Do We Always Use Our Turn Signal?



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
According to an internet Microsoft News Poll I participated in, 86% of respondents claim to always use their turn signal. I really do (except in my own backyard). I don't know how many people responded to the poll so far.

My best friend says he only signals when an opposing driver might need to see him signal, and I wonder about the motorcycle or smaller cars that he might not realize are in his vicinity (or worse yet, the traffic cops).

P.S. (edit) The poll included 62,000 respondents of which most were men and 60% were over 45 years old.
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I am the same way now with the seat belt, I feel like I am going to fall out without having it on.

On the other hand, back about 1973, the first time I took my stock '65 273 Plymouth Valiant to make a dragstrip run at Fremont Raceway, I was turned away during tech inspection for having no installed lap belt.
On my dart, I have to use the turn signal to start it. So yeah I use it at least once... But I do always signal a turn. Seatbelt, uh, sometimes..
Around here, the turn signal is a courtesy...or an offensive driving tool.

Sometimes it is best to not use it to make the opposing traffic wonder what you are going to do long enough for you to do it. If you signal, they often move to cut off your move before you can make it.

It’s all part of the training of decades of driving the roads here learning the safest and most effective way do do it.

The script on that emblem is Latin for “Get out of my way”.

When I was in training with the California Highway Patrol in Los Angeles (1983) after my academy graduation, I found my training officers responded to emergencies on the freeways without lights and siren. They said that just confused driver's and such driver's made stupid/dangerous moves. Therefore, the officers preferred to zig/zag through traffic as fast as they could (safely?) without the emergency equipment activated.
When I was in training with the California Highway Patrol in Los Angeles (1983) after my academy graduation, I found my training officers responded to emergencies on the freeways without lights and siren. They said that just confused driver's and such driver's made stupid/dangerous moves. Therefore, the officers preferred to zig/zag through traffic as fast as they could (safely?) without the emergency equipment activated.
Kinda the same principle as not using turn signals here except when it gives you a tactical advantage.
When I was going to be "dismissed" after completing my CHP field training and not having received at least a "3" (ratings were given from "1" to "5") on all performance categories, at least they said I was a "safe" driver.

At the time, my personal vehicle was a 1970 Porsche 914 (1.7 four cylinder five-speed). When I got behind the wheel of the patrol 318 Dodge Diplomats, I could never feel safe enough in those slow vehicles to improve much on my "enforcement" driving skills. If only they still had had the old 440 Dodge Polara (see photo), I believe things would have turned out differently.

Two years later, when the United States Border Patrol hired me and sent me to El Paso, Texas, I was thankful to get out of LA, and thankful for a second chance for a law enforcement career.

I do. And I use a seatbelt. When I wrecked the 87 Ranger back around 99 I'd likely not be here without it.
I do on both, its just another habit now. I don't speed either, I put it on the speed limit and live with it. It sure does piss people off.
I find the older I get the faster I drive. My friends grandpa got stopped for going 96 mph. The popo asked him what he had to say for himself. He replied: 10 mph cause that was what the speed limit was on the road he learned to drive on. And 1 mph for every year the good lord kept him on this great earth. Kim
Was in a car many years ago and hit an unmovable object and I bounced around that car like a tennis ball..Always seat belt and Always use turn signals , can't imagine why anyone wouldn't.
I do most times. Bugs me when others don't, especially those coming towards me.
I always use the turn signal and seat belt. Feels a little strange in the 67 vert with just a lap belt.
That all depends were I am.
Interstate driving here is a blood sport.
So there, at night, I ALWAYS use it.
During the day lane changes happen quickly and visibility is good so I know where people are at all times.
I only use a signal during the day if we are jammed up close and I need to let someone know that I want to be moving over.
Pretty please.
On the interstate I ALWAYS glance over my shoulder before changing lanes.
I don't just rely on mirrors.
How many other drivers do that, huh?

Now the question is, if you are at a traffic light in a "turn only lane", do you still have your blinker flashing.
That's the real question.