

FABO Administrator
Staff member
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois
Just to let everyone know --

As FABO grows and becomes busier, we need new servers that can better handle our growth. A 'server' is basically a computer where our site resides. The better servers we have, the more stable and faster the site will be for you.

Our new servers are not only more powerful and offer better / faster storage, but they also are in hardened Datacenter, which makes things much less susceptible to things like weather events. Our new datacenter is actually underground in an old limestone mine. This means things like weather shouldn't have much or any effect on our ability to keep the site running. :)

Soon, as in within the next day or two, we will move FABO to our new servers. There is nothing you need to worry about or do. The site will be unavailable for a few hours while we move all the photos and files, but it shouldn't be too long. Don't panic when you see a message that says the board is closed, it will only be for a few hours.

Thank you all for helping create a great site.

Joeychgo, Admin
This is great news. Now, when the Apocalypse starts, is there room for all 47,009 current members! :)
"This means things like weather shouldn't have much or any effect on our ability to keep the site running."

I don't know.......When we got hit by Harvey a couple of weeks ago I couldn't access the site for about a week??? :rofl:

Don't PANIC he says!!!

Just the thought is
In a tizzy never
Mind a PANIC!

I need a drink....
Do it while I'm at work so I won't be inconvenienced....
Hey Joey any chance those old limestone mines are in Kansas City? I drive right past them everyday going to work. My workplace uses them to store offsite secure data!
will it have a beer bar also? Nice job FABO will out last the zombie apocalypse!
PANIC !! Not me, nothing makes me panic :thankyou:
What are you using for data storage?
Hey Joey any chance those old limestone mines are in Kansas City? I drive right past them everyday going to work. My workplace uses them to store offsite secure data!
Next to Kraft Cheese?
If those are barrels of cheese, I'm moving in!

Just need a few tons of tortilla chips, toppings, a microwave, sofa and big screen TV.