


I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Im loving this stuff again! Had a nasty black and grungy 273 that I was kicking around the garage and I finally got down to cleaning it of grime. 2 cans of Easy off (99 cent store stuff may work too, just make sure it has the good Sodium Hydroxide in it) and about 30 minutes. Spray it on, let it set for 15 minutes and power wash it off. 1st pass got 90% of crud off off down to bare iron, paint and all. A few more spot treatments with a brush and all is clean. Wear eye protection and long pants, I got alot of blowback from the power washer getting into the spark plug holes. Pan was the worst. inside looked as bad as the outside being void of oil for decades. Got same results! Now I just have to pound the pan out and paint. Great stuff! It works so good Im sure CA will ban it soon.

I just re-opened a plastic jar of Easy-Off (with brush in cap) that had half the contents left. It was extremely watery and did not seem to have any cleaning power whatsoever. Don't know the "formula" it uses.
Back in the day I would use it and an sos pad to clean and prep engine bays for paint in one step. worked great with almost no other prep work needed.I was in New Mexico at the time (Holloman AFB) so rot repair wasn't an issue.
I have been using it for years, do not get it on painted surfaces, it may remove paint.
Pressure washing dirty engines, it will clean it up with little effort.
:thumbsup: I've used it for years. I got banned from a local car wash, for cleaning motors when I was po....and didn't have a pressure washer....lol. WEAR SAFETY GLASSES when you use it.
Back in the day, when they hand lettered work trucks. I would use it to remove the lettering. .warm day, spray it on, signage would wash off. never hurt the original finish.
before and after pics?
well, here is a lightly soiled portion of the block that didnt get treated yet, and after I treated blasted and painted. This pic is probably the lightest grime that was on the motor as it was above the leaking valve covers. And here is the inside of the pan after I scraped 1/4 inch of sludge and leaves from it and Easy-off'd it. The marks on the bottom are from the hammer I used to get it back in shape as it was collapsed about an inch from the PO's handling.
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The name brand works great. The 99 cent store,not so much,just takes more of it.
50 + years of gunk build-up. Didn't have a pressure washer,just a hose. But I was able to find the nuts !



I used it once years ago, and promptly forgot about it. Funny thing is,i have a grungy engine/trans coming saturday and want to clean it up some. This will help. I remember to use the cold cleaning stuff,the hot type oven cleaner wont work.
post up your success stories and pics. Maybe well get a blurb on the Easy Off social media page.

Pressure washer is key in getting the crap off. The EO softens/melts it but the pressure washer will blast even untreated grime off.
These types of cleaners work well, but washing in down the gutter sends it straight to the ocean. Swimming and Surfing in the ocean with Easy Off and all the other chemicals people wash down the gutter sucks. :(
Anyways, I go to the Dollar Store and get the awesome! I've cleaned many a motor and motor parts in awesome! It's awesome!
I use Awesome cleaner almost every day in the woodshop.

Forgot all about Easy Off, good reminder!

Anyways, I go to the Dollar Store and get the awesome! I've cleaned many a motor and motor parts in awesome! It's awesome!
These types of cleaners work well, but washing in down the gutter sends it straight to the ocean. Swimming and Surfing in the ocean with Easy Off and all the other chemicals people wash down the gutter sucks. :(

True. Then again, swimming and surfing in a place where fish make love , well.
Sorry I get your point.
PSA "Don't get the Oven Cleaner on you and wear long sleeves and wear safety glasses". I worked for an Aerosol company that made oven cleaner and it will eat your skin. If you already knew this,chive on.
PSA "Don't get the Oven Cleaner on you and wear long sleeves and wear safety glasses". I worked for an Aerosol company that made oven cleaner and it will eat your skin. If you already knew this,chive on.
yes, I was wearing shorts the first time and about 20 minutes later I was itching my legs, a bunch of pin-prick red burn marks! oops! Does this stuff come in a brush on application? Prior poster said he found some old stuff in a jar. Dipping parts would be great if it were in a liqued form. would save on overspray too.