Flying Cars when will it happen


dodge freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Too close to Detroit, lol
BBC has some pictures of a few flying cars, airplanes that can be driven like a car.

Kind of surprising how primitive most of them look like and how they seem so hard to build

Cars today aren't any quicker to get around then the cars we had 50 years ago. Sure they drive better but its still 70 mph driving down the same old roads, newer cars don't take you around any quicker, just uses less fuel.

Flying cars are the next big thing, imo. Computers are going to have to take over - help out on driving and "talk" to each car around and then the sky's be open.

Wounder when it happen in masses, likely 100 - 150 years from now, ha ha

But since roads will no long be needed as much it has to happen someday, your very own car - plane to get around with

Then for sure a 11 second car won't seem so great, lol a car that can not fly will be like the horse and buggy


  • p00xb6yp.jpg
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With the way these fruits drive around here, I do not want them above my head able to drop out of the sky as well!
I don't want any of the Morons I see on the road everyday in the airspace over my house !
They're already here.

[ame=""]Police Dash Cam Records Car Flying Into Bridge - YouTube[/ame]
Flying cars are the next big thing

Ain't 'a gonna happen, ever. Thank God

Since sometime in the 30's magazines like Popular Science and others have "predicted" how "we" are "going" to live in 10, 20, 50 years. Long long ago, according to these "experts" "we"........................

would be living in all plastic houses

would drive cars with plastic bubbles, controlled by joysticks, or even.......gasp.....completely automated

I can still remember an "artist's conception" around the end of WWII of a suburbia paradise, the "old man" going to work, stepping out of the house with pipe in mouth, morning in paper under-arm, and like the other 50 ticky-tacky houses in the neighborhood, was about to board the tiny 2 place private plane IN THE driveway and fly leisurely off to work.

If you want to see how this would work,

1 Make your way to LA or Seattle, or any other large city

2 Go up into the tallest building you can imagine

3 Watch the mess of traffic below, only pretend that you are looking UP at tiny private airplanes. Is this REALLY what we want????

Right here:


Popular Science and "how we would live:" It ain't happened yet





500 to 1,000 years from now but they are coming. Not as many roads seems like too good to pass up. Computers are going to have to take over everything, first they gotta get them to drive the cars on the roads, that might be in a few hundred years, lol

Rolling resistance from the tires would be gone once in flight, so there be less drag and if no more crashes happen, the car - plane could be built lightweight. Once in the air no worries of hitting anything like wildlife on the ground. Lots of benefits of being above an old freeway vs driving on it. I'm sure they be restricted to only certain areas - over the interstate freeways seems likely. Instead of 2 to 4 car lanes they could fly over each other, so 20 cars easily - the farther you are going, the higher up the car could fly

Too bad we won't get to see how life will be in 3012, lol

People today can't drive worth a ****. Now you want to let them loose in the sky where you can fall...

Or, hopefully the idiots will take each other out and strengthen the gene pool...