Ever seen a Rambler Marlin?



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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My Brother met an old man at Carls Jr. while getting lunch and the old guy said he had a bunch of old cars he needed to start getting rid of and there were two of these Marlins (65-66) in year.( V8 emblems on the sides)
He told my brother to go check it out and gave him the address but told him to just look over the fence because his neighbor has orders to shoot if he sees anyone in there without him.

I googled the address and used satellite imaging in the maps to find this lot, and there are about 5 times what you can see in that image.

He took the pictures of the Dart and the Marlin over the fence, but I see Fords, Lincolns, Chevys, Dodges, and bunch of other who knows what in there.
My Brother said he seemed very interested in getting some help selling them and paying a percentage.
He said one of the cars belonged to Roy Rogers, but didn't say which one, and another was the truck that Cooter was always working on in The Dukes of Hazard.

My question is, since I live in AZ and these cars are in the outlying LA area what would you do in my position.
Drive over and check it out? (6 hrs one way)
Take a few thousand if you could, and see what you can secure?
Take a second on my house and rent a huge car hauler? :D


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Yeah. Have YOU ever seen the cool dual stick shifter they were optioned with? Awesome coolness.
Marlins are cool but a ***** to restore. NO parts. I had two and could not make one that was any good.
those marlins are nice but I doubt I would restore one even if I had the chance. A 66-7 charger is bad enough to try to restore but a marlin is even worse when 20k later you have car that is not even worth close to what you have into it.

poor aftermarket support and lack of knowledge and interest ....I would leave it someone else, even though I think they are soooo cool.
My nieces first car was a Marlin. This was about 10 years ago.. It was a damn cool car, but sadly she swerved to miss a deer and it went into a swamp. A friend of the family bought it and he restored it.

Onto your questions.. 6 hours is a long way away. I would be upset driving that far, getting there and just seeing something that should be crushed.. Then on the other hand, it could be just the opposite and you find something cool. I guess Im a skeptic and wouldnt make the drive myself.
those marlins are nice but I doubt I would restore one even if I had the chance. A 66-7 charger is bad enough to try to restore but a marlin is even worse when 20k later you have car that is not even worth close to what you have into it.

poor aftermarket support and lack of knowledge and interest ....I would leave it someone else, even though I think they are soooo cool.

I wish someone has told me this 15 year ago, Before I flushed a truck load a cash down the toilet! NO PARTS!!
Here is the Rambler Twin Stick.


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I wish someone has told me this 15 year ago, Before I flushed a truck load a cash down the toilet! NO PARTS!!

I have a 68 dodge coronet wagon and I have had the same thoughts. If in the unlikely event I need to replace the wagon specific parts .........might be searching for awhile :protest:
Thanks for that! I didn't know how they worked either and have only seen pictures. Heck, that's worth finding and restoring one right there. lol
Very cool,Trailbeast. Like the lines of the Marlin, seen one in my life. (FWIW,lit the primered beast yesterday...)
I was going to look at one that was on the local CL. It was a V8, had the twin stick (4sp and I think a seperate OD which was an overdrive). But it needed a lot and when I snooped around - nothing for them.
Yeah. Have YOU ever seen the cool dual stick shifter they were optioned with? Awesome coolness.

Hell I'd never seen one before that, let alone the dual shifter setup.
I didn't post those pics because I was interested in those two cars (Dart maybe) but it was the only two cars he could get close enough to the fence that looked worth taking pics of.
There must be 150 or so cars and trucks in that lot that he couldn't see.
Also I couldn't tell in the satellite images what they were.
He said he for sure saw at least one early 70's Duster in the distance, but couldn't tell much from way out at the fence line

Very cool,Trailbeast. Like the lines of the Marlin, seen one in my life. (FWIW,lit the primered beast yesterday...)

Bout time. :D
Did it sound good and run well?
I would hook up with the owner to get a close look at all he has. Take a trailer and some cash you might just pickup something cool. Worse case is you waste a little fuel and some time. On the other hand? You may score something worth the trip. I would do it.
There's a really clean '66 Marlin around here. I see him from time to time at one of the drive in's. They remind me of early Chargers.

While we're on the subject of A.M.C.'s here's another one that you don't see very many of. It's a Rebel Machine. My brother had a '70 AMX. Now that was a cool car!



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I would have to do it as a restomod (not requiring so many OEM pieces?) and
make it a Marlin Machine.......in the image of the Rebel Machine.

Jeeez....That picture of the Rebel Machine was posted while I was typing this!
My Dad was in the Air Force for 25 yrs. In 1959 we were living in Alaska. My mom won a contest for a car at the Base Exchange. He then got stationed in Vienna Austria. The car was shipped over there in 1962. Dad could barely drive the car anywhere without some one asking about it or trying to buy it. He finally relented and sold it to an Austrian in 1964. Here it is . Same color and all.


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My very first job at 16 was washing cars at a small AMC dealership in our town
during which time the first AMX's were delivered. The first one we received was
a red 390 Go Pack 4-spd with white stripes. I had dreams about owning that car!

Believe it or not, 45 years later I came upon that very same car in complete
unrestored survivor condition while visiting and attending a downtown cruise night.

I instantly and instinctively knew it was "the one" and subsequently verified it
through the current owner who, after years of storage, had purchased it from the
original owner - a person that I remembered. It turns out that the guy who has it
now is good friends with some of my old buddies and emailed me these pictures.

Talk about extremely strong feelings of deja-vu! I can still picture it sitting on the
showroom floor like it was yesterday. Only change I see is that it had redline tires.




Here's another cool AMC. This Hornet was a local car show a few years back. Very nicely done and this picture does the paint no justice.



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How about an Ambassador bodied Marlin?


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Come to kenosha! Amc's are everywhere ! I know a couple guy's who have Rebel Machine's ,Amx's and American's.