Driving the Dart to work tomarrow!



Fusing with fire
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, Ca.
Hi folks, Just want to say thanks for all the help! It has payed off! Im driving this old girl to work tomarrow come hell or high water! This car has been down for over two months and now Shes ready to hit the road, I cant fricken wait for work tomarrow an I dont say that everyday....

I tryed to get a pick of my carpy one legger but it did not come out, Mayhap after work I take a new pick!!! When I bought this car it would not spin A tyre even in the dirt so you caoud say Ive been wearing a "$hit eatin grin" all day!!

The old..




Test fitting..


Oh yeah baby! New Action +pluss, Holley 650 DP, MSD 6AL and a whole new front end.. ( I gained 2" of ride height of of the front end rebuild...)


oh yeah my car is a 1971 318 904 Dart swinger. And I frickin love it!

Thanks again.
So that didnt go as planned.

The car ran great to work, She left a hell of a lot more tranny fluid behind than I like.
My big problem was road construction. I sat ideling for abojt 20 minutes and the idle got rough. My.response was to drop into neutral letting the idle go up a bit. Just when the guy turrned the sign the car died and would not start. Push car off to shoulder and let 1,000 honking A hole tourists go around... (super fun)

I carank and crank and crank with no love, Open hood to find fuel filter empty. Shake car up an down stick ear to tank (More stupid tourist remarks) plenty of gas.
Use under hood jumper to crank motor with ignition off, No fuel, crank more no fuel...

Shiza, Back to shake car and ear to tank, Fu#k I hear gas!!?? (Dont lissen to A hole tourists or walk over and punch through window...)

Crank, Crank,Crank... Fu#k!! Mother Fu#k! (mantra I will not punch this guy, I will not punch this guy..)

Ok sit in car dont look at anyone Smoke some cigar and think dammit!!

Vapor lock? Never seen it before but hell...

Pull fuel line to carb, pisssss. (Thats the sound I herd) Use jumper to crank with no ignition, Cranking over slow now.. Finaly I get fuel. Hook hose back up to carb and crank more withno ignition to fill filter and floatbowls.

Shut hood and get in car and.. Fu#k you know it, Dead battery..... Honking now is like bombs dropping on my nervs...

But AH HAA, I have a spare battery and some jumper cables!!
Drag spare batt to front of car and hook up cables. (More honking, I wanna punch this *** hat SO bad...)

Sit in car, Take cigar out of ash tray, Smoke, relax, FU#K THIS GUY!!!

Turn key...

yes!!! Litterly throw bat inpassanger side toss cables in, slam hood, run over a cone and I out!!!

Stopped and cot a sixer of coors and now relax...

Oh yeah, Fu#k that guy.....
from an old thread, sounds like he was down this road before... pm him. i know it's a tough pill to swallow, but you probably need one of the filters with the vapor return. and or an actual return line. i know some people put carb spacers, etc.

Don't remove it, utilize it for a vapor return line, helps prevent vapor lock. Use a Wix 33040 (5/16) or 33041 (3/8) fuel filter which has a 1/4" vapor return line. If you decide to run a high pressure pump with a return regulator, you can use that 1/4 line for it.
Thanks guys.
Now that me and the car have cooled off I did some looking and found what I think was the fuel tank vent line. It is a hard line that was plumbed into the passanger side valve cover breather. I traced this line back and it dose go to the fuel tank. Can I simply use this as my return line, If so How to vent the tank?
If not How would I go about fabbing a feturn line?

I like that filter and will be calling O riley and have them order me one or two.

Thanks again.
I guess this would be more suited to the air/fuel section but..
My car being a 71 model has the four corner tank vent system, Therefore I sould be abe to use the fuel tank hard line vent to passanger valve cover as my new return line with no issue?

Where should my filter with return line be placed?
After fuel pressure regulator?

Thanks for the time and advice.
That sucks I.was.hoping to hear the ride went well. Ya gotta have a sense of humor.with these old.cars. Sounds like ya got that covered.
Wow, I just let my fuel tank vapor hose hang freely like the 1960's cars were, it worked great back then and still does today, lol

Breakdowns stink and yeah traffic can sit far to long now of days. People-drivers don't "push" their way down the road anymore, they put around and yap on the phone--or worst. Breaking down in a traffic lane is the worst yet and today nobody can push your car off the road a ways cause of the air bags we got now vs strong steel bumpers--why we could not had both in today cars I don't know...its like it be too good, its like we should get hurt/killed in bad crashes--expect for Nascar, those cars are safer then ever in a crash..how it should be, IMO

Anyhow, you need likely a better fuel pump, if its 20 some years old well. Too bad they can cost well over $100 and it might not cure the problem--did you just remove the gas cap..next time don't crank and crank the engine and run the battery down--i know, motorists are jerks today and its hard to think straight on the road

You need to drive the car more to find and fix the problems....I thought my car was 100% perfect but on the first long 100 mile trip I took it on, the power steering pump has two return fittings, I only use one and had the other line block with a cheap rubber cap it came with...it melted and fluid leaked out and I seen a huge smoke screen at 70 mph in my rear view mirror--I thought the worst as I pulled off the exit ramp....now I know it could also use a power steering cooler like the 4.10 cars from the factory had.

Leaving the gas cap off is an old trick to find if its a venting problem...just don't have over a half tank of fuel and watch no rain-water gets in the tank
My guess would be the carb. the only time I could get a Holley to run worth a crap was on the track. but that is just me.
Me thinksssssssssssss your problim is take a look your fuel line are too close to thoes 2 heater hoses,the may very well be touching as well.Good luck.
You should post pics of how the fuel is hooked up. I could be wrong, but a vent line to a valve cover breather?? That doesnt sound right to me.
don't disheart!!! remember it takes driving these old cars to get everything right and figured out. a few " things" have found in this world of old car resto is: old tank? rust and crab there clogging anywhere from the tank to the needle? seat. old dizzy? crab gets into carb causing problem? sorry gas getting hot (boiling?). post in the fuel thread and the experts will help, but remember its the journey not the destination!????
From your story, it sounds like the entire fuel line ran dry. I wonder if the little jumper hose at the sender is rotten?
- Yeah, Ive seen that venting system. Tank vapors come to front and stored in crankcase then PCV system picks them up and sends them through intake to be burned up at restart. Or the vapors are relayed to the carbon canister then purged out later.
- With filler cap off you should be able to blow through that line.
-The vented filter needs to be installed between the pump and carb, and a new dedicated return line installed, or if you use that hard line from the vc-breather,then you will need a vented filler cap.But really, if you insulate the carb from the intake and isolate the line from heat sources the factory system should work fine.
I was headed to work one morning in my one of my slant dusters. 5 a m, drizzling rain, in the sticks, just me.... not even any angry motorist to go by... LOL.... fuel gauge doesn't work... it dies..... doesn't start. flashlight almost dead.... yea dark and wet!.... no gas in filter....did it run out of gas????????? no cell... walk 2 miles to nearest house in the rain.... older ( than me) feller drives me back home ( 10 mi)... bless his heart..... later that day I find tank has gas. got a little crap at the neddle seat, float is stuck..... problem solved! LOL
well it would be if I had brand new tank!????
Thanks guys.
yeah it sucked bad.
I gotta leave for a few days on a work thing but I will update when I get back and try to get this old girl back on the road.

Thanks for all the help.