Early Morning Baghdad

Thanks Dusted for sharing the pics of Bagdad and also too yours and the other men and women's services to our country and defending freedom.
I would love to see a few pictures of there **** box cars all blown to crap.
Thanks for the pictures and be safe.


How's this? I have a bunch more too. This damage was done by me and a couple of my buddies on the 4th of July. They were 2 VBIEDs staged and ready to go It's amazing what a very small amount of explosives and water will do. Water has an extreme amount of potential when combined with explosive overpressure.

As you can see in the 1st pic the local news media was all over this story too. Several times I was told to move out of their shot, one on the right has a video camera the one on the left a still camera.


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That brings me back. Been 9 years ago. Sure sucks you all are still over there after all this time. Be safe over there.
This damage was done by me and a couple of my buddies on the 4th of July.

And the rockets red glare...

Keep up the good work and stay safe. Thanks for your hard work and commitment:thumbup:
Thanks for letting us sleep easy at night protecting our country
good men like your self and your brothers and sisters there is what we stand for brother hood
And the rockets red glare...

Keep up the good work and stay safe. Thanks for your hard work and commitment:thumbup:

4th of July was our busiest day so far, I guess they thought they were gonna dampen my spirit by forcing me to expend a large amount of explosives throughout the day. They thought wrong, at least myself and the security guys that were with us got to see some fireworks. :D
I live in safty..thanks to you guys

stay safe my Mopar friend,
How's this? I have a bunch more too. This damage was done by me and a couple of my buddies on the 4th of July. They were 2 VBIEDs staged and ready to go It's amazing what a very small amount of explosives and water will do. Water has an extreme amount of potential when combined with explosive overpressure.

As you can see in the 1st pic the local news media was all over this story too. Several times I was told to move out of their shot, one on the right has a video camera the one on the left a still camera.

Not much left of those cars, keep them coming (body parts optional)
Thanks for the pictures.
The place certainly looks different. Cleaner, less rubble, no blown cars sitting to become cover.
I was up in Mosul, 2003-04, my pics are a lot less nice. Nobody was in a photogenic mood. I have a duffel bag that I have yet to unpack. It's been in a shed for 7 years and still smells like that place.
Here are the last ones for today it's 10:59 p.m. here.
1. Is a view of one of the many lakes on our base.
2. Is a mosque on the base.
3. One of Saddams palaces that was bombed during the invasion.
4 and 5. Dust storm we had a few weeks ago.
6. A couple of horses in the bed of a truck last week.
7. One of Saddams palaces on the Euphrates Rivers just outside of Ar Ramadi.
8. Local kids that are just like kids back in the states. They see an Army man and they want to wave and smile at you.
9. Me. Not to bad for being less then a month away from being 30 if I do say so myself. :D


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Doesn't look too bad. I laughed when western reporters first went into Baghdad and complained about sewage in the streets, trash, etc. Must have been their first trip to the 3rd world. Too bad the locals don't all appreciate us being there, especially the two-faced politicians who rise because of us while lambasting the coalition, like Al Sadr.
Thanks for the pics! Thanks for giving us freedom,and stay safe.
To give you an idea of how far the place has come, check these out.
The 1st pic is of the Mortar crew that was literally right out side the door.
Every night, they traded shots back and forth.
The next few is the compound we were staying at.
There is a car we stopped. The passengers started acting squirrelly. After inspection, we find weapons. Notice all of the cash in the 2nd photo. They were loaded.
The last couple is of another car we stopped. We about crapped our pants when we opened up the trunk and found an IED. The detonators were in the car in the front.
These were all Oct 2003. Notice also we didn't have the nice up-armored vehicles.


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Thank you for reminding me how happy I am that I never have to go back lol....is it sad that I can actually tell where on the complex you are and which gates your going out of? I think so lol. Staying subscribed as a constant reminder, I can almost smell that place again through those pix lol. Stay safe bro.
Cool pics reminds me when i was over in 2007. Never forget the feeling of being there. Spent some time at Slayer and worked on and around Victory and Liberty. Just had cinnabon on saturday haven't eaten there since i was in Iraq at one of those shitty trailers next to the P.X. Stay safe and thanks for your service. J.R.
Thanks for busting the dirtbags Gunbunny! I love that pic!

Man I wish I could buy you guys a beer or 10.
Hey Dusted it's Rocky from Al Asad. Sorry we couldn't touch base when you passed through... I am back home and trying to put that hell hole behind me. You know the deal man, hang tough and we all look forward to seeing you stateside when your tour is up.
I really like the pics.Keep them coming and thanks again to all youse guys over there!My cousin is somewhere over there also
Thanks for protecting the freedoms we all take for granted! Be safe over there and come home in one piece!
Morning all it's 11:03 a.m. here and I here are a few more pics today. These were taken on August 1st, the first day of Ramadan. It is a 122mm Russian rocket that hit a unused chow hall. No serious injuries but there were a few minor ones. In the first pic you can see the rocket motor sticking out of the ground at a 45 degree angle. You can also see how much frag was contained by the T-wall.


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Thanks Dusted, Never mentioned but is there anything you need from us guys stateside? Mopar magazines, socks, toothpaste? Let us know. What currency does the average Iraqi use over there? Take a pic of a $5, $10 or what ever you can get your hands on for a pic of lower bills. Thanks and tell us if ya need anything.
Small Block
yep. looks like the same SHITHOLE when I was there back in 2005, and 2008...Everything looks the same. I took many pictures and anywhere in Iraq, same shitty, filthy dirty place...Thanks for your service, be safe and come home to U.S. soil.

A big X2. Was there in 2008, and the sight of the T-Walls was enough to bring back the memories of the dust storms, crappy food, heat, etc., etc.
Thanks for your service, Sir, keep your head down and get home safely.