Don't laugh but I need advice - girl advice



My car stole my wallet!
Jul 10, 2006
Reaction score
50 Miles from the middle
Alright... This is going be painful. But, They are having a car show here in town. They are going to close off a few blocks and do the usual thing, BBQ, live music, that sort of thing.

When I was in college about 6 years ago I ran in to a girl that rocked my world. Lets call her "Mildred". I only met her once but, she made a heck of an impression on me. I was with another girl at the time, so I couldn't really even talk to Mildred. :banghead:

My previous relationship ended earlier this year and shortly after when I was trying to find some old friends I found Mildred and became "Face Book Friends".

I posted a picture of a Porsche and a Ferrari that I saw in town today on my lunch break. She was the first one to comment on it.


My question is... How would YOU ask this girl out? There is no question that I am going to pursue her but, HOW would you go after her?
i figure if you talk to her often on FB you should be able to work right into it pretty easily. unless she is with someone already.
She's already talking to you!!! Ask her if she would like to have lunch with you, you have most of the battle won... GO FOR IT!
If you really like her, just be yourself and talk to her. If she's really pretty, she is probably constantly being hit on by guys and it most likely will turn her off if your to agressive. Play it cool and keep the conversations fun and make her laugh. Listen to her and talk about the things she likes and genuinely listen. Humor is the best way to break the ice and women respond well to it. If all that fails just jump on her.:toothy9: MMG
Take her to lunch and tell her you got a PHD....Pretty Huge D**K !!! That always works on the first date!
Take her to lunch and tell her you got a PHD....Pretty Huge D**K !!! That always works on the first date!

Hey Steve....too bad she found out the real truth on your second date :D

Keep posting cool car pics. If she keeps commenting on them, use that to ask her to attend with you, and offer up some dinner too. If she says no, better to know now, and you can keep searching for a car chick.
College girls just want to be friends and stay non-committal, but 6 years later they are ready to cling. Go slow at first and act like friends, so she doesn't worry you are a creep or stalker. It she likes you, she will make some moves. Her biological clock is ticking.
Hey Steve....too bad she found out the real truth on your second date :D

Keep posting cool car pics. If she keeps commenting on them, use that to ask her to attend with you, and offer up some dinner too. If she says no, better to know now, and you can keep searching for a car chick.

I aint needy here Willy...always dumped them after the 1st date....and THEY bought dinner!
Don't have lunch that just spells out "Lets be friends" She obviously likes cars. Ask her out to the car show coming up. Cars and good BBQ how could she say no. You dont have to come right out and tell her how infactuated you are with her but be honest..
Keep it simple and just ask if she would enjoy a day walking and enjoying looking at some nice cars, Is there going to be a fund raiser at the car show?
if so bring that up and let her know all she will need is good walking shoes and an apatite for some good conversation and meeting new people for a day.....
You know her better then we do, so you make the call if you should wear a T-Shirt or a neat button up shirt.
Then shut your mouth and don't say anything unless asked a question and let her talk so you can make your adjusting moves Yep I was single many MANY!! moons ago and know that just being observant will give her confidence to be with you..
The only thing I can throw in is don't be annoying. Limited you comments calls or whatever to just a couple a week tell there are signs of interest from her.
How would you ask her out?

Grab your balls and ask her out to coffee or some other silly, simple thing.

It's that easy. The worst she can do is say "no".

Please take the advise and words of wisdom of one of the greatest rock bands in the world.

The Who.

This song will teach you everything you will ever need to know about women.

[ame=""]The Who - One at a Time - YouTube[/ame]
Alright... I went for it... I sent her an "invite" on Face book to the Cruise Night. I sent this message with it.
Hey, I am going to this car show in Pacific on Saturday around Noon. I am looking for someone to go with me to take advantage of this weather and maybe grab some BBQ or something. Would you be interested?
What do you guys think? Think she will bite?
Alright... I went for it... I sent her an "invite" on Face book to the Cruise Night. I sent this message with it.

What do you guys think? Think she will bite?

Well dun wjaholic, Keep it neat short and sweet like an A Body :cheers:
And don't let her see you on facebook or any other chat site allot, That will give her the feeling you don't have anything better to do with your life :hello2:

Here I am giving out advice that makes me laugh at myself because I am sure it seems I am on here all the time :eek:ops:
Aw darn it, you already asked her, I'm too late again. But heres my advice anyway.
Since you're a young and are probably saavy with computor lingo and such, try this

"Hey, why don't you come on over to Myspace and Twitter my Yahoo while Google all over your Facebook" Bing!...and don't forget to post it on Youtube.

I'm kidding, of course. Good luck and let us know how things turn out.
You may not need to say much, chicks dig talking about themselves.
Did u bonk her .. I know you bonked her, come on tell me you bonked... Give me a break you gotta bonk her.... Jk I think she will say yes
git a recent pic of your car and post it, hope for the best when she comments....and even if her comment is negative show the shiny side of the coin.....anything other than yourself will just not yourself...if you take her out make it casual and ware what you you would ware for a night out with the boys...seriously if she don't like you at your worst then she don't deserve you at your best....if you put on some kind of an act your gonna be in trouble sooner or may only get one more chance don't waste it bein a fake...............Wagg's
If she don't show don't let it bother ya....keep upbeat and enjoy the car show anyway...although she may think you may be bummed she didnt make it .....don't be and let her have the ball for a while
Alright... I went for it... I sent her an "invite" on Face book to the Cruise Night. I sent this message with it.

What do you guys think? Think she will bite?