Freaky MS box



Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2009
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Western Pa
Been running this box 4 years, I think. No probs. Ran around last night, wacked on it pretty good as usual. Typical drive home from the cruise.

Decided today to run my valves since I haven't adjusted them since January on the dyno.
Anyhow, I'm resting my arm on my MSD box and noticed a little "burning" while touching the engine. So I grabbed my 12V tester and SURPRISE!

Is this a normal thing? Works great. I bet it's been like this since new.

I just thought it was odd that my box is 12v hot all the time. Had wifey light it up while I snapped a pic. That aint my dainty hand....
So how is it not chassis grounded through the mounting hardware ? Are the rubber isolators for both chassis ground and vibration ? Maybe that mounting is like shock absorber mounting ( capable of breaking the chassis ground path ). Shows how much I know/don't know about aftermarket ignition boxes.
If this was April 1st I would suspect the clip end of your tester is on a ALT' or BATT' post, something positive.
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That's a FULL 12 volts too. Wifey's hand is hot in more ways than one. lol
The mounts are vibration isolators. No mention of grounding the box body.....
Like I said, been running it for years. Wired correctly, of course.
Include me in the "I can't imagine it's normal" camp.

Oh... didn't want any of you bad asses to think I have sissy hands. I'm quite proud of my nasty, knarly, mitts.
I would email that pic with an description of the issue to MSD.

IF the MSd-box might find 'ground' by chance through one of the mountingbolts, I think it could blow up the electronics inside, or at least blow its fuse.
If it lights an incandescent bulb and you feel a slight shock, it is more than just electrostatic buildup, and might be able to weld if a wrench touches it. Before complaining to MSD, check the SN and see if the same as on the many MSD Chinese fakes out there. Someone posted a photo of one opened up to show a single small transistor tacked to the case, instead of the complicated circuit board in a true MSD box.
So how can you tell if it's a Chinese Fake? This thing came from Summit, 2011. Can't believe a Chi-copy could make it to Summit.
As mentioned, the fakes all have the same SN. It was posted in this forum a year or so ago w/ photos of the innards.

Re Summit, I find they often don't provide much value-added, like details about the product or even correct applications. Similar for most Amazon sellers and the many auto parts sites that pop-up in a google search (many are same company under different names). Don't know how they vet their suppliers and try to keep illegal copies out of their system. If you believe large corporations are honest and ethical, read about Wells-Fargo this week or try to cash in your airline miles.
I'll have to try and find that thread. Check serial number tomorrow. I guess ya never know.
That is one nasty and well grounded hot wire there. You have a serious wiring issue.

FWIW, and it seems to be just me, but all but 3 of the MSD boxes I ever had were the worst purchase one could make. And they themselves repaired them only to fail.
Worst repair company I ever felt with.
Excellent service otherwise.
But I'll never go back to them if I can't help it.
No wiring issue with the car, dude. Hot goes straight to battery. Like it's supposed to. MSD seemed to be familiar with the issue. 6 year old box they offer to fix free.....if I pay shipping, of course.
I'll run it the rest of the year. Not sure yet which way I'm going to go. Not many choices.