


Take-off EH!
Feb 10, 2012
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Despite all superficial bullshit that people like to spew. If you have ONE ture friend, cherish it. Last night I never felt so good knowing I did not let money, greed or the ego come between my true self and my good friend. For what its worth... I hope some reads this and feels the same way about another person. It comes back to you.

I have a friend like that and they are rare. We both know that all we need to do is call the other and we will drop whatever we are doing to help the other.

Got one of those friends too. He and I do a lot for each other and the other needs anything for their car we just give it. True friends are hard to come by and I am happy to say I have a few like that.
Best definition of a friend I ever heard was a person, who when you call him from jail doesn't ask why, he simply asks...where.
I could use one of those friends, Ive moved around to much, I find one of those friends then I move, now Ive found my place where I plan on living for life and been here 10 years and yet have I found one of those friends again. So hold on to the ones you guys have.
That friend for me is my buddy John. Met him 17 years ago when I moved into the same workgroup that he was in. Within 4 hrs, we were finishing each other's thoughts. He recently retired and moved 2 hours away. Makes it a little more challenging to just drop and be there in 15 minutes. If we truly need a hand with something, we try to plan it out now.
Only 1 that I know of and though we rarely talk anymore it's etched in stone that there will never be a why but a "where" and "when."

It's just that simple.....

I am sitting right now with one as we watch his wife slowly slip away. He did the same for me once. Good friends require a lot of time.
Best definition of a friend I ever heard was a person, who when you call him from jail doesn't ask why, he simply asks...where.

I had a friend like that.

I did this very thing about 35 years ago. I was a passenger in a car and the driver was pulled over for drunk driving. Called my buddy from jail at 3 am and he picked me up.

Fast forward 25 years and I got a call from his wife telling me they were involved in a car accident. He was in a coma. I left within an hour to drive 10 hours to see him. Stayed there for a couple of days after he came out it. To this day he remembers all the great times we had 35 years ago, but he doesn't have any short-term memory.

I haven't been able to find another friend like that since. You're right, hard to come by...stay connected if you do find one.
I had one, he died at age 43 from pancreatitis Oct 5 2006. I have many good friends but none that I would take a bullet for since he passed.
Being alone is tuff alright. I've been in this town for 34 years, and haven't found a car-guy buddy. I have found a Bible-study buddy, but that is the only interest we share, and he is 14 years my junior.
Despite all superficial bullshit that people like to spew. If you have ONE ture friend, cherish it. Last night I never felt so good knowing I did not let money, greed or the ego come between my true self and my good friend. For what its worth... I hope some reads this and feels the same way about another person. It comes back to you.

Yea, I married her.
Being alone is tuff alright. I've been in this town for 34 years, and haven't found a car-guy buddy. I have found a Bible-study buddy, but that is the only interest we share, and he is 14 years my junior.
almost the same boat here . have a really good buddy I grew up w/, he`s an excellent mechanic, and has his own flow bench and serdi valve machine. He takes care of my heads, most of the time free, I take care of his plumbing free. He is about 20 some miles away tho. Also an 18 time national record holder.
Being alone is tuff alright. I've been in this town for 34 years, and haven't found a car-guy buddy. I have found a Bible-study buddy, but that is the only interest we share, and he is 14 years my junior.

My 2 car buddys both lost their lives to terminal illness within the last 3 years.... It really has been a kick in the teeth however I was lucky enough to be a part of the lives they had. What was interesting is we mixed it up with what our interest was but there was definitely a good bond and I envy people who get to enjoy those times today.... Someone is probably right at your doorstep and the star have just never aligned lol....

I had my best friend show up today out of the blue. We talked for 3 hours. You know, he didn't come around for 2 years because of wife issues but we just picked right up where we left off like nothing happened. That's how it is with real friends.
I am blessed to be able to say that I have tons of great friends, lots of close friends who I can count on, and they can always count on me! I lost one of the best friends I had a couple years ago, he left this world doing what he enjoyed most, riding his motorcycle! He was one of those guys who never had a bad word to say about anybody, and the line of classic cars and bikes at his funeral was a great testament to just how many lives he touched! He was a great mentor to me, and we spent hours talking cars, bikes, life...everything! There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of him! In fact, he was responsible for making the first few dozen early A crossmembers for me, and helped me restore the blue 66 Cuda I so proudly drive today! It was out in the field next to his house!! Friends like Sam you never forget!!!

I have a couple left, my bride is #1 of course. I lost my friend Cliff on 8/17/16 when our boat capsized, I came home but he didn't. My friend Dave I met in the fifth grade, we graduated together and still build cars together.
At my age, the hard realization is that the herd is thinning rapidly!
I have a couple left, my bride is #1 of course. I lost my friend Cliff on 8/17/16 when our boat capsized, I came home but he didn't. My friend Dave I met in the fifth grade, we graduated together and still build cars together.
At my age, the hard realization is that the herd is thinning rapidly!
How very true. Have you ever stopped and thought about the number of friends, family members, etc in your life that have passed away? I have and it is mind numbing!