Danica Patrick Done

id pihb. just sayin. wouldnt kick her out of the bed till i was finished using her like napcar did either.
"I'd lay dollars to donuts that Williams could kick every man's *** except Nadal and Federer."

Probably so she'd be in third place which is my point - where did Danika finish in the Indy 500?
Glad to see in this modern age that women are finally equal to men. That they can compete in a mans world as an equal, and and gets and I can't do it. She gets so much attention because she is female. I've dealt with women in the work force as a 33 year firefighter. I've been witness to countless women that can't do the job, that migrate to positions that require less physical ability, that demand equal pay, promotions even thou they lack the skills, bravery, experience or common sense! Yeah Danica was there for one simple reason, cause she has no balls! I witnessed a promoted Driver Engineer at a 3 alarm structure fire that could not get water out of a fire truck! How did she react? She sat on her *** in the front seat of the fire truck and cried! After a investigation, guess who was punished? The Captain for not training her! Keep in mind, she was a promoted D/E, not a F/F riding higher! The job promoted her (because of female quotas) but the Captain was suspended 3 days and a report in his pending file. Equal my ***!
Glad to see in this modern age that women are finally equal to men. That they can compete in a mans world as an equal, and and gets and I can't do it. She gets so much attention because she is female. I've dealt with women in the work force as a 33 year firefighter. I've been witness to countless women that can't do the job, that migrate to positions that require less physical ability, that demand equal pay, promotions even thou they lack the skills, bravery, experience or common sense! Yeah Danica was there for one simple reason, cause she has no balls! I witnessed a promoted Driver Engineer at a 3 alarm structure fire that could not get water out of a fire truck! How did she react? She sat on her *** in the front seat of the fire truck and cried! After a investigation, guess who was punished? The Captain for not training her! Keep in mind, she was a promoted D/E, not a F/F riding higher! The job promoted her (because of female quotas) but the Captain was suspended 3 days and a report in his pending file. Equal my ***!

For the most part I agree with you but there are exceptions to everything...Many years ago I worked with a hot as hell blond chick in a welding shop making roll cages for Caterpillar .She could outwork 90% of the guys. I heard the Post Office had the same problem you did..Danica brought a lot of money to Stewert Hass and being a good looking chick was a bonus..but my bet is if an ugly average male driver brought that kind of money in he could get the same ride
For the most part I agree with you but there are exceptions to everything...Many years ago I worked with a hot as hell blond chick in a welding shop making roll cages for Caterpillar .She could outwork 90% of the guys. I heard the Post Office had the same problem you did..Danica brought a lot of money to Stewert Hass and being a good looking chick was a bonus..but my bet is if an ugly average male driver brought that kind of money in he could get the same ride
I would not disagree with that observation. But contrary to the left, we are not ALL created equal! There will always be smarter or stronger or those with the natural leadership qualities that not EVERYONE possesses period! Until the time that there are no separate classes like NBA, WNBA
men and womens track and field, softball,swimming,etc. there will be a difference!
Wait people still watch Nascar? :poke:

My own opinion about declining NASCAR besides the completion issues, is that they had Michael Waltrip on 24/7 like he was the Godsend, and like the other medias they tried to fill up tons of time slots with dribble that no one cared about just to charge advertisers some huge fee, also too many huge teams not enough smaller teams, (welcome to racing I know, I know) .

Wait people still watch Nascar? :poke:

Yes..Many of us still do. While I can see declining attendance there are some of us that still enjoy it and in no way wish for " the good ole days ".Do they have problems ? Absolutely but I continue to watch and probably always will. Same with NHRA but I still Love watching it and will continue to watch..:) :)