Drunk tow truck driver



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
We just had a tow truck driver fly down our small street and the car he had in tow (backwards) had its front wheels turn so it was trailing outboard of his passenger side track. The towed car sideswiped a car on the far side of the street, and then it hit one pretty good as it must have been swinging out farther as it rolled. There are 2 parties on our street so there are about 80 people milling around at 9:30PM. I saw the tow truck driver walk past us away from the accident, sort of stomping and throwing up his hands acting like he was going to get fired. Next thing we know, police are on the scene and they are giving the tow truck driver a field sobriety test 3 houses down! Man, that guy is so fired!
Pretty sure if you walked up and punched him in the mouth the cops wouldn't care.
What a dick. Fired would be too good for him
We just had a tow truck driver fly down our small street and the car he had in tow (backwards) had its front wheels turn so it was trailing outboard of his passenger side track. The towed car sideswiped a car on the far side of the street, and then it hit one pretty good as it must have been swinging out farther as it rolled. There are 2 parties on our street so there are about 80 people milling around at 9:30PM. I saw the tow truck driver walk past us away from the accident, sort of stomping and throwing up his hands acting like he was going to get fired. Next thing we know, police are on the scene and they are giving the tow truck driver a field sobriety test 3 houses down! Man, that guy is so fired!
Friggin idiot...
That's funny and not funny at the same time.
Some truth to that, I read where they just re elected Barbara boxer !
Unfortunately, BB has the entire bay area and most of the gubment teet suckin' pricks in LA behind her, everyone else hates her guts. And now were getting SF's Gavin Newsome as governor? Please Mr Cox, just show pics of SF's feces and needle littered streets and ask CA if they want to raise their kids in neighborhoods that look like this...That would be very effective as that is pretty much what GN is about, and of course raising your income tax 100% , yes...he wants to double it. OK mods, go ahead and move this to the PC forum..... :-(
I would rather be poor as I am, than filthy rich and have to live in that state
Unfortunately, BB has the entire bay area and most of the gubment teet suckin' pricks in LA behind her, everyone else hates her guts. And now were getting SF's Gavin Newsome as governor? Please Mr Cox, just show pics of SF's feces and needle littered streets and ask CA if they want to raise their kids in neighborhoods that look like this...That would be very effective as that is pretty much what GN is about, and of course raising your income tax 100% , yes...he wants to double it. OK mods, go ahead and move this to the PC forum..... :-(
Agreed taking it to the political part of the Forum where everybody has ultra thin skin! LOL I signed up for that part and went over there and made about 3 comments and lost four friends! Never again I'm here to talk about cars!
Agreed taking it to the political part of the Forum where everybody has ultra thin skin! LOL I signed up for that part and went over there and made about 3 comments and lost four friends! Never again I'm here to talk about cars!
I left that forum so fast, I had to get Joey to take me off the list as I didn't even want to know what was going on in there. Mopar on.....
I would rather be poor as I am, than filthy rich and have to live in that state
But, if you were stinking rich and living there, couldn't you just have some wetbacks pack up your greenbacks and move to the outback?
But, if you were stinking rich and living there, couldn't you just have some wetbacks pack up your greenbacks and move to the outback?

I lived out here for 4 yrs, back when the economy dumped here. I loved riding 4 wheelers in the desert ! Could just fire it up and leave out, no hauling to ride. Used to go across a hiway and a couple of smaller roads to a place where the Mohave river came out of the ground. Was a beautiful place , cold water, anywhere fron 2/3" to 3 ft deep,. You could ride in it , (had to outrun the BLM broncos a couple of times), really cooled u off when it was 100 or so degrees out. Last time we went over there , there were bunch of Mexicans sitting on an old divan, in the middle of one of the larger pools. Beer cans and fresh trash everywhere , and a couple of stripped and burnt cars. "They absolutely ruined the whole area!" I wouldn`t be surprised if the BLM hasn`t turned the place into a park, they should if they haven't.
I would rather be poor as I am, than filthy rich and have to live in that state
I lived in Sacramento CA for 5 years while I was in the Air Force. Once in 1974 as a Navigator student at Mather AFB, and 77-80 as an instructor Navigator. We loved California back then, and we went to San Francisco all the time. It was beautiful. You could not pay me enough to live in that Liberal infested LGBT loving hole now. My God, what are those politicians thinking?
I lived in Sacramento CA for 5 years while I was in the Air Force. Once in 1974 as a Navigator student at Mather AFB, and 77-80 as an instructor Navigator. We loved California back then, and we went to San Francisco all the time. It was beautiful. You could not pay me enough to live in that Liberal infested LGBT loving hole now. My God, what are those politicians thinking?

I wonder about the multitude that elects them !~! Got to be more ------than anywhere in the U.S.
Yes very good idea to perpetuating everything bad you hear about Oregon in the news please that way no one will want to come here.

Well, having been there a number of times I must admit it is a VERY beautiful state. But...

It's a very divided state from what I've seen also. The liberals and kooks in the West and more normal people and working folks toward the east. Maybe it's just like every other state, differing locations with different types of folks. Get over it jpar!
Well, having been there a number of times I must admit it is a VERY beautiful state. But...

It's a very divided state from what I've seen also. The liberals and kooks in the West and more normal people and working folks toward the east. Maybe it's just like every other state, differing locations with different types of folks. Get over it jpar!
Get over what?
Just realize no one is trying to minimize economic transfer to Oregon.

You seem a bit overly protective like it's a personal attack.

It's not! Have a GREAT Day!
Just realize no one is trying to minimize economic transfer to Oregon.

You seem a bit overly protective like it's a personal attack.

It's not! Have a GREAT Day!
Well how'd you not quoted me LOL how do you not mention me by name LOL I might not have checking it personal LOL maybe next time don't quote me and don't mention me by name? Maybe Oregon needs to get over it or something I don't know? Do you need the last word?
My mom always told me you don't have a drinking problem until it starts causing problems.