Diet to quit smoking

OK Memike.....I'll say it again...

Self discipline and willpower are your best friends right now. Wake up and say "I don't smoke anymore" EVERYDAY. This is a test of your true inner self.
After reading WhyQuit by daredevil My eye are hurting but could not stop reading the stories of the peoples life's that was taken and I can see it is easier to quit then go though lung removal and tumor removal.
I am breathing deeper and staying busy with the good things I have around me and don't want a stinking cigarette at all.
Thank you for sharing that with me daredevil.
look who wants you to quit. these are all people we lost to lung cancer


I don't smoke anymore , I don't smoke any more.
memike is strong and I am quitting :rock:
Watching Jim Varney brought a tear to my eye. I smoked for 30 years so I for one know how hard it is. hang in there
Everytime you think about lighting one up Mike I want you to watch Jim Varney in post 103
Thank you daredevil :rock:
I still want to teach her, my"Granddaughter" how to locate
a ground hog and enjoy the hunt.
You know what I mean, things that the schools and parents
don't know or can't take the time to show them.

THE GROUND HOGS BRING"EN THE MAIL :king::sign5::blob: Jim Varney He sure had a good way and simple way of seeing thing,s:thumleft: to get him where he was.
I did not know that we lost him...... and it was to lung cancer.:angry7:
New news for me.:shock:
jeeze go out driving for a few days and what ? whats all this crap about a few puffs here a whole one there is that like a partial Brazilian ? I was thinking of taking a date to this years Mopars at the Mansion what colour dress will you be wearing Nancy?
jeeze go out driving for a few days and what ? whats all this crap about a few puffs here a whole one there is that like a partial Brazilian ? I was thinking of taking a date to this years Mopars at the Mansion what colour dress will you be wearing Nancy?

plad :toothy10::toothy10:
my fiance tried to quit for 2 yrs , she went to the doctor and got Chantix she quit in 10 days and doesnt even think abbout it now
Chantix is awsome i know i went thru the 2 yrs of hell with her LOL
I have not started smoking, I have saved almost $50 dolors and I am so ansy anymore, I have my desk top all cleaned up and I have washed every window in the house, I had a few beers and a shot of Tequila yesterday and was to busy being happy with myself to even look at one
My wife and children are so proud of me and my bro Kutacando can't believe how good I am doing, In the last 13 day I have not smoked over four cigarettes and that was just a reassurance that this is it for me. They smell like burnt rat hair to me now. I am feeling free of this nasty habit.
I have went fishing and walked a couple mile on the nice days we had Friday and Thursday. I have gained 4 lb but I can get that off in no time.
I even took the time to clean my drums up, Just an update on my way back to a strong and healthier me, memike

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:wave:i was checking to see how you were doing.
I am doing very good daredevil thank you, I have not even had a puff of a cigarette in days.
I bought a air sanitizeing and filter machine. It also cuts down on the dusting
things around the house.:-D

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WTG ! Memike !

Hang in there you are a inspiration to me .

I am feeling all run down myself and I know that I need to stop smoking.

I have been smoking since I was 13 ( 42 now) I have had little success with any of the drugs. I have stopped cold turkey for up to 6 weeks but would have a few drinks and fall off from the wagon again then lite up.

Welbutrin made me so stoned I would get lost going to the store.
Cantrix made me sick and have awful nightmares
and the patch made my heart race so much I thought I was having a heart attack.

No one can stand me when I stop smoking. I am so hyper I cant stop moving I go from project to project and knock things out one after the other. . ....

I would rather get things done than just come home from work and pass out on the couch every night.

Will have to not drink or get in a position of weakness.

I feel like if I do not stop smoking now I will not see 50. I feel tired all of the time and I cant breath for crap. I am tired of smoking and I think they taste and smell like crap. I am just going to have to man up myself and put them down.

I will make my new start first thing tomorrow morning. and lets see how I do with it .
If I can make it for 2 months I think I can beat it . I have been considering quitting for the last few months just needed that last little shover over the hill.

I would like to be around for the grand kids and my boys. They are all on me pretty hard to stop.

I will post on my progress when I make it through day one. If I fail I will post as well and try to figure out how and why screwed up .

I will see how much new found Cuda money I can save.

Hang in ther Memike. I do not post too much here but I have been lurking here at the forum for years and I pretty much keep up on a lot of the posts here.

Hay Pete ,I think the fruit and exercise and wanting to be smoke free for my self first is what is keeping me away from them, And seeing my brother's face when I visit and not smoke when he is smoking :toothy10:

I am cleaning my system out just incase I do have to go under the knife.
And to be honest I am already feeling better about myself and discipline
I am showing by quitting, Hot showers and then a lemon water to take my B vitamins and C. And a shot of pur honey will help with cleaning this shtuff out of me.

A couple cold beers and a shot of Tequila before a raison bread toasted with butter is just right for a celebration of a good day and bug my wife and brother about the health and money I am building up.:-D:toothy10:

We can do it, its just a damned cigarette :cheers:
I will be having a shot and a cold one about 4pm and Let you know how I bug everyone here with there cigarettes in there mouth.:toothy10:

I think the hardest time for me will be in the morning... with coffee. so I am going to start my day with a nice cold glass of OJ and whne I make it through the morning I will be on my way !

this Pete quit you can too superbee. good luck to you. Memimes already got it whooped.We might need a fabo non smoking section lol:cheers:
I almost made it today. I had 3 ... but, I am not giving up .

Will post my progress tomorrow

thanks for the support

Back on the wagon I want to bring this thread back up to date for me and Badawg and our friend duckbuster :cheers:that wants to quite this nasty habit that the government and tv has pushed on to us and has gotten filthy rich on our expense.
I have been playing with a pack of cigarettes for three days now and still have 5 in the pack, my son smocked two of them last night when he got off work. I am going full force and man up as daredevil would say :snakeman: Thank you sir.
Back on the wagon with Badawg and duckbuster we will make this happen.
With the savings I can see that 4 wheeler in my yard already.=P~
We are stronger then we think we are, like another member here said self discipline is our strength and you just have to want to quit, and I do!!
I will be glad to see my face in three to four days from know in the mirror and look at myself and be proud that I am disciplined and strong for an old fart. Here we go men :rock: Smoke free is for me.
look back in this thread for inspiration as I do.

Thank you to all goes out to the great folks here that has helped me turn off this road of smoking \\:D/=D>

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Get rid of the lighters first Mike. After you singe your eyebrows off a couple of times trying to light a smoke on the burner of the stove or with the toaster, you'll get gun shy. :)
We got your back! :rambo::rambo::rambo::rambo::rambo::rambo::axe: :rambo::rambo::rambo::rambo::rambo::rambo: