Does any one else get winter bronchitis ?



Superior Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Meridian, Idaho
Just wondering if anyone else suffers from the long term winter bronchitis.
I have been dealing with this crap for 11 weeks now. I have been to the doctors numerous times and been on Z-pack meds twice and a round of Prednasone steroids to try to ease it. Seems like nothing really works as its a viral thing and not a infections which those drugs are for. I just love coughing my lungs out every two minutes. I tend to get this crap every winter for about 2 -3 months. I have researched natural herbs and such to try to help as well. I havent tried them all... but still... miserable !!!!!!
I am pretty much huffin' on a inhaler like for asthma to open the airways... especially when I go out in the cold weather. I dont have asthma, and I dont smoke.... guess I am just lucky to have weak lungs.
Any one else deal with this crap and have a cure they have used ???
Just wonderin'

I just had in once and antibiotics took care of it.

I wounder if a paper mask would help you-it would filter the air before you breath it. You can buy them lots of places-like for painting and they make even better ones that look like gas mask.

You can't wear them out in public-people would think your a robber, lol but in your home be no problem and maybe in a few days it help ? The air looks clean and maybe a mask won't help but you could try it for a week or so and see. I sure would try it..heck that creep Jackson used to wear one all of the time

I do know doctors don't know or will tell you everything that might help, you have to sometimes think for them.

As for why it only hits you in the winter ? thats a very good question, the air can be dry, maybe a humidifier would help--or boil some water and hold you head over the steam ?

Make sure those inhalers aren't making the problem worst, some drugs you can get depended on and when you try to quit them the problem gets twice as bad till your body adjusts to not using them
Careful with the antibiotics, to much of them and you can end up with a yeast imbalance in your sinus cavities....mine has been going on close to 20 years now....
I was born with Chronic bronchitis and get a bout of it every year(sucks)Buckleys cough medicine helps me through the day.It tastes like crap,but works for me.:D
Mine starts off as sinus drainage and then goes in to bronchitis if I can't stop it. There is something in the air every fall plus my wife's cigarrette smoke that sets mine off. The Z-pack and Prednasone steroids neither one would get me over it this year. This year we had to start using Albuterol and a Nebulizer to overcome it. Now when it starts I whip out the maching and after a few treatments it will stop bothering me.
Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.00. Go straight to a lung Dr. There may be more going on than you think. For God's sake, get your wife to stop smoking or at least go outside to do it. I know of what I speak. Three years I got a lung infection and have lost 80% of my lung function. I got a cold last winter and it put me in ICU for two days. Get to a good lung Dr. and find out what is really going on. Be use to let us know how you are doing!!
I hate to say that is how I found out I had cancer (Hodgkin lymphoma) was from chronic
WOW, yeah I gues you better find some different doctors, good luck

But he gets it each winter, if it was cancer won't it just get worst over time ?

Cancer is always a maybe but hopefully your ok there
WOW, yeah I gues you better find some different doctors, good luck

But he gets it each winter, if it was cancer won't it just get worst over time ?

Cancer is always a maybe but hopefully your ok there

Yeah I am cured but I just wanted to let you know there is all kinds of possibility of what could be wrong. So yeah get a good pulmonologist.
Doctors can overlook things and some tests cost $$$$ so they hesitate to ask for them even if you have insurance cause the insurance companies don't like it--no more freebies from them.

I might be wrong but don't some cancers grow very slowly for 20--25 years before they cause major health problems, I think so, like prostate cancer but then some prostate cancers grow very quickly and nobody knows how come
Yeah, this has been the 1st good winter for me. Last year, lungs so full of fluid...doc sent me to the heart spec guy, couln't breathe. fine there.

Then they decided that sinuses draining down throat, into lungs all night.OK, what now? And the Nov goldenrod in north Fl...

Nose constantly running. And draining down throat all night. This year, new anti-histimines seem to be 80% better. Also, he told me: Central heat and air, the mold and fungi spores get in there during the summer, but don't bloom; too cold and low humidity.

But in the winter; heat and high humidity, bloom, and it sets us off. He gave me a sample of Telfast, but $. I used to be happy with prescription Claritine, until they pulled it from the market.

Good luck. I have been fighting this for years. I'm 61, it will scare the hell out of you, when you can't get enough oxygen.
Doctors can overlook things and some tests cost $$$$ so they hesitate to ask for them even if you have insurance cause the insurance companies don't like it--no more freebies from them.

I might be wrong but don't some cancers grow very slowly for 20--25 years before they cause major health problems, I think so, like prostate cancer but then some prostate cancers grow very quickly and nobody knows how come

I wouldn't worry about cancer. More than likely it will be something going on with your lungs.
they even gave me a chest x-ray. Then a radar thing. It was snot in the lungs. Lay down and sleep, where is the mucus going? gravity in action.
My wife been fighting this since christmas been on pred. antibiotics still can seem to throw off. Ct scan shows scar tissue in lungs. Back to MD in am, can't seem to get into lung doctor till early March. North florida seems to have alot of stuff blooming. I will keep up with this thread to see whats going on.
Last week I had the usual winter sinus infection and would wake up with a stuffed nose (95% blockage) .

Me being one NOT to visit the doctor right away thought I would try something
different to remedy my annually clogged sinuses.

What I did was got my head over the bathroom sink ,took a medicine syringe and put about one or two c.c.'s of H2O2(Hydrogen Peroxide) and injected and snorted it at the same time into each nostril .

Burns like a mutha f&%ka for about 10 seconds and turns instantly into foam deep inside the sinus cavity.

After it finishes bubbling you blow your nose in the sink and all the snot and buggers and I mean ALL the stuff thats cloggin your nose comes out of your nasal passages and you'll be breathin free and clear immediately .

After doing this for three days my sinus infection is gone.

I sleep better
I definitely breath better
I no longer suffer from sinus (daylong) headaches

That's my 2 cent remedy
Back to MD in am.

If you're not happy with the MD, try a DO.

They have all the training/schooling of a MD + 2 more years. Basically, it takes 8 years of school to become a MD, but 10 years of school to become a DO. They are a little more specialized.
I get bronchitis every single year. Going on 3 weeks now, but slowing getting better. I hate this. I try to stay away from anitbiotics and just tough it out. The wife and kids give it to me and they are over it in a couple of days, but mine drags out for weeks sometimes.
Thanks for the responses people. Yeah I have had xrays and stuff too... its not in my lungs... just the bronchials. No fluid in lungs. It just happens every winter.. I about died of pnuemonia as a child so I am sure my lungs, bronchials and all are just weak. Sounds like a few of you go through the same thing... I do think I am on the tail end of it finally.. been feeling a little better over the last two days... as long as this trend continues..
It usually lasts 3 months for me... and I am closing in on that.
Just a miserable thing.

I get a pneumonia shot every few years it helps with not getting the flu and bronchitis.