Dodge Sucks...



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Gilroy, Ca
I have my 68 Plymouth Barracuda fastback's front suspension all torn apart as I'm rebuilding it...Been apart for a couple weeks. Today I was painting my lower control arms, and a couple of my brother's friends (Chevy guys)walks up and asks:
"What the hell are those?"
I reply: "Lower control arms for my 'cuda."
Bro's friends: "Man those funky looking" and my brother adds: "Yea, Dodge can't do anything right and make a coil over front end like a Camaro instead they make a shitty torsion bar setup..."
This really pissed me off and I just shut up, kept to myself and finished painting...They walked away...I don't get it..some people just don't understand Mopar, and think a Camaro properly set up, will out handle any old muscle car...In my head, and what I truly believe, mopar is better, always had been...And I'm glad I have a shitty torsion bar setup. Rant over.

Here are my "funky looking" control arms.
They look awesome and nice job boxing in the bottoms,awesome work you done there,Don't worry about what they say...Ol redhot built a low budget sportsman plymouth valiant for 1/4 mile oval track and I drove around the camaro's on the outside groove,there were a few that decided to try and slow down the lil' mopar so I just went to the bottom of the track and pased them.started 21 st finished fifth in 20 lap race with no dents or dings in the car....well except a 1/4 panel when someone didnt like me passin em on the outside :cheers:Mopars handle well
Next time they get on this Camaro coil spring thing and the sh***y torsion bar set up ask 'em when's the last time they stuck their head under a Suburban...or a Silverado...

P.S. like wag's said: nice job on the box. They do look good.
Next time they get on this Camaro coil spring thing and the sh***y torsion bar set up ask 'em when's the last time they stuck their head under a Suburban...or a Silverado...

P.S. like wag's said: nice job on the box. They do look good.

ha, good point!!! and they do look nice
What's the thickness of those FUNKY lookin' plates with the FUNKY lookin' holes in em'?

Those are SaWEET!!! I'm Jealous... So now I'll start trash-talkin' 'em...

Compliments to the chef.
A 68 Camaro didn't handle any better then a 68 Barracuda with a factory setup, IMO...and the Camaro had a squeak problem also in the suspension.
A 68 Camaro didn't handle any better then a 68 Barracuda with a factory setup, IMO...and the Camaro had a squeak problem also in the suspension.

And at least you can release the torsion bars to work on the front end without having to worry about eating coil springs...
Just by them not knowing what they are says how much they know about cars. I think torsion bar setups are brilliant. Nice job on boxing them in.
next time someone says that to you.....

... hold up a pencil, and a slinky, then let part of the slinky go....

watch their faces :D
hey chevy and ford guys alway say MOPARS suck here is what i say backto someone that would say that well your wife/girls friends sucks too but i don't here you complaning about that
I've borrowed brand x race cars from time to time and driving an early Camaro was like driving a wet sponge compared to my Mopars.
Hey, I had a painter stop by to look at my projects. He also races Chevys on small oval tracks. My Duster was on the rotisserie and he asked what the torsion box was. I explained to him the front suspension and then showed him how it all went together on the parts car (without engine). He thought that was the coolest thing he ever seen and left wondering if there was some way to graft a torsion bar onto his race car.
I also showed him the horizontal torsion set up on my M body cop car which he also thought pretty neat.
BTW, that is nice looking LCAs for sure...
Having built 2 '69 camaro front suspensions for handling, i can honestly tell you that they definately were NOT that great of a design. Too much bumpsteer, insane camber gain, and nowhere near enough caster.
I don't know much about Mopars, but that's why i'm here!
Mopar was always coming up with dumb ideas like those torsion bar suspensions, going to hydraulic brakes in 1931, electronic ignition, and.........
makes me think there ought to be another thread of Mopar innovations or pioneering...
Say: I use a ratchet and 3/4" socket to adjust my front end height and preloads. What do you use? :)
Ask them if Jaguars handle well. Jaguar used torsion bars on front starting at least as far back as the early fifties. IIRC, Chevy even leased the right (not sure if that's the correct terminology) to use Mopar's torsion bar design on their pickups in the early sixties. Also, tell them the Chevy design isn't a coil-over. It's just coil springs. Pretty sure there's a difference.
hey can anyone guess started putting trosion bars in there trucks more than a few years ago go on guess ok i'll give you a hint but just a little one GM dose that help
Tell them Indy cars use torsion bars. See what they say then! BTW nice work on the Control arms! Very slick! I'm getting ready to do mine.
Ha! Gotta laugh at that one.....back in the day it was fun to watch all the chevelle's & camaro's do massive wheel hops while the Mopar in the other lane just bit and daily driver 93 Toyota pickup even has torsion problem gettin traction though......maybe I should slip in a built 340...hmmmmm