Favorite movies



John/68 Barracuda & Dart
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
Newport News, Virginia
Okay we`ve done the music thing, how about your favorite movies. Any time, any genre? There are many more but here`s a few of my favorites:

Drama- Schindlers List, The Shawshank Redemption
Comedy- The Money Pit
Adventure- Raiders of the Lost Ark catalog
Horror- The Exorcist, The Evil Dead trilogy
Classic- The Sound of Music, It`s a Wonderful Life, THe Wizard of Oz
Western- Pale Rider

I`m anxious to see what some of you like....
Repo Man, Apocalypse Now, Easy Money, Caddy Shack, Strange Brew, Trading Places, Slap Shot. Those are my top of the list.

Here's some others that I always enjoy... probably too many to say any one is my favorite.

Blues Brothers, Better Off Dead, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, French Connection, River's Edge, Caveman, Mystery Train, Reservoir Dogs, Raising Arizona, Rushmore, Animal House, Fandango, The Graduate, Teen Wolf, No Country For Old Men, Cool Hand Luke, Blazing Saddles, Silver Streak, LA Confidential, The Right Stuff, Easy Rider, Pink Panther... man I could go on and on...
Drama- ???
Comedy- monty python and the holy grail
Adventure- Top Gun
Horror- I don't like horror movies.
Classic- ???
Western- mclintock
Stir Crazy
Pale Rider
Josie Whales
No time for Sargents
Uncle BucK
Problem Child
Schindlers list
Saving Private Ryan
Pearl Harbor
Blue and the Gray
U 571
The Hunnley
The Great Raid
Joe Dirt
and many more...

Favorit actors....Clint Eastwood,Richard Pryor,John Candy
Most car oriented movies like: American Graffitti, Hollywood Knights, Vanishing Point, Two Lane Blacktop, Hot Rod, smokey and the bandit, etc.

Comedies: better off dead, Knocked up, 40 year old Virgin, Last American Virgin, Joe Dirt, Juno
Heres some of my favs.

Smokey and the Bandit
Up in Smoke
Good Fellas
Animal House
Planes Trains and Automobiles
Fast Time at Ridgemont High

Just to name a few
Drama- A Few Good Men
Comedy- Johnny Dangerously, 10 Things I Hate About You
Adventure- Raiders
Horror- The Shining
Classic- Gone with the Wind, It Happened One Night
Western- Shenandoah (sort of a western), Tombstone, 3:10 to Yuma
"Chick Flick" - The Notebook
Most car oriented movies like: American Graffitti, Hollywood Knights, Vanishing Point, Two Lane Blacktop, Hot Rod, smokey and the bandit, etc.

Comedies: better off dead, Knocked up, 40 year old Virgin, Last American Virgin, Joe Dirt, Juno

Better Off Dead was a good one....I want my 2 dollars!
Drama-Dances with Wolves
Comedy-Pretty women
Adventure-all Lethal Weapon
Horror-Don't watch them, he he
Classic-Brave Hart
Western-Tombstone,fist full of dolors,Good bad and the ugly
Super Troopers, Snatch, Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Smokin' Aces, all of Eastwood's spaghetti westerns, 2001 Space Oddessy, Silent Running, The Omega Man. Planet of the Apes, almost any John Wayne movies but especially Big Jake, The Shootist and McClintock, Saving Private Ryan, Tombstone.
I sure like...
300, Fight Club, The Punisher, Tropic Thunder, The Edge, American History X, The Man From Snowy River movies, Toy Story (and most anything else Pixar) for watching with the boys

but you can't go wrong with a lazy, rainy, sat morning spent on the couch watching some classic Dirty Dozen, or Magnificent Seven...
Hmmm, Lets see..

My most favorite movies are Grease and American Graffiti, as my wife is from Modesto. A can recite the whole dialog when watching both of them.

Drama- probably Heat, I just watched Rightious Kill the other day, darn good movie, Sorcerer also

Comedy- too many. Airplane, Top Secret, Fast Times, Silver Streak

Adventure- Indiana Jones series, Die Hard series didnt really like 4.

Horror- Nightmare on Elm Street series, One Missed Call, The Ring

Classic- Its a Wonderful Life, watch it every Christmas, The Longest Day, The Bridge at Remagen

Western- Unforgiven, The Wild Bunch, Tombstone, The Shootist,
The Cowboys, True Grit
Full Metal Jacket, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dazed & Confused, There Will Be Blood, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Bullitt (duh), Akira, A Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, The Big Lebowski, Natural Born Killers...

I actually don't watch movies that often but when I do it's usually a classic (and directed by Stanley Kubrick).
Drama- A Few Good Men
Comedy- Johnny Dangerously, 10 Things I Hate About You
Adventure- Raiders
Horror- The Shining
Classic- Gone with the Wind, It Happened One Night
Western- Shenandoah (sort of a western), Tombstone, 3:10 to Yuma
"Chick Flick" - The Notebook

I should`ve included a chick flick category. Lol! The Notebook was excellent.
Favourite movie of all time: Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Some other great movies in my mind:

Paint your Wagon


South Pacific

Animal House

Blues Brothers
Blues Brothers 2000

Second Hand Lions

The Notebook

Smokey and the Bandit

An Affair to Remember

The Bishop's Wife (original)

Tender Mercies

Cat Ballou

I could go on, but I do have to work. :-D
Lord of the Rings -all three
The Green Mile
American Graffiti-it has our wedding song in it,lol
Sin City
and I don't like horror movies either.
I should have added a Sci-Fi and Animated category.

Sci-Fi- The Thing, The Terminator
Animated- Ratatouille, Fantasia