Doing my part to combat COVID-19

Covid spreads through lungs, you shouldn't get it by touching anything. just an FYI

Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research..

..The findings confirm that COVID-19 is spread simply through breathing, even without coughing, he said. They also challenge the idea that contact with contaminated surfaces is a primary means of spread, Osterholm said.

"Don't forget about hand washing, but at the same time we've got to get people to understand that if you don't want to get infected, you can't be in crowds," he said. "Social distancing is the most effective tool we have right now."

Just know what I read as I'm no expert. Perhaps others have stated that contamination through touch is fact? Maybe both...?

It is an emerging virus, so no one has studied covid-19 before now. However, everything currently out there is saying that it's being spread by droplets. Which means surface transmission is possible. The CDC is saying that's not likely to be the primary source of transmission. Not being the primary source of transmission is a lot different than saying you can't get it that way.

Coronavirus at a Glance: Infographic

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Transmission
It is an emerging virus, so no one has studied covid-19 before now. However, everything currently out there is saying that it's being spread by droplets. Which means surface transmission is possible. The CDC is saying that's not likely to be the primary source of transmission. Not being the primary source of transmission is a lot different than saying you can't get it that way.

Coronavirus at a Glance: Infographic

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - Transmission
I agree but, "Spread by droplets" could be a misleading statement because people will think that someone has to sneeze on you?? If I have the virus (and don't know I have it) and walk around wiping my nose with my hands and sneezing into my hands.....everything I touch will be contaminated. That's every business front door handle, grocery item I might touch at the grocery store, every hand I shake, ATM buttons, gas pump, every store check out device that you have to touch to verify your credit card, TV remote, steering wheel, Dollar bill, money "change", VOTING MACHINES, when you sit at a bar do you touch the bar, etc, etc, etc. Does anyone EVER go to an athletic club and "not" touch anything and..... isn't everything covered with someone else's sweat???

Not to mention Hotels, how many door handles and buttons do you have to touch at a hotel where the germs are refreshed and spread hourly/daily!!!!

"The new coronavirus can live in the air for several hours and on some surfaces for as long as two to three days, tests by U.S. government and other scientists have found."
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I believe one of the main differences in this and a common cold/flu is that the virus can live for 9 days on just about any surface versus 24 hours for the common cold IIRC.

...and all the anti-bacterial sanitizer in the world will do NOTHING against a virus.

Bleach- maybe.

I saw my first local mask in use yesterday. At the post office.
I took this pic on the train on my way to work on Feb 28.... I work in NYC.
Yesterday over 600 employees weren’t at work. Today it’s over 1000. There’s 65 floors in my building.

11 deaths in China in the last 24 hours.
And far lower than it has been for new deaths reported daily there since it started.

Over 70% of the China patients infected have recovered.

A good sign.
And far lower than it has been for new deaths reported daily there since it started.

Over 70% of the China patients infected have recovered.

A good sign.
That's what the daily media should be reporting, non stop and factual info on who is at risk etc.
Not tallying every positive test in every county city and state. Scaring the **** out of people that dont understand what's going on.
Let's not get into politics. I would hate to move it to N&P. Thanks
And far lower than it has been for new deaths reported daily there since it started.

Over 70% of the China patients infected have recovered.

A good sign.

That's what the daily media should be reporting, non stop and factual info on who is at risk etc.
Not tallying every positive test in every county city and state. Scaring the **** out of people that dont understand what's going on.

Definitely good that China was able to slow the spread, it shows what can be done if measures are taken to slow the spread of the virus. But they put a city/region of over 11 million people on complete lockdown. Wuhan was quarantined in a way that we’d have a hard time replicating in the US. Canceling sports and closing Disneyland is nothing compared to what they did in Wuhan.

There are survivor stories out there, this one is a woman in Seattle. Both good and bad, she was at a small house party where no one had symptoms at the time. 3 days later 40% of the party attendees were sick. Testing was delayed. She recovered, which is great, but some of the info she gives points out shortcomings in our system that will make it harder to contain this.

Seattle woman shares her coronavirus experience

How many in America have died from it? 20?

36 so far with approximately 1200 cases.

But we don’t currently have the testing capacity in most places to even test all the suspected cases. So those numbers will rise just as more testing is completed- even without further spread. And with a 3-5 day delay before symptoms show up there’s already more people infected and not currently showing symptoms.

People shouldn’t freak out. But they should also still take precautions. If we limit the spread now it won’t be a big deal. If we don’t we’ll get new cases at an exponential rate and the impact could be pretty serious.
I am in the "at risk" group and I feel we are the ones especially that really need to think about what and where we do. But not everyone that dies from this is over 60 either. We already read on "social media" of people bitching about the schools closing, I guess those those types have no fathers, mothers, grandparents they have any concern over. Maybe they have a big problem with NO basketball!?
I am in the "at risk" group and I feel we are the ones especially that really need to think about what and where we do. But not everyone that dies from this is over 60 either. We already read on "social media" of people bitching about the schools closing, I guess those those types have no fathers, mothers, grandparents they have any concern over. Maybe they have a big problem with NO basketball!?
Convenience is the new god.

61 and taking autoimmune suppressants here. Working from home part time, semi-retired. Took me a couple months to completely get over the shingles vaccine. I've been doing what the CDC recommends to not get Covid-19 for years now. I feel fairly certain Covid-19 would be my end. But no worries about myself, whatever will be, will be. Right now I have another day to relish and enjoy.

I read the last stage before Covid-19 death is multiple organ failure. I've been close to that and what happens is you slip into a coma. There is no pain because most organs have little or no nerve endings. The liver has none. It's almost euphoric. Throw in some dilaudid and you end up with a smiling corpse.
One of the experts on the virus mentioned at it will start in the back of the throat and migrate. He mentioned throat losenges with Zinc as a good thing to use at onset of feeling off. All sold out yesterday!!!!! I bet a swig of Crown Royal will be good for such !???? ha
They use alcohol in hand sanitizer, 90%! Drown the little buggers!