannot believe i wasted 8 minutes watching it all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.ol
I think it's a perfect solution for a childs proven lack of respect towards her parents. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the daughter comes home all primed up to go onto facebook only to find her laptop dead from bullit holes. That being said I wouldn't doubt that someone at the state child services is preparing the legal papers to remove that poor girl from an obviously abusive household. That would be their words not mine or maybe they'll have second thoughts considering the 45 strapped to dads hip.:prayer::thumbup:
That was funny and good to see a parent take control. Might have been more effective to find a college student who doesn't have the support of two parents, take the daughter along when they give away the laptop to someone who would appreciate it. I'm not a fan of putting personal family matters on Facebook or anywhere on the internet.
good on him eh ,wouldn't be me I learn from my mistakes because I was not spoiled as a child , as Eddie Griffiths said "my family beat me outta the penitentiary system" if I even spoke something like that never mind printed it in a public place I would have been sleeping under the stars in the back yard on the ground naked till I bought some clothes ,a tent and a bed with my own money that I went out and earned .

Laughed my freakin *** off,....That was the greatest thing I've seen on the internet yet,...Should make her pay for the internet service @ the house as well,...Made my wise *** nephew watch It,....(when he workes up here, he leaves that crap at home, including the teenage attitude)....I would've ran over the goddam cell phone with my truck just to make sure the message sunk in:cheers:
More parents need to take a pro-active stance with their children. Maybe not as drastic as this, but a stance. Too many of these kids in this day and age get away with far too much, and a lot of it goes back to the parents. There is no more corporal punishment in schools and the teachers and administrators have no power. I did IT work in a school district that had two full time police officers on the campus during the day. When i went to school, if you saw a cop at the school it was because something got taken or they were there to talk on career day. I watch the kids in my area catch the school bus each day in front of my house. Some of them are the crudest talking individuals I've ever heard especially the way they talk about their parents and their teachers. As I said, the parents need to take a stand and regain control of their children. I know I'm probably going to get blasted by some people here, but I'm just stating my opinion.

Bill S.
I thought he was an ***.I raised two daughters and never had to pull some dumb **** like that. But I didnt treat my girls like slaves.
Giving the girl 20 minutes of chores is slavery? Not givng the kids some chores is what I call in setting them up to not have any responsibilities later in life.

I do not agree 100% with what he did, but listen to what the girl wrote. She is a foul mouthed spoiled little brat with way too many electronic connections to the outside world. As a teacher, I can tell you that she represents where our society is heading--if it is not already there.
Cudos to him.
It's refreshing to see someone with the stones in this day and age to do what's right as a parent.
Thanks Dan, for the thread and the update link.
Thanks to Dan for the update,....Saw a lot more thumbs up than down,...To bad more parents don't agree with the fact that "With Priviledges come Responsibilities and vise versa. Remember the key word is Priviledges, not Rights.
Yep I agree with most on here and with the dad. If you think there are adults out there that are keyboard warriors, think how teenagers are! You cant even begin to compare what kids do on the internet in todays age to what we did as kids. What they say is WORLDWIDE and FOREVER. 15 years old is not too young for chores and not too young to learn respect. Thanks for the post Dan
i love that vid. showed it to my kids ..i hate that damn facebook junk...
Giving the girl 20 minutes of chores is slavery? Not givng the kids some chores is what I call in setting them up to not have any responsibilities later in life.

I do not agree 100% with what he did, but listen to what the girl wrote. She is a foul mouthed spoiled little brat with way too many electronic connections to the outside world. As a teacher, I can tell you that she represents where our society is heading--if it is not already there.

I guess you didnt listen to what he expects. Sounds like a hell of a lot more than 20 minutes.How many daughters have you raised? If you get them to do well in school and not get pregnant in todays society I think you are doing well.At my house its homework first and then you can help if its needed.My first daughter graduated, never had a discipline problem and treats her elders respectfully. My youngest, 18 is an honors, straight A student in her senior year of high school.Scholarships offers to major universitys are in the mail everyday.Harping on them to get a job. Hell no. School first. When you decided to become a parent you took on the responsibility to provide for their needs.My daughters deserve what ever I can give them. Its poor parents who force their kids till they rebel who are part of the problem.I can tell this guy has mad skills,not. All this *** has done is make the divide wider.Say what you want but the proof is in the pudding. jmho DD
My cuz calles it FaceF*#k,...Turns off the router @ 8 oclock every night, and makes his wife turn off her cell as well. Guess what, the family life is more tranquil, and the kids grades are up,...way up. And if the chores aren't done then there is no cell, wii, laptop, no car shows, swap meets, sleepovers or hanging with the other kids. ..Period. In a nutshell, Untill they start paying rent,...there ain't no free ride. Worked for my Kids. Backsassing cost em plenty, (pulled the boy outa the shower and out into the snow for a few minutes one evening for that), and they still had chores,...damn more than 20 minutes, thats for sure.If they were'nt in school or working they were doing they're part around the homefront. They were taught enough to not get knocked up or get knocked up. They too were Honors students,..they now work hard with good jobs,.the military polished up what we gave em. We're pretty happy with the way they turned out. Your job as a parent is to raise your kids with values and principles (that also means respect),or you'll regret it later. You have to be the parent, not they're friend. That means that sometimes a little boot to *** is in order.
The real world is not kind to the arrogant, foolish or stupid.
I guess you didnt listen to what he expects. Sounds like a hell of a lot more than 20 minutes.

Sure…if you accept at face value Her Royal Teenage Highness' mealymouthed enumeration of the impossible taskload in her slavish hellworld of indentured servitude, and dismiss or question her father's much shorter list of household tasks utterly reasonable for a teenager to be assigned as part of learning to participate responsibly in life that involves people other than ourselves. I, for one, find dad's list a lot more believable than daughter's list. American kids have been rolling their eyes and snarling "I'm not yer damn slave!" in response to "Please take out the trash" (and "I thought I asked you to take out the trash", and "This is the fifth time I've told you, now turn off the TV and take out the trash!") for years.

When you decided to become a parent you took on the responsibility to provide for their needs.

Got any evidence he's not providing for her needs? Did you go look at the followup link?