Frightening gift for the kids?



Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Morris, AL
Well, Christmas is a little over a week away and I am finally starting to get into the spirit, thanks to all of you. If it were not for FABO, I wouldn't really get into the swing of it until Christmas morning when it is too late to enjoy it!
There is one or two Christmas memories I wanted to share. About 6 years ago, my oldest daughter decided that she wanted this remote-controlled thing called "shellshocker" for Christmas. For those of you who are not familliar, it looked like a neon green, alien, armadillo with big fins that closed-up around it's body or spread out to act like wheels and a long articulated tail with a scorpion-type stinger on the end. Not the typical wish for a 6 year old girl, but she was absolutely in love. Like any dad, my princess' wish is my command, so I went all over town and paid an exorbinant ammount for, perhaps the last one for sale on planet earth. We hid it well and made sure the battery pack (sold seperately) was fully charged for Christmas morning. The look of pure joy on her face when she tore the wrapping paper off made it all worthwhile. I grabbed my tiny screwdriver and set about "Dad's work" of installing batteries, and took the controls to show her how to pilot her new best friend around the living room.
What followed was like something out of a "Chuckie" movie. When I switched on the toy, it's eyes glowed red and the thingflew across the living room - fast! I gave it a little reverse throtle to stop it and the whole thing flipped over SLAMMING the tail on the ground in front of it (it's signature killing move)! The cats left the zip code. All was silent. My little angel was cowering behind her mother, who for some reason, was now glaring at me with those "what the hell were you thinking" eyes. I gave it a few more tries, but there was no way to move that atrocity around without fast, viloent thrashing. At this point I kind of wanted to keep it for myself, but cooler heads prevailed and we returned it and let my little one have a shopping spree with the refund.
My second daughter (I think she was 3 at the time) recieved a "Tickle-me-Elmo THX" from her grandparents. She didn't ask for it, but it was the hottest toy that year, and I'm sure my mother went through a rough time getting it. As soon as Elmo started laughing and shaking, my #2 took off screaming and crying for Mommy! I got to give Mom the "what the hell were you thinking" stare, but not for long, I knew exactly.

Merry Christmas, all! Please share your stories of gifts that didn't go as planned. If you have little ones, don't worry, the things that don't go "right" sometimes turn out to be even more precious than the things that do. Above all, remember that what makes Christmas great is not the presents, but the presence. 17 year old girl..and she really is a girly girl..who wouldn't hurt a fly..wants an x-box 360 with Doom and call to duty (i think that is what it is called )..yeash..

Mom said ABSOLUTELY no car gifts for her this year so I am giving the car a 900 watt amp..good thing there is no rust on the duster..

Great thread, 4flats! Got two stories for you.
The first is one I remember from when I was about 10. My mom was the ultimate Christmas snoop and thought everyone else was as well. So, this particular Christmas she decided she would wrap all the presents and not put any name tags on them since she was sure she could remember each gift and who it was for.
All went well until my grandfather, who had a vocabulary as colorful as a cross between a Marine drill instructor and a Merchant Marine sailor, opened his gift, held it up and loudly asked, "What the *$@&^!%$ am I supposed to do with this?"
He'd opened up a gift obviously intended for my sister, a new bra.

The second is the Christmas we got my 4-year old daughter a new swing set for the backyard. The original plan had been to put it together and set it up in the backyard after she went to bed on Christmas Eve. Well, that year it decided to rain for a solid week before Christmas and continued on into Christmas day.
We ended up giftwrapping the huge box and putting the long cardboard box on the living room floor in front of the Christmas tree with bows all over it.
Even at 4 years old she didn't buy it - saying there's no way Santa could get that box down the chimney and how come it's wrapped in the same paper as the other gifts that didn't come from Santa.
So, this particular Christmas she decided she would wrap all the presents and not put any name tags on them .

