G'Bye ol buddy!!!



Barracuda Freak
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, Pa
in just over 3 hours, I have to make that dreaded trip to the vets office with my cat, Mork!! He's 15-1/2, has had a pretty good life, but has been wasting away, he';s down to 6 lbs from a weight of 13 some years ago. Half blind, partially deaf, and has recently lost control of where and when he goes the bathroom(well, he DOES use the litter, sometimes), he has arthritis real bad, walks pained and it';s just time, time to let him go gracefully.

It'll be hard, he's been with me since I got my apartment when me and the dragon lady separated the first time. He's been a great cat, a good teacher(has "schooled" 3 kittens)and always knew when I needed him around me.

Today @ 1230 I'll say goodbye to him..........this is so freakin hard!!



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sorry to hear that type of news. i know what you mean. i had to do that sorrowful trip back in january of 2010 when i had to put my purebreed english bulldog (bandit) down he was almost 12 yrs young and that is a long time for a bulldog they normally live to be 8-10 yrs. i got him back when he was 3 wks old from a breeder in EL PASO, TX when i was stationed there. i had him cremated and i have his ashes still on my computer desk next to my statues of bulldogs.
I'm having Mork cremated but haven't decided whether to get a small urn for him, or sprinkle his ashes on "Junior's" grave. Junior was a cat Mork "raised and schooled", although not in the fine art of descending from an 80 foot oak tree, which Junior failed at and fell from, breaking his back. Mork mourned junior, and used to sit on the stone marking junior's grave.

We have a 18yr old in the same condition but cant bring ourselfs to make the trip to the vets...I feel your pain, And we had our 15yr old die a few years ago from the same thing.
I Feel your pain. you are doing the right thing though. Only 830 and you guys have my eyes watering. My cats about 12 and really slow. And my cockers deaf and I have to use hand gestures to take him out. I know I don't have long with my friends. Luckily I have Max my 1 year old Pom who will helP me thru it.
Sorry to hear that, FF. Some people dont quite understand how others can take it so hard to lose an animal. Although I dont currently have any, I do understand that when you have a pet like that, it really does become a part of the family. And it is really hard when these times come.
It's tough.
We should know going into that relationship, that we'll see their entire lifecycle play out, but it doen't make it any easier.

After almost 20 years of not having any pets, we now have 6 cats (all under 2 years, and all strays) and the 14 year old chihuahua I inherited with my wife.
They've all got incredibly unique personalities.

I still miss the big orange tiger cat I had when I was a kid.
In the end, we knew he didn't have much time left, but the vet said he wasn't in pain.
I woke up one morning, and found him on the porch.
At least he got to go out on his terms, peacefully surveying "his territory".
If I got to choose the way I go...

My mom had a Birman, I found while driving my first 66 Coronet.
He wasn't so lucky, and we had to put him down due to illness.
That was more than 15 years ago, and I don't think she has gotten over it yet.

I know already it's gonna' tear me up when all my current little guy's times are up.

Hang in there, man!
I know how you feel and how hard it is.My wife and I had to put our little jack russel down on Dec 1st. That was one of the hardest things to go through.He was in the family for over 14 years. You are doing the right thing..
Sorry to hear you're going through this. I remember having to put down my 13 year old Lab down back in 2004. The toughest decision I ever had to make. He was in bad shape. I made sure I kept him comfortable, wrapped a blanket around him, kissed and talked to him right by his face while they got the shot ready. I cried my eyes out at the vets office after he was gone. Horrible pain. I still think about Tylor all the time.
My thoughts are with you. A fellow Pittsburgher.
I'm having Mork cremated but haven't decided whether to get a small urn for him, or sprinkle his ashes on "Junior's" grave. Junior was a cat Mork "raised and schooled", although not in the fine art of descending from an 80 foot oak tree, which Junior failed at and fell from, breaking his back. Mork mourned junior, and used to sit on the stone marking junior's grave.


I'm so sorry you both have to go through this. < hug >
Thanks to all for the sentiment! I know it's the right thing to do, but I keep wondering if there's a way to keep him around longer.....and that's not fair to him, or me!! My sister is going to drive me to the vets, and I'm not putting him in a carrier, I'm taking a towel and wrapping him up and holding him for the 4 mile drive. I was going to take him by myself, but I don't know if I'll be able to see the road to drive afterwards. Hes just been with me thru so much, and it's hard, really hard, and the day holds nothing but tougher times.

On a brighter side, I will be holding, and enjoying, my 5 month old grandson this afternoon, and going with my older son to see his new(er) house and get the grand tour. When feeling down, surround yourself with the ones you love. Family, it's what helps us thru the hardest times,

Sorry to hear the bad news,my condolances.Been there before,at least you are doing the best thing.
Sorry about your cat. Looks like he's lived a LONG happy life with you. No regrets needed.
It's a difficult thing to do. I don't envy your situation.
I did it with my 17 year old Black Lab/Shepard mix. She had her second stroke in 6 months, and it was apparent that she wasn't going to pull through the second time.
If it's any comfort, the shot the vet gave her acted almost instantaneously. By he time he was through giving her the shot, she was gone. It was very peaceful.

I had her cremated and put her asses to rest in her favorite spot under an azalea bush in the front yard.

My sympathies FF.
I am sorry to hear this. It doesn't matter if a pet is a cat or a dog once they are a part of the family no ,matter the reason it is always hard when you know it's time for them to go.
On a brighter side, I will be holding, and enjoying, my 5 month old grandson this afternoon, and going with my older son to see his new(er) house and get the grand tour. When feeling down, surround yourself with the ones you love. Family, it's what helps us thru the hardest times,

Amen brother. Sounds like a good plan there.
Sorry for your cat. We lost our 17 yr old dog Thanskgiving. I found him floating in the pool. I knew he couldn't swim anymore and had blocked off the pool with ropes and chairs, but he probably fell down and rolled under the ropes. He was totally deaf and getting blind, but still wanted to go for a walk every day, even though he often fell over. I never considered "putting him to sleep", least they consider that for us aging baby boomers. At least he waited until everyone was home to see him one last time. In nature, he wouldn't have passed long ago since he couldn't even climb a hill. A year ago, he rolled into a pond and couldn't get out, just flopped in the mud exhausted and cold until I carried him out.
Really sorry to hear about this. It is definitely a difficult thing to do, however sometimes it is up to us to make a decision that is best for all.. Take care..

Been where you're at, my friend. Just because it's the "right/merciful" thing to do doesn't make it any easier. We lost 3 of our Weimaraners between March & July. Our pets have more impacts on us than people do. Just remember all the little moments in the quiet times!