Earth Day



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
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In observance of the day, I plan to chop down a tree and burn it. I also plan to use Roundup on some weeds. I also need to chlorinate some algae to death. :snakeman:
I have a few dry rotted tires I need to get rid of, I guess that means bonfire tonight! :snakeman:
I think I will start my mower and just let it run while I sit in the shade and enjoy a cold one.:-D
Oh man, arent you guys worried about global warming...oh, yea, I mean "climate change". Guess they realized in light of the last three winters it was time to "re-brand" that bad boy...
Save a logger, "plant" an enviromentalist.
I am going to put on some hemp clothing, smoke some dope, hug a tree and sing Kumbuya while lamenting the evils of the military industrial complex (of course while I have my tin foil hat on so that they cannot listen to my thoughts). :happy10:
I work at a saw mill so every day is earth day for us! Are motto:
"Earth first, Will log the other planets later!"
I filled in a few low spots in the front yard, transplanted some grass into some bare areas, watered my Sugar Maple out front, and enjoyed the beautiful weather here...its like 78* outside now, not a cloud in the sky.
I filled in a few low spots in the front yard, transplanted some grass into some bare areas, watered my Sugar Maple out front, and enjoyed the beautiful weather here...its like 78* outside now, not a cloud in the sky.

Trade states?
I'm going to make a bumper-sticker that says "I :heart: gasoline".

It's nice and pleasant in Portland, as well. Been in the mid-70's to 80's since last week!
Well geez... that explains it.... my memo said it was "Darth Day" .....not "E"arth day..........guess the people were right at work... the Vader outfit was over the top..... not to mention the the Vader cup cakes.... sheesh..... who woulda thunk !!

now I guess I need to go home and knock all that metal crap out of my Cat convertor.

Well I plan on driving the dart around the block a million times with open headers.Opps i have no motor in it yet LOL.
Earth day huh?? Well then, I think I'll have to go out back and empty all of my full oil change containers into the nice green grass. Then light it on fire tonight. And sit there and periodically dump gas on it. While I pound beer and throw all of my cans in the fire. Then when it gets big enough I'll have to have a good old tire burning drunken fun fest.
all the tree huggin hippies are runnin around the campus...They had several booths set up solar, organic foods, flower power clothes....after five minutes out side under the shady trees. I told one of them....there's no DAMN air conditioning out here....I've had enough!
Do you guys remember why Earth Day was founded and what went on at the first one? It was a meeting of the wackos who were in a panic over the imminent ice age that was going to strike earth if we didn't stop breeding and return to the stone age before the 1980s. You know, many of the same communists who are attacking society now over the equally ficticious global warming, I mean climate change problem.

I will burn some race gas and rubber in observance of this most sacred day.
It has been nice here. Spring came. It took it long enough but it came. I am going to have to go fishing here soon and get me some bass.
I plan to chase some greenies with a Running Chainshaw!

I've done that!!! Sorta, not greenies but my soon to be mother in laws neighbor is a creepy peeping tom. I was cutting down a tree in her back yard and she came outside and said that Tony keeps walking past the house, slowing down and looking in her windows (she lives alone...and has big boobies) so I walked around the front of the house with the chainsaw in my hands. He was standing in her yard trying to look in the window, I started revving the cainsaw and just shook my head at him with a look like "I am willing to goto jail over this." He hasn't even glanced at the women in the neighborhood since that.

As for earth day...F Al Gore! I just used 3 spray cans in my driveway on some parts, blew a bunch of bondo dust out of the garage, and I am about to go clean out my turtle tank which means that I will be dumping about 60 gallons of stinky turtle water down the drain (don't ever get a water turtle!!!! stick with a tortoise). Isn't there some other stupid "holiday" coming up pretty soon?
That's the spirit, fellas. Because it was a beautiful day, I opted to also move dirt around to recontour the property. My tractor was running all day long.

I almost wish there were some greenies around her so I could do a FAT-245 on 'em.
hahaha, I remember answering the front door to Bible Bashers with a hockey mask and tire iron.

Actually, I may start the New motor off the Pipe and take it to redline this time.