Galen Govier s Response for my car !

At Spring Fling a year or two ago, he was walking around snapping pictures of vin tags. He moved the sign in sheet covering my vin to snap a pix of it. I don't have a fender tag(thru it out years ago) so he couldn't take a pix of it.

lol if he wanted a shot of my vin or fender tage I'd knock him out. besides the fender tag won't have the proper info for when mine is done anyways.
As far as I know he does this for a living. It's his pay-check! He's got all the info from Chrysler that was available but he doesn't stop there. He is still collecting info from us all. And that is a good thing. Unless they are taxi cabs,
the cars he checks out are usually worth more money. I'm glad the previous owner of my Dart had Galen run the vin. # and register the car. It's one of 1237 GT's produced with the HP273 and a 4-speed. That includes coupes and converts (that breakdown information is not available). That info is nice to know and makes the car a little more unusual knowing they didn't make that many of them. Naturally the E and B Bodies are his bread and butter.
There is more info about them and they are higher dollar cars so people need to know more specifics. Galen's a nice guy and has done a lot to ancrease the value of our cars and our hobby. Mike
I have never used his service nor do I plan to. The truth of the matter is who are we trying to kid here? I have a 69 Superbee that is a true sidescoop car. Well, I know the numbers are something like, 1 out of 1358. Then if we start going into color and other options, it probably would have broke down to 1 in 35 or so. Everyone can pretty much do this on just about any car. Is it nice info to have? I suppose so. But my car doesn't have a tag or broadcast sheet. It still has the original paint, scoops, etc though but to have galen certify the car would cost a mint, I would have to take a ton of pictures, and then when the car gets resto'd, I would feel obligated to make it original. So I know the truth on my one car and can prove it but I sure as heck am not about to pay Galen for his stamp of okay.
I guess to some having a guy collect as much information on Mopars and decipher it in case we or someone else in the hobby wants to know specifics, whether or not he makes a profit from it, is a good thing. What's the difference if a guy repops a part or actually restores your car for a profit? That person might need to get a reference from someone other than yourself to try to get it right. I know some of you don't want your car "Galen Certified" and that's OK, mine aren't either. Have you ever wondered how many of a certain Mopar were made? Whether a car you are interested in buying is legit? This is why the information is collected. To those that get irritated when there is no information on certain cars, yet some go to the trouble to block the VIN, that makes no sense. It would be nice if everyone worked together as much as possible to help document our cars for the generations that follow. If it's as simple as letting someone photograph your data plate or maybe going to the trouble of documenting EVERY CHARGER you come across like I did for several years to register with the Charger Registry, it all helps out.
I recently bought a 72 T-bird because I got it cheap. It had a 400. Long story short, it was thought that NONE were built with that engine. I went and got the Marti report which generated the information about the car from Ford. It turns out there were 2006 of them built. The information is now available via website for others to now see. One car made a difference, but that car had to be documented to do it.
If you are unhappy with the level or quality of information available on your type of car I encourage you to start a registry of your own.
I second that. Galen is providing a service and charging us for it if we choose
to use his services. Nothing wrong with that. Mike