Dog Pack Attack



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2012
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Nashville, TN
Hey guys just venting. My wife and I live on 8 acres and have started a little goat herd. We have 3 females and 1 male. We think two of them are pregnant so will have kids this spring. We got a miniature donkey to protect the goats from predators. He is so nice that he has turned into a pet and my wife LOVES him.

Yesterday afternoon while me and my wife were still at work a pack of stray dogs attacked our animals. Herb the Donkey did his job but didn't fair too well after. He was able to fend them off long enough for the goats to get to the barn safely but took a beating. My neighbor heard the commotion and got his gun. Unfortunately he shot to scare the dogs off and not to kill. If I would have been home there would be some dead dogs.

Anyway, the dogs basically tore the left side of his face off. We were afraid we might have to put him down but the vet thinks he can save him. He is stitching him up this morning. I'll let you know how it goes.


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sorry to hear that

on the bright side, your neighbor sounds like a good one
not overzealous to shoot first ask questions later, and not "new York city style" to just let it go and look the other way
killing an animal on your own property is on thing, killing it on someone elses is a whole nother affair
poor little guy! its sad when a person can't have his own whatever without something happening to it. you might have to get another burro, bigger mean one! or hot wire around the pen.

I would try to find if these dogs are sorta local or wind bunch.
Thanks for the kind words. The vet just finished getting him stitched up. I think it went pretty well. We will be feeding him soft food for a while until his mouth heals. If those dogs set foot on my property again they will be dead. My wife and I (one or the other) will be home for the next few weeks and we will be ready for them.

We have been talking now about getting another burrow to help Herb protect.
glad to hear it

and cudos to the vet for saving your little *** :cheers:
Sorry to hear about that poor donkey. Get well Herb! I'm a dog lover, and I would shoot them too.
Have you considered getting an Irish Wolfhound dog?

The wolves were getting out of hand in Ireland and killing the farmers animals. When they brought in the Irish Wolfhound, they got the wolves in control as to almost make them extinct. They are bigger than greyhounds and can stand 4 foot tall to the shoulder. We had a black lab mixed with an Irish Wolfhound and she was a sweet heart.

I hope your pet is all right. My dog once got in a fight and got his face torn and it took 13 stitches to close him back up. He healed fine, no problem after that... Give him/her some TLC...
I bet Herb is a sweetheart I hope his recovery is short and peaceful .
Sorry to read but glad Herb is healing up. Get him a companion he'd love the friendship and backup. Spread the word to the locals. They could come for a child or elderly.
Put out some dishes of antifreeze beyond the reach of your animals. If the dogs come back they will lap the stuff up due to the sweet taste and it will kill them.

You won't have to wait to see erase them. ;)
U see dogs again kill them before they do more damage to herb or the goats or even worse one or both of u 2
Get Herb a Lama or Alpaka . We have Coyotes where I live and a lot of people raise sheep and goats and its not uncommon to see one or the other or both among them.
What is the scoop on this wild pack, pack of coydogs? Stray dogs breading with coyotes are worst damn kind of problem to have. Best of luck to you
My daughter and her husband raise sheep. They live in coyote territory. They have a llama. They've lost a lamb once in about 6 years (I'm guessing.)It's big fun to watch those little creatures grow up.
I have a buddy that has a miniture donkey in with his calves, one day his donkey came up to the barn with his chest all cut up.. He couldn't figure out what happened so he bandaged him up. A few days later his dogs drug a mountain lion up to the house, only thing he could figure out is that crazy miniture donkey fought cat and stomped it to death!!
Herb needs a big brother or sister - full size burro would fare better (unless way outnumbered) Hope Herb heals up!
That's one brave donkey. Hope he gets better soon.
Maybe an electric fence would be an option.

back when I was young, we, "my dad" had a lot of black angus cattle. people from town would bring their dogs out to the country to dump them. (long story). dogs can`t feed them selves w/ wild game like wolves and coyotes are capable of. the dogs ran in a pack and caught one of our cows down having a calf, they ate the calf and started on the back end of her, really crippled her bad for life, but she survived. we used to carry guns on the horses, and in the truck all the time, I killed 16 dogs that summer w/ my 22 semi-auto. didn`t feel any remorse over it at all. you gotta do what you gotta do !
there are many both miniature and regular size donkeys around here. huge cattle area. plenty of coyotes and yes mountain lions were brought in years back by DNR. more ranchers should use the burrow but many just a pasture ornament. they will eat "thistles" and control them in pastures.

if a rancher sees any stay dog in his pasture it gets shot. so we really don't see any.

I hope the brave little guy heals fine and the vet bill wasn't too bad!!
Yesterday after the vet got him stitched up my wife kept Herb locked in the barn to try to heal up. When I got home from work I went to check on him. I let him out of the barn and he ran right towards the goats to continue protecting them. I think he was worried about the goats safety all day yesterday while being locked in the barn. He is a brave little guy and cares more about the goats safety than his own.

I will say the doc did a great job stitching him up. Once he heals I think he will look pretty normal. I can post some pictures of his wounds if you want but just be warned they are pretty graffic. We are feeding him alfalfa cubes soaked in water so it's eaiser for him to eat. I bought him a saddle blanket yesterday too. I don't want him to get too cold while he's trying to heal up.

Trying to decide if we should get him a full size Donkey to help him protect or go with a female miniature donkey so we could have some Herb Jr's.

I will be home all day this Sat and Sunday. I can see my entire pasture from where I'll be wrenching on cars. I hope those dogs show back up to get what they deserve.
Trying to decide if we should get him a full size Donkey to help him protect or go with a female miniature donkey so we could have some Herb Jr's.

if I were Herb...I would take door number two :D