My wife did the exact same thing last year (or the year before that?), with almost the same results! The gifts for the rest of the family were stacked in another room, but we have 3 girls. "Look what Santa brought for... rip, tear, peek... Bug!" Hilarious!!
You buy all them high tech high buck toys but most of the time they are out playing in the dirt with sticks and rocks. Got to love kids. They know how to have a lot of fun with nothing more than there imagination.
The best gift for a small child is anything that comes in a box big enough to climb into! That box becomes what ever they want it to.
Brings back a memory of when my oldest was 2 or 3. All through November and the first part of December he just wanted some hot wheels and normal boy toys. Took him to see Santa a week before Christmas, and what does he tell Santa he wants? A beach ball. First we'd heard of it, Santa must have seen our confused faces since he asked what else he wanted, all he kept repeating was he wanted a beach ball.

So, you ever try to find a beach ball a week before Christmas in land locked Colorado? I ran all over Boulder and north Denver looking for a beach ball. Finally got lucky and an old clerk remembered that someone had stashed one under the counter in the junk bin and gave it to me for free. That was probably the most difficult request to fulfill.
Great idea 4flats! I remember my first little girls first encounter with Santa... She was not quite 2 years old yet. The wife and I made sure everything was perfect, the lights were low and the tree was lit, and I walked in from behind the chimney in my Santa suit with some gifts nice and slow... you would have thought she just saw Godzilla!! She grabbed on to mom and proceeded to scream histerically. Yep, I traumatized the hell out of her, felt just terrible afterwards. Took her years before the fat guy didn't give her the creeps... Needless to say we didn't try that trick with our second daughter...
1989, we were just 6 months in our new house and money was tight.
I had plenty of room to play outdoors so something to play with would be great. Just so happened that my employer had purchased several little 7 horsepower 3 wheelers to give away in a sales promotion. Laws had been passed to block the sale of those things so I talked the owner into giving to last one to me. On Christmas morning my daughter steered the 3 wheeler into the side of my car. No real harm done. Wife and I shared the driving with daughter or son as a passenger.
Dec.28th, some of wifes' family came to spend a few days with us in our new home. Included was Lyn, 17 year old niece who was then, and still is, very attractive. She stayed on the 3 wheeler with or without a passenger, rain or shine, only stopping for fuel. Lawn and everything else became a muddy mess.
New Years Day, about 3 pm. Bright sunshine , not terribly cold out.
8 grown men were standing at the upper edge of my property, beer in hand, kind of like a scene from King Of The Hill, watching the show.
Funniest part was when wifes' aunt asked, "What are your neighbors all standing out there for ?" I replied, "You'll see in just a minute".
Then the 3 wheeler came around again and every eye out there watched closely as it passed.
I learned later that most of them weren't neighbors but guests of neighbors who came to watch football or something.
The best christmas is yet to come.
All the kids are grown and out of the house except my youngest son.
I have 3 grand kids.
So what do you buy a 3 year old grandson, a drum set.
I hope he is able to get on his dads nerves.
I really really do, but some how this may backfire on me.
My Mom said she wanted to live long enough so she could watch me have a child just like me..she has (90th birthday this April and will be on the internet in January) and I have..ouch !

BTW, I have said that to my daughter...I wonder.........
The best gift for a small child is anything that comes in a box big enough to climb into! That box becomes what ever they want it to.

You are right. My wife bought our son all kinds of toys $$$, I told her I had the best gift. He openned all the gifts and played in the big box for days.
wow, so tue. last x-mas, we got our daughter the most exspensive barbie 6 volt rechargeable jeep. thing was like 400 buks. well, let me put it this way. that jeep sat under the carport for 2 weeks without being driven! but the box stayed in her room for over a month, and she had a awesome setup, and she would force me to sit inside with her, and have a tea party, as we stared out the window we HAD to cut in the box for her.lmao
I've always wondered why no big toy company sold boxes around Christmas?? That would be on every kid's wish list, heck, I'm up for a little fridge-box-fort action myself